ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THLFRSDAY, MAY 9th, 1968 At the end of the past winter season the Orono Amateur Ath- letic Association paid of an a- mount of $509.00 on theirloan on the artificial ice plant. This still leaves a sum of $4000.00 yet to be paid. The oneration of the rink and winter sports for Orono and dis- trict is rurning into quite a busi- ness with total receipts during the winter season reaching a to- tai of $11,249.03. Payments dur- ing the year repched a hig'h of $10,364.86. The bria st ~rnaïso re- veals that rink receîpts amou-t.ed to $459860 with pay outs amoun- ting to $762666. Hockey receipts ,vere $185173 'witb expenditures at $470.85. The -,/,nual banquet grossed $810,50 with payments of Statilonery Wiyen planning your wedding be sure to view the beautiful and complete line of Wedding Station- ery handled at the Orono Weekly Times. A complete uine of Invitations, Announcements, Thank-you cards Serviettes, Matcdhes, Place Cards, Reception Cards.. Oron W eklyTimes iione 983-5301 Orono, Ontar:7o VarjusAeasSCt-up inLZfo-n0 eing Area By-law In sr eaking, with Mr. A. Low, ý'larke Township Zoning Admnin- strator, it wvas learned that a map of the' zoning areas is not yet available.. 1{ç did however,, outline the various zoning area throughout the Township. The RI residential zones are in -and around such ceÉtres as Orono, Newtonville, Kendal, and Leskard. There are four R2 residential zones in the Township with a total. acreage of around three hundred acres. One area, is on the, north side of the seventh line east of Kendal,. an- other is a parcel of land on the south sîde of the sixth line, an- other east of- Orono on the fifth ine and the fourth north of No. 2 Highway about mid-way between Newcastle and Newtonville. To build in the R2 zoncs it requires an acre lot and a house with 1200 square feet. The RI zouiie in Oro no is the area west of Highway 115 to the first side road- (O'Chonski's) and runs from the fifth line to the sixth ine. The RI zone in Newtonville in- cludes in width lots 7 to 10 and runs from the hydro power ine south to the 401 Highway Theý area in Kendal includes the width of Kendal west of the New- tonville - Kendal rond and from the seventh in the north to the haîf lot depth in the south. The Leskard area rutns north and south of the eighth ine one-haif lot and is abouit three-quarters of a mile in width. SThe Commercial area for the Township is ehieflyý in Orono. The development area is an area 1320 Up% And uDown i Parents and children alike willl be interested ln the display tab le at: Clarke' Public Library this week. On exhibition is a special colection comprised of the Cald- ecott Medal Books. This medal is awarded annualby by the Child- rehVs Services Division of the A- merican Library Association. :» In 1938, the first Caldecott me- TULIP TIME IN OTTAWA feet Gn either side of higlvway 115 and this may bc opened up only at the discretion of Council in accordance with the zoning by- Iaw. Other Development areas are north and east of the Kendal RI zone, north of Newtonville, in the south-west corner of the Town- ship from Highway 115 to the lake along with a considerable area north of Orono one haif lot north of the sixth line west of Highway 115 and another good size s,"etion :;outh el Orono from the fifth to the fourth lïne. The Industrial Zoning area 15 ail the lands south of 401 High- wav east of Newcastle. With a section east of 1{ighway 115 and adjacent to Oroni is also noted. The Open Space Zones are ar- eas Ùnow owned by the public eith er through' the municipality or the Province. Mr. Low pointed out that resi- dences could be established on parcels of land located in the Agricultural Zone, providing they had been registered priýor to the passing of the hew Township by- partment of Planning and, Devel- law. But here also only one build- ing could be erected on a single parcel of land no matter what size. -Tn sueaking with the Reeve., Roy Foster, he stated that he was certainly pleased with the by-law and that it had been prepared by the Planning Board who were res- idents of the municipality. He saîd the cost of the plan was most reasonable and f ar below cost incurred by other municipalities. Mr. Low stated that the De- rhe Book Stocks dal, dona -ted by Frederic G. Mel- cher was awar'ded to the artist of the most distinguished Amýericap picture book for children publish- ed in the US during the preced- ing year. The name of Randolph Caldecott, the famous English il- lustrator of books for eildren, was chosen for the medal because bis work best repres ented "joy- ousness of picture books as welI as their beauty"?. The horseman on the medal is taken from one of his illustrations for "John Gilpîn." Sýo you see, your Library has top quality picture books for the eldren -- prize-wihners, no less. Here are the Caldecitt Medal books from 1938- 1967: Animais of the Bible - Lathrop Mei Li - H-andforth Abraham Lincoln - d'Aulaire They Were Strong and Good Lawson. Make Way for Ducklîngs 1McCloskey. The Little Hbuse - Burton Many ýMoons - Slobodkin Prayer for a Child - Jones The Rooster Crows - Petersham The Little Island - Weisgard White Snow, Bright Snow - Duvoisin The Big Snow - Rader Song of the Swalows - Politi The Egg Tree - Milhous Finders Keepers- Mordvinoff The Biggest Bear- Ward Madeline's Rescue - Bemelmat Cinderella Brown Frog Went A'Courtin' - Rojan- kovsky. A Tree Is Nice - Simont Time of Wonder - McCloskey Chanticleer and the Fox Cooney Nine Days to Christmas- Ets Baboushka and the Tree Kings .Sidj akov Once a Mouse - Brown The Snowy Day - Keýats Where the Wild Things Are Sendak May 1 Bring A Friand?- Montre- sor Always Room for One More rrnment had made the point that Clarke Township was the first municipality in the Province tc have sucli a plan devised by am- ateurs. - _ m Rink Expndlitures Over $10,91OO D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Fine Articles' Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLDi ... CALLUS WE PAV ÇASH! 1Phones 983-5210 or6-12 TAXI SERVICE PA.B'S% ,àLm&AS3 Phone Bowmanville 623-3311l or 623-3,312 24 HOUR SERVIýCE Passengers Insured SPECIAL For those hot summer days ahead there is nothingi so thirst quenchîngi as a drink of Glen Rae's ice cold Introducing for 1968 Hfaif gallon Regular 39e Save 4 cents SPECIAL FOR MAY ONLY GL ENRA E DAIRY or 623-3128 1