ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1968 NDP Ladies Near Sýpe.:akef- O,-n Plan -il The- New Democrafic Party WVo. en's O ýganLatlon Durham Riding held ifs monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Douglas Mof- fat, Elizabethville on Tuesday, - ri làth. îhegcst cs -,ýakerfor the eveni ng was i\If. Gardo~n i %îeva Oa r ffie h Ncw Democratic party. ne b.-.s trip to Queen's Park in T - -o -,as discusscd and it was decided f0 reserve gallery seat s In eveling session of Pacia- ment oh Tueday, May 7th. Buses , 'il eave from Bowmanvilie at 6:30 pn. Members of the Execu- tive will be reservin.- seats for inembers of the party and their hiisbards or wives and an-y other Interestcd people. ,1%,report was given hy 7tihe fs tir on the dance hl at the Ii*on Ç3entre. Bwmonlp > A- i 6h. If is hoped that dances wvill be held regulariy and if was suggested that the executive meet in dw summer f0 set us, a sehe- dule of events for the year inclu- clipc dances, card parties, Christ- ýr arti ýs, etc. The sehedule of events is to be distributed to al $Èembers of the party and to the imont-hly paper. Vcr--nica O'Psitnik, president, of the Ontario Farmers' Union Wo- Men's Group will speak af' the .May 21sf meeting which xiii be athe home of Mrs. Wilmer Hlli ofHampton, at 8 p.m. Mrs. E. Eafon of Millbrook in- teod aced Mr. Gordon Graylish and infore'-d the meeting 'that she had worked with hlm in Green- ,w ood riding in Toronto for sev- eral years. Me. Graylish came to Canada fromi England in 19057 and bas worked in thirteen elections ircludilngIl by-elect ions. 1He work- ed fin Toron"',lto wifh Donald Mac- Donald andf Andrew Erwiin anci mrany ther candidates. Mr. Gray- iish said that communication is the big' thibng in organization. "We eannot expeet that ail people affi interested in poiitics but more apd more people are .becoming awar, thaf this government is not working for them and if is lup tu -' to let them know what fliey can' do. Geftig people ouf f0 dances, car-d parties, picnics keeps inter- est up. There are one million tîire,ý hundred thousand New Demcrtsin Canada and' the party is really moving forxvard." He spoke of the importance of Worreni's organizations and said that severai xvomen have been or- ganizers ini the Toronto area and alo~-Otro "A number of films' are avail- ah e tiýrough libraries, thé C.L.C. of Parliamentary procedures, hu- mnan rights, government in other co1-untries etc-. and these could be wovýrl4ng with group discussions," hýe said. The speaker advised that an e- lection schooi was being held in Oshawa on Saturday, April 27th at t' .e Steel Workers' Hall to dis- eus-, ail phases ýofan election cam- -ai, ald lhe urged the, women tU) ttend. H1e advised thaf in the near future the New Democrat PariT' wouidý have a radio show in Oshawa for ten fu fiffeen min- utes per week which wouid in- volve Ciff Pikey, M.P., Oshawa and which wouid brîng probiems in the area f0 light. Farmers wiii ]have an opportunity to gef their 'Point of view' across. He recoin- mnended that we speak to the P'rovincial Secretary regarding th.e monthly newspaper in the hope thaf a farmers coiumn can I butions to- beL so- cited __o. ng Oiîganjiain ippliove Approvai bas been given by the Darlin,-tan Township Council for isv ance of debentures in the amount of $120,000 repayable over 20 years. for the building and e- quipping of an addition to the ,',nniskillen Public Schooi. Deputy-reeve Carl Down anid Counci!l1ors Bo nand Gibbs vo- ted forthe motion, sponsored by C nilosBrown a nd Gibbs; whlie Reeve Harold Muir and C-incillor Dow opposed. The Township school area board has been pressing for some time for approval of the project. It was originally turned down by the council. In keeping with the poiicy of the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland, council dis- cantinued paymenf of fox bounty. The tender for Harnden and King was accepted for the oiling of Township roads. PL EAU E SAVE YOURgl Waste Paper FoR. TUE ]BOY SCOUTS NEXT COLLECTION Dffl.. Sat. A rl2 Please have papers tied and at curb side. TO MERGE *... (From page 3) beef breeds. Breeders' Inc. will start with a $400,000 treasury, not counting the value of buils and propert y, Mr. Kennedy said. Merger, bene- fits include testin'g more bulis -for ab':Mty to sire superior cattie, op- ratînga stability and the efficien- cy of working from one hcad- i uarters. Dr. C. R.' Reeds, present mana- !ýer of COCBA, xii become mana- cer of Breeders' Inc. D«Emand for nursery stock from Provincial Forest Tree Nurseries is steadiIy increasing. Last kll, nurseries seed-ed to produce '70 mil1ion trees in 1970 f0 mieet the anticipated demand. It is estima- ted that by 1973, 100 million trees mayl\, be nieeded to meet pianting requirements. DIED At Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville on Tuesday, April l6th 1968, Doris Irene Moore, beloved wife of James Moore, 13.R. 3, Pon- typool, dear mother of glizabeth, Jewel and John James, ý'ail at home, in her 48th year. Resting at the Barlow Funeral Home, Or- 0110. Funeral service wiii be from the Funeral Home on Friday, Ap- rul l9th at 2:00 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. DIED At Mem-orial Hospital, Bow- ravleon Friday, Apriil 2th, John Eddyvean, beloved husband of Viola Eddyvean,' Orono, age 78 years. Rested at the Barlow, Funerai Home, Park Street, Or- v-lo, Ontario. Service was held on Monday, April lSth from the Fun- erai Home at 2:00 p.ni.. Inferment Hampton Cemetery. When planning your wýeddfling lbe- sure to view the beautiful anld com-fpletle ne of Wedding Stationi-' ery handled at the Orono Weekly Times. ~A complete li:e of Invitations, Announcements, Thank-you cards Serviettes, Matches, Place Cards, Reception Cards.. Phone 983-5301 I You 9 CEANADlA ~TE Orono, Ontario p) F-mqORGET LOCAL NEWS' Mr. and Mrs. E. Porter, Sherý- brook, Quebec, visited friends in Orono on Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Fred 'Vagg returned home' fromn Bowmanvilie Memoriai Hos- pifai the eariy' part of the week, after being a patient there for a few days, Week-end guests with Mrs. M., IL Stapfles. Mr. and Mrs. .Donald Stapies and family were Mr. and Mrs. 'Warren W. Watt. Roxanna a'-ïid Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. Evats and farnily, Quebec, Mr. and Mms, M., Brown and sons, Walter and Fred of Toronto ýand Mr. and r7rs. Frank Stenger, Enniskjllen. D.6 ROGERSON' ORONO, ONTARIO WE BUY AND SELL OId Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and Oddities IF, IT'S OLD .. . C A LL.US WE PAY CASH! Phones 983-5210 or 623-3128 SEALS -w, TAXI CAB Phone Bowmanville 623-33'l1 or 623-3312 24 HOUR SERVICE Passengers, Insured PLEASE RETrURN YOUR PINK ENVELOPE