Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 May 1968, p. 1

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Orono Weekl) -VOLUME- 31, NUMBER 17i ORONÔ WEEKLY TIMES, TI Two 'Killed In Auto Accident At Orono Inteirsection Two Pickering towhship resi- dents were killed ln a thnee-car crash on Highway 35 near here Saturday night. The dead are: Robent Alfred DeCarlo, 20, of 1464 Royal Rd., who wonked for Atrile Coutnact- ing Compauy; and Beverley Sus% Chapman, 16, of 1482 Highbush Trail, a studelnt at Dunliarton igh School. They were passengers lu the back seat of a car driven by Gary Joseph Panlette, 23 of 41 Hiscock Blvd., Pickering township. wheu the crash occurred about 9 p.m. They were returuing fnom Par- lette's cottage. A spokesia~n for tha Newcastle detacliment of the, Ontario Prov- incial Police, said Parlette's 1964 convertible was travelling south ou Highway 35. Police said a 1959 auto driven by Robert Hics, 17 of RR 2, Newcastle, was facing north. with the driver pneparing to make a left turn into Onono wIl,3n a 1966 auto uorthbouud,, driven by Wilbart Lemon, 27, of 366 Trafalgar Ove., Oshawa at- temptad ta pass the Hics vehicle ou the laft sida. The police spakesman said the Lernon auto collided wlth the Hics and Panlette autos. The Lem- on and Panlette cars were demol- ished while damage to the Hics car was estimated at $2000. Mr. Lemon and Mr. Parlette wera treated at Bowmanville Memonial Hospital for minor lu- j unies. GowigDalasSbc A well st ocked "Gracun Elepli- aut" table pnovided an interestihg corner at the Apnil 2'th meeting of the Horticultural Society. The "Greaen Elephants" used as a backgnound on the table waee made by Donna Challice. Afterthe singing of O Canada, the President welcomed the members and guests. Mns. C. Bill- ings assisted as secretany, lu the absence of Mrs. E. Couvier, who was lu hospital. Mn. Challice Made anncincement of the Tal- eut Niglit to be held lu the church on Satunday, May 11. This prom- ises to bce an entetaining even- ing so watch for further particu- lars. Oui May 6, we are invited to the mieeting of the Oshawa Horticul- tural Society to hear a lecture on "Pruning and.Showing Roses." Delegates appoiuted ta attend the' Horticultunal Convention lu Windsor were Mn. and Mrs. O. Challice and Mrs. E. Couvier. There was some discussion about chantering a bus. Draws were made for, thnee rose bushes donated by Bnookdale Kinsway Nursery, winuens being Mlrs. IN. Porter, Miss E. Davidson and, Mns. A. Jakeman. Mns. O0. Challice introduced aur guests, Mn. audf Mrs. C. Tink of Hampton. Mn. Tink expIarned the mietbods of growîng dahlias which have pnoved successful for them. W hen we saw the pictures of them it was evideut that the ne- stilts wene certainly very satîs- factory. Mrs. Tiuk, lu comment- ing ohi the slides, said that they graw about 600 and bad about 300 diffenent vaieties. of dahlias. She seemed to kuow them ail by name too. They not only specialize lu dahlias but also have beautiful beds -of annuals and mauy chry- sauthemums. Mrs.- Tink is' wl knowu for lier beautiful floral ar- rangements and we were shown picturas of some of these. Mn. Tink's were a credit ta him too. Tbey also bnought some dahlia roots ta lie given away. The lucky people ta receive these ware Mr. J. Payne, Miss A. Watson, Mns. H. Dean, Mr. W, Hoar, Mn. W. Wood and Mrs. 'F. Eddy. Mn. C. Billings expnessed the hauks of the Society ta Mr. and Mrs. Tink. The "Green Elephant" table which also had ýapples, eggs, candy jam and bakiug proved quite wbo brouglit and ta those who ing $3000. Many thanks ta thosa who braught and t othose who bouglt. Thauks again also ta the douons of the door pnizes. The social committee pnovided refreshments ta close a most en- joyable meeting. r Times THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1968 MaL(sonici Lodge Ladies' N ight The annuai Ladies' Niglit of th2 Orono Masanic Lodge A.F. & A.M. was held oln Satunday even- Iing, April 2Oth, 1968,, in the, Christian Education wing of Or- onýo United Church. War. Bro. Charles Trim and Mrs. Trim, along witli Bro. Roy W inter and iirs. Wiunten, greeted everyone at the door where each lady received a carnation. The'head table w'as piped in by Mr. Ron Therteli, a member of the Bowmanvjlle Legion Pipe Band. Grace was given by Bro. Rev. B. Long, followed by a toast ta the Grand Master and Grand Lodge, and thei singing of O Canada. A delicious turkey dinnen was served b y the Kebidal 'ladies, af- ter which Wor. Bro. Trim ýwel- comed the mauy brethren, their ladies, widows, and friends. A toast to, the ladies was given by Bro. Winter who presented Mrs. Trim with a bouquet of pink roses. Mns. Trim thankeýd the Masons of. the Lodge for hou- ouning the ladies with this en- joyable evening. Wor. Bro. Ed. Millson very capably iutroduced the hýead table and included some humonous re- marks. On behaîf of the Lodge (Contiuued on Page 5) Bond Concert. ThsSunday The Onono Junior Band seeks youn support this Sunday after- noon when they present their second Sunday aftennoon music concen'; lu the Township Hall, OrG!no. The local musicians have held two practices this week in prepanatilon for the concert aud will bc playing numbers which bave beaun ecently added to their folio. Two such numbers will be "Deep River Rh:apsody" and "Sil- ouhettes" both familian and pop- ulan selecNions.1. Some twenty, new memb-ers of the band will make their debut in a public, scbool unit, and will play one number. 1 Mr. Raîpli DeJouge and a group of local musicians will funther t-ie program with sýomýe folk sing- ing. This gnoup won acclaim at the recebt Masonic Ladies' niglit with their singing. A silven collection will lie taken at the door to assist with the pro- motion of the baud lu this com- munity. Receives Award 0f Merit ilir, Donald Staples makes presentation to Mr. Carl Billings Mn. C. W. Billings, a directon of the Durham Central Agricultural Society, was honoured on Tues- day eveniug whan lie was present- ed with au Award of Menit ,by the local Society. The preseuntation was made at a social eveniug and banquet which was beld in thie Chuncli, and at whicb close to ,one basement of the Onono -United huudred wera in attehdance. The preseutation to Mr. Bill- ings was made by a past presi- dent of the Society, Mr. Donald Staples. The honour was bestowed to Mr. Billings lu recognition of the mabiy yeans of uustiuted ser- vice to the Society. It was stated that Mn. Billiugs was always a willing worken for the f air lu Or- ono and could always be depend- ed upon to give lis assistance and support lu any undertaking to congratulations were also- read funthar 'the local fair. Lettens of rro-m /Mr. A. Carruthers and Mr, Jack 'Reid. Mr.1 Billings, in thauking the member-s of ýthe Society for the Award of Menit, pointed out that he had been- active with the fair work for the past twehty-nine years. .The turkey banquet was serx - ed by the U.C.W. of the Orono United Churcli. Mr. F. A. Lashley of the Ontar. i') Denartment of Agriculture, was the guest speaker of the eveuing and he referred to the growth of the Dtvh.-mCtral Fair at Or- ,)no ov,-r the nast fifteen years 'irlrticular. ImprovemeVts lu the fair grounds was quite, evi- dent from Hiqhv7n,7 115. lie stat- ed and lie said the Society uow. held assets val"ed nt ý-7.0O00. He alsô stated that lie lid been pleased to be able to recommend (Continued on Page 5) Mn. and Mns, Envin Rainey Annie DeBlock, Joe Klasner, Ted Boughen The emtployees if Curvply Wood Products camnpleted their round of chanipiouship Euchra play on Thunrsday eveniug lu the Oddfel- 1ow's Hall w1tch Mn. Ted Bougheu was termad the champion man and Miss Annie DeBlock the Champion vo m,-,n. Runners-up were Mrs. Janie B ouglien and IMn. Helmit Blesclite. Trophies were presented ta the higli winners by Messrs. E. H. Samuel and Mn. J. Kiasnen of Curvply. The employees had held mon- thly Euchre parties during the wiuter mouths and ast Thursday completed the winters- play witli the championships. During the monthly play as many as fourteen tables of auchra were lu action. Mrs. Mang. Pruner ou bahaîf of the amployees presente(l.Mns. Denisa Aunaert -with a gift for lier work lu organizing the mon- thly parties. Lu~Ich was served toa ah those present. Mn. and Mrs. Ervin Rainey who have aperated Raiuey's Coufeet- ionery lu Orono for the past ten years have netired fnom business as of May lst. The populan centre ln Orono is no0w beiug openated by Mn. and Mis. E. Middleton un- der the naine of Middletou's Con- fectionery. Mn. and Mrs. Raiuey punchased the business from Mn. and Mns. Wm. Riddell lu June of 1958. Since that time they have extend- ed tha lina of merchaudise ta ln- clude that which is pnesently haudled. Mn. Raiuey gaiued his training it business with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Rolit. Rain- ey, who at oua time 'operated a grocery store iu Onono located lu wbh't is now Auu's Beauty Salon. Tbis grocenyt sore was punchasad in 1922 fnom the Fred Williamsou Estate. Ou dispasing of this business and returuing ta farming Mn. En- vin Rainey then set up bis own gnoceny store lu Onono lu 1928. This was openated in the store now occupiad by Barlow's Furni- ture. Mn. Rainey' oparated this business until 1938 wben lie sold ta Mr. Ennie Pattensan. Later the business was purchased by Mr. Hanry Baijey. Mn. and Mrs. E. Rainey have purchased the home of Mn. and ~r.E. Middleton, lIain Street, Orono, w7here they are now ne- siding. 20 Years I Business In Orono m- moreuw-

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