ORONO WZ4 EKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY Znd, 1968 By marking the route on a large road map, Mrs. Jeantne Stap'es guided tlie Reading Club along tlie path of Jolin Steinbeck's trip around America as described in "'Travels WitliCliarley". Besidés comments on the liigli spots of his trek in a hlU-ton camper truck hiamed Rocinante, Mrs. Staples gave an outline of tlie auilor's background. Rorn in Salinas County, Cali- fornia in 1902, lie attended Stan- ford University but did not take a degree. His first employment in New York was in the dual-role of reporter and hod-oarrier. During World War 2, lie worked as a war correspondent. Wliule "Grapes of Wrath" is lis best known work, lie wrote 'many otler books and plays all ripe with sociolog- idal commeflt. "Travels With Clarley" is a travelogue with a differene Tliere is none of the tiresome re- Porting of bistorical monuments, impressîve buildings and noted landmarks. Instead, he delals witb the feel of tlie country, the people tlie homely little incidents of lis 10,000 mile trip, and witli liglit touches of liumour that make this Pultizer Prize winning book a pleasure to read. Incidentally, "Charley' is a Frenchi poodie, Steinbeck's travelling companion. Tliis is a book to be enjoyed by all th',ase wlio travelai ad ah tliose wio lonig to travel, and 1,hat's just about everyone as 'Steinbeck dis- covered. NEW BOOKS Adult Fiction An Expensive Place to Die- Deigliton. Tia Tell Your Love- Stoiz One Woman's Land- Fitiney. The Pillow Figlit - Monsarrat Aduit Non-Fiction Needlam's Inferno Heroic Nurses - McKown Neyer Cry Wolf - M'owat Sea and Islands - Hammond- Iânies. .uvenile Stormy,,Misty's Foal. Let's Look at Casties. Tlie Incas- Peofle of tlie Sun. Tlie Nile- Lifeline of Egypt. UpAnd Down The Book Stocks PRESIDENT SAYS GOODYEAR STRIKE LIKEIV A strike by the 385 ruliber work- ers in Bowmanville seems inevit- able. Sole power to take this action is in the hands of the president of Local 189 nternational Rublier Workers' Union, Kenneth Hooper, at the Goodyear Tire and Rublier Comu any of Ciada Ltd. "lt's obvions the way we are heading," said Mr. Hooper, "they must" wanit a strike." Ilie*accised the Company of re- fusing to meet the union despite ,aprroaches. "Tliey agsked for a conciliation ;)oard to make a settlemenit but they got, there and neyer even, made an offer so they just used it to staîl."e The company management said the last failure to meet after a request, from Mr. Hooper went awry because of a 'misuhiderstand- ing'. "It appears as though a strike is inevitable, said D. Alan Page, Goodyear's personniel direc- tor. Practically the whole of the un- ion's three-year contract is in dis- pute and uhion negotiators are seeking the kind of settiement won at Gèneral Motors, on a na- tional level. The union is also looking for ahi annual contract and an lim- nroved tory. safety set-up at the fac- HONEY TO STAND FOR LIBERAL NOMINATION Russell Honey, Durham Liber- ai MP in the last Parliament will stand for nomination in the new Northumberland and Durliam rid- ing for the Jutne 25 federal elec- tion. Mr. Honey said the forthcoming campaign sliould be an interest- ing one, since tlie riding boun- daries had clianged dramatically. lie said the sîze of riding was now more realistic. Speaking of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's decision to cal] an early election, Mr. Honey said 1' ý had stated publicly that he had hoped that the election would be called for'nat until the fali. 'But it seemed inevitable that the election had to be called this year, so I arn prepared to be phil- nonohical about it. If it lias to be this year it might as well be in June as in October," lie said.. " former MP said it was probably best for the- country to d\,c a "secure miandate now." Witli eacli of the major parties niaving a new leader it is reason- able to/ ask tlie Canadian people *ýo express tlieir opinions now, lie said. P-ontiac Parisienne ,Sport Coupe. D týýhe ontiac V8 Sale you can buy a specially-eq'uippedV Fo tia at a specially-reduced sale price. And you can make ext'ra sav,ÎIings on the options you really want on your new car...lk powersteeri'ng and power brakes! OnIy Pontiac hasWide-Track Now you can save on five RidýiE and standard 327 V8 power Every Wde-Track Pontiac oflers hide-away windshield wipers, a key buzzer alarmn, flush and dry rocker panels and many more outstanding value features. popular Pontiac models! We picked five top-selling Pontiacs; the luxurious Grande Pari sienne Sport Sedan, the Parisienne Sport Coupe and Sport Sedan, and the value-packed Laurentian and Strato-Chief 4-door sedans. You get the options you'd choose yourself! Every Sale car lias a 327 cu. in. 210 lip V8, pusli- button radio with rear speaker, front and rear floor mats, rear window defogger, deluxe seat and shoulder beits, and remote-controlled outside mirror. Enjoy extra savings on these special option packages: 1, 275 hp V8, with Power- glide transmission. 2.275 hp V8, with 3-speed Hydra- Matie. 3. Power steering and brakes. 4. Power steening, power disc GMR brakes and tilt-type steering wlieel. eAKO See your local authorized Pontiac dealer ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED Phone MA. 3-3396 Bownianville, Ontario For those hot summer days ahead there is nothjngl 50 thirst quenching as a drink of Glen Rae's ice cold Introducing for 1968 Half gallon Regular 39c lave 4 cents SPECIAL FOR MAY ONLY 35c; GLEN RAE DA IRY DON'T FOIRGET Volunteer Blood Donor Clinie WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 Lion's Centre, Bowmanvilie 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sand 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES, WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Fine Articles Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLD.. CALLUS WE PAY CASH! Phones 983-5210 or 623-3128 TAXI SERVICE Phone Bowmanville or 623-3312 24 IIOUIISERVICE Passeagers lnsured w 166 KImg Street E.