ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1968 - a e - - e SEE FRE D LYCEHf OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 9835032 lies. 983-5142 JAK L-EîD Orono's Licensed Auctîoneer and- Valuatw, Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me f or terras -and dates- PRUNE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments und Famt1iIy Memorials Our quality and service leaves 1 othing te be desired À*I the person who bought front us% a neigbeur, frieid or relative IÈPlie RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street Q. PORT HOPE "Largest display tu- Southeri Ontario" WATSON'S Marine and Cycle, Oreno'Phone 983-5343 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTOJIS CHAIN SAws Repairs te ail mak-es of LawD Mlowers and 2 and 4 cyCle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPINO OUT SEPTIC T-ANKS WHITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tomnpkins Phone 786-2552 LYCETTi SPlumnbing & Heating iBornes &Ba SPLUMBING and HEATING Saits and Service î FIOUR BURNLR SERVICE! B.A FINANCING rnà I ow Interest Rates' Phonns: Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 Electrical ('ortracting jElectric Iteating and Service 1PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario J ï ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 1ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. SRADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- SHai FAut* imilto ns Insurance 1 % Lre Ju v IDiD Package Policies Fideity Bond, O Llabilty g Life gFirst Mortgage Loams [0 g oSadie mHamîltong Phone 983-5115 Box 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers J Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Meinoriîals Dealers in Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies - Inscriptions Cnt a.nd Ceçnetery Repair Work Buailding a House? o)r remodellUng your present mie, then contact Floyd Nicholon HELP WANTED Experiebceed f arm labour want- ed. Sawmac Farms, Phone 983-5703 b-15-p STOCKER SALE Tlfe. Durham, Farmers Annual Spri',ig Stocker Sale, selling ap- Proxîmately 500 head of Durham, Hereford and Angus steers, and heifers, ranging ln, weight from 400 to 800 lbs. Sale Monday, April 29th at the Durham Couh-ty Sales Arena at Orono. Cattie graded and sold in suitable lots by the pound. J. A. Reid and Soa, Sales Managers and Auction- eers. Sale commences at 1:30 p.m. AUCTION SALE 3 Tractors, S.P. Combine and Implements, property of. Phillp A. Johnson, Lot 13, Coh. 6, Dar- lington, 1 mile south-west of Ty- rune, 5 miles north of Bowman. ville. .Seiling Saturday, April 2th at 1:00 p.m. Terms cash. No. reserve. Steve Liptay. Auctîoeieer WORMS A PROBLEM? Use Pamovin Tablets or Liquid The single dose treatment for Pinworms. Available at Stutt's Pharmacy. 16-k.p FOR $ALE~ 3-bedroom Bungalows and, 4- bedroom Split level House with garage., Phone Jan Ochonski, Contract- or* - 983-5709. . NOTICE Sewing Alterations and Repairs done at home: For Women: Aiterations in skirts dresses and coats. For Men: Turn shirt collars and cuffs, shorten and lengthen trousers and draping and back seams; also zippers and pock- ets. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park St. and' Church St. Phone 983-54D3. tV Callycur licensed Plurabing &. Mechanical Corirractor who selis, instalis qpd quarcntees PLUMBING AND HIEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono mxord BRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS W. Sehmabl 983-5606 Specializ ing li ailkInds of OTONEWORK and FIREPLACES We ais e doChimiuey Repairs WAITRESSES WANTED Xaitresses wantý-d full time and part time for Dutch Valley l'nn, Highway 115 and 35. Phone 983-9988, Orono. a-p FOR SALE House and lot for sale. A'pply Mrs. J. Richardson, Oronio. a-p NOTICE The Orono U.C.W. are holding a Smorgasbord in aid of the hymn book fund. This will he field Wednesday, Apýril 24. Bring Your favourite casserole or des- sert ahd enjoy a time of feliow- ship during the supper hour and afterwards a programn put on by members of the Hi-C group. Supper commences at 5:30 p.m. dults - $100)(; Children 12 yrs. d under - 50c. Pre schooI child- 11, no0 charge. b-15-c NOTICE The General Meeting of the L.C.W. will be heid on Thursday, April l8th at 8 p.m. in the' main hall of the Church. Our guest will be Mrs. Rev. G. K. Ward of Bowmanville whxo will speak and show a film on cancer. There will be a question and answer period. Ail ladies of the community are invited to at- tend. a-c Gord Simpson g Phoe Oioflo 983-5808 1 o Orono, Ontario j OPAINTING g CARPENTRY g REMODELLIN'G g GENERAL REPAIRS g Cut the work and cost of rug cleaning! RENT A Bîssel Electrie rug shampooer [11iSSE»I$ 2.50- perday Rolph H! ardware Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5207 W. FRANKZ g .REAL ESTATE LIMITEDg REALTOR 1 21 KING ST. WEST Bowmanville 623-3393 0 Toronto 923-9174 1 Port Hope Office- 8544 0 98 Waiten St. - 88544 FREE. APPRAISALSg Exclusive Agent for O'MALLEY HO MES g .Port Hope, Ont. 1 N.H.A.- approved Brick 0 Bungalows ROY FOSTER g Kendal - Phone 983-5801 j ROSS GILBART 0 Orono -. Phone 983-55330 A large selection ef Farms, [ Homes, Lotiý, Retreat Pro-o pertles in tiais area f O< DIED WEST, Edna-At the Memorial Hospital, Thur sday, April l7th. 1968, Edna West, beloved wife of Albert Einest West of Orono. Dear mother of Junior, Donn~a,. (Mrs. R. C. Forrester), Dean, Raye, Keith and Ronald, ail of the Barlow Funeral Home, Park Orono., Aged 60 years. Rested at Street, Orono, Ont., for service April l3th at 1:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. DIED LUXTON-At his residehice, Or- 010 0on Monday, April 15, 1968- Oscar John Luxton. aized 73 years beloved husband of Alice Viecra (Mercy) Walton, dear father of Wesley, Bowmnanville, Alice (Mrs- Lawrence Hooey) Orono , and Helen (Mrs. J. H. Cain) Toronto. Service was held in the Morris_ Funeral, Chapel, Bowmanville orn Wednesday, April l7th at 2 o'eloch- Interment Orono Cemetery- CARD 0F THANKS Our grateful thahks t>o, ail oui- friends, whol visited and sent cards; also the kifid neighlxiurs' whoý drove my wife to see me whule I was, in hospital. a-P Harold DolIma-rî CARD 0F THANKS WEST-We would like to expressl our sincere thanks to eur rela- tives, friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, acts_ of kifldness and carda durig the' recent ioss of a dear wife ani mother,' Edna West. Many thanks- to Reverend Long fer hs em- forting words, aiso to the Bârlew Funerai Home. Ab. West and ,family.. McGILL-NEWMAN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. New- man, Orono, wish to annoulice the marriage of their e ldest daughter Moiiy Dianne, to Terry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merril McGill, Orono, on April 6th, 1968. NOTICE The April meeting of the Orono Horticultural Society will be held on Thursday, April 25 at 8 p.m. in the Main Hall of the Church. Mr. anad Mrs. Clarence Tink, well known dahlia growers of Hlanxp ton will be present to give li. formation and show slides on these beautiful flowers. Also, dohi't forget the "Greenx EiephantV tableé If you have ex. tra -plants, buibs, slips or seeds, bring them along a'nd for a smali sum you may get some new ones. If you don't have these you might want to bring some home- made candy or a pie. The main thing is just to corne. b-16-e TURKEY BANQUET Sponsored by the Durham Cen- trai Agricultural Society to be held on Tuesday, April 30th at 6:30 p.m. lun the Oronro United Church basement. Guest speaker, Mr. F. A. Lashiey of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Tickets $250 (Tickets must be, reserved prior to April 23rd - Phone 987-4744. a-e BABY SITTING Experienced day care offered for baby or pre-schooi children, whiie parerits work. Lunch pro- vided. Phone Mrs. Johnson 983-5658. b-15-e TO GIVE AWAY Two Border Coles to give a- 30 n ewand daQ. ne3 li -M Buildinag A New Home? or RemodellUng9 Cail JOE BEC KER M"3-713 Oreno 1 g