Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Apr 1968, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, APRIL l8th, 1968 Takehi frorn a sermon preached bjy Rev. B. E.. Long. The ce'oitralý therne of Easter is the "Resurrection" and if we es Iow as $89.95' ROLPH Hardware ý PHONE 983-.5207 have made it something else we have impoverished ourselves. As Easter is celebrated this vear, many Who join in the cele- bration will flot subseribe to the ous Christian proclamation "He is risebi", although rnany would say that a rnaý narned Je-, sus did live - - that he lived a good life - - that we would live better lives if we would follow Ris example, but Ris 1f e and death, in rnany respects, remain a rnystery. There are others Who would say that therËe is a certain aura Of mystery about the life and death of Jesus but H1e is dead There are many others Who with absolute certainty and abounding joy wilI join in the glad cry "H1e is, risen." Not "lhe is risert," but "He IS risen". The difference is one of faith. The so-called prac tical man says. "Ilil believe it when 1 see it," or ""seeing is' believing"l, and then makes no effort to fid APRIL SPECIAL TABLE CREAM 2p-t 21Ic Regular 30e Fresh Cream, 18% butter fat, homogenized to give that extra creaminess and smooth flavour Ideal for ciffee, cereal and desserts. GL EN RAEh DAIRY 0 A "He là Risen" Durham -Assistant Appointed John Yurphy, Lindsay, a stud-, e t ~ the. Otarlo :Agr*cultural Colege bas bel- appointed as Summer Assistant for the Ontario Departrnent of Agriculture in Durham, County at Bowmanville. John will be taki'qg the place of Mr. Ron Sutherland who is plan- ning on teacbing High School. John cornes frorn a farm in the Lindsay area and certainly is wel qUalified to work in the junior program. He bas cornpleted 2Z' 4-H1 clubs inluding 9 caf,,6 grain 2 tractôr and 5 corn clubs,1He las out 'or to discover the facts. This is, of 'course, one of the state- ments to which -we attribute a fair ainount of good senseý, but when we really think ab'out it, we must surely corne to, the con- clusion' that rather than being good seýose, it is just so much nonsense. We would be without ma'ny of the good tbings we en- joy if our ancestors and invent- ors had taken the sanie-attitude. Wben I look out on a clear starry night ah~d the heavens are aliglht with a myriad of twinkl.ing lights, and when I have take'a that ail in, I know that there are thousands more that 1 have not seen. 1 may go beyond this and ernploy the Most powerful equiprnent known to our age and I see thousands more. But out there beyo'nd our noblest efforts to see there are more, thousands more. 1, at the moment, cannot prove the fact but I know it is true. If we have faith to belive that Christ is alive, we shall know. Our mental, attitude makes it either possible or impossible, and rnany make the mistake of de¶iy- ing the possibility of things that they have not themselves exper- ie'ried. We may consider two men go- ing to, churcli. One goes with a negative mind which sees diffi- culty in every opportunîty. H1e looks at the people in the pews alid thinks how imperfect they are. H1e sees people stand to re- peat a creed aind he wvonders how much they believe. 11e listezis to the sermon and knows that ihe minister cornes far short of the içleal. Ris doubting attitude of mind draws negative thougbts until his lil;tle faîth is stili fur- th 'er lessehxed, The, other man goes to the sarne church. H1e sets the sails of his mind to zatch wbatever favoring wh'ds may, blow. 11e sees' the congregation bowing in prayer and the sight makes hlm feel that there m.ust be sometbing real about such praying, to keep people doing it down the ages. 11e loýoks at the church building and thihiks how d)*vOut w4o!shpers have sacri- ficed through- the centuries to build shriares týo God. H1e asks .himself "why did they do, it"? ýWhat made missionaries sacrifice to give the gospel to others? What made martyrs die for their faitb? Why is it that the Bible outlasts ail other booksél" These and ýother thougbts move upon his mind and he finds his faith and confidence mounthig. It is the same churcli and the same set of circurnstances. The difference is h the rninds of the two, mcn, one negative and the other posi- tive. This is the difference Jesus was stresshxg when lic said, "1to everyone who has will more be givcn; but frorn hlm who has flot, even what he has will be taken away." Maay will continue to ask, 'wTat proof do we have that Jesus Îs alive?" When we suggcst the vritten accounts as evîdence we fid that rnany discredit the ac- ounts as fact. When We suggest that the continuance of the 'liurch is proof, we must also re- lize 'tlat the Jcwisb faith con- tîjues and tliey do not believe in te resurrection of Christ. We do [nd one strong agreemnt in the xansformation of the disciples who becarne ardent and fearless messengers of the good news that Tesus was alive. Howe-ver, the nost convincig proof lies in the bis is eventually the real )ersonal experience of Christ. ?roof, but oaly for self. It is the, .esult of an act of faith. It is out dsuch an experience that the lad message can be proelaimcd 'Ie IS risen." 0 Sprung is Sprung So Spring Into Action with These Specials Aluininum Chaisette Lounge Chairs, Assorted colours, only......$8.99I Aluminuni Lawn Chairs with Plastic weèb- ing, ini assorted colo6urs,-only ...... $4.5,7 Durable Plastic Sprinkling. Cans, 2 gal. $1.53 First 'Class Flowering Shru*bs; only, .... 99e These are just a few: ,Weigla, Honey- suekie, Spirea, Forsythia, Lilac, Snow- bail, Ilydrangea, Mock Orange, etc. 2 year old Canadian grown lst quality Rose Bushes available in the following: Red Rediance, Freushaw, Dlubloons, Eclipse Blaze, Pin:océhio, Circus, Crimson Glory, Peace, Suspense, Golden Slipper, Queen Simon, etc. Only............. each 99c 1 year old Canadian Grown Peony Root av- ailable in the following colors: red,.pinIk and white. Only............. each 99e 2 year old Periennial Roots for only .... 69e Some are: Sweet William, Canterbury Belîs, Sedumi, Pink 'Carnation, Lupine, Hollyhock, Phlox, Daisies etc.' llolland, Grown Dah lias, 3 in a pack for 89e available in white, yellow and orange. Dutch-grown Single Begonia, 3 in box ,. 85e available in scarlet, white, yellow and mixed. 4 Double Begonias, Canadian Grown avail- able in scarlet only ý ..........,... 69e -îloxinia, 1 bulb in a box only.......... 67c red and white and blue and white., 1 Pink. Callas Lily only ..........., -- 67e 1 Fancy Leaf Caladium only........ .. 67e 50 feet Vinyl Plastie 1-lose,,only ...... $1.63 Durable & sturdy plastic Bird Bath .. $3.69 Round white Patio Table only ....... $3.19 Thermos Super Insulated Server 64 OZ. Jug. OnIy ............ ........ $2.15 Men's Straw Hats, size 61/-7118. .. Each 79c Lowney's assorted box Chocolates 14 oz. 79e Cutex Gentie Oily Polish Remover, 5 oz. 59« "Eagle," Toy Wheel Barrow, each ontly $2.19 Full supply Vegetable,- Flower, Herb Seeds ORONO 5C TO,$1.OO STORE ,"THlE STORE WITII 'I 983-5401 VIORE"Y Used Cars and Trucks See our'fine selection before you huy 63 CIIEV., 80 Series, Cab and Chasis, V8 Motor, full Air Brake, License, Number 30517V 62 FORD, 11/2-Ton with DUALS, License Number 30960V 61 CHEV. STATION WAGON License Number X15173 60 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON License Number X13504 59 CIIEV. 1/-Ton, Spotless Condition, License Number 30639B 56 G.M.C,' 3-Tan, 15 foot platform,. With 5 foot' sides. License Number Y-2299 57 PLYMOUTHI, ic. No. KM709 License Number K17209 ACKERMAN CAR AND TRUCK. SALES Bownianville Phone 623-5756 il NOTICE. TO OWNERS 0OF DOGýS in the Township of Clarke for THIE YEAR 1968 1. Every owner of a dog shall register, on or before the lst day of May annually, each dog owned by hlm in the Township of Clarke with the Clerk's Dcpartment and at that time pay to suchk Clerk's Dcpartmcnt the prescribed licence fee and 11h~e Clerk's Department shall issue to such owner a re-ý cipt acknowledging registratiïon of the dog and payment of the fee. 2. Every person who becomes the owner of a dog on or after the lst day of May in each yeaýr shail reg. ister the saine and pay the licence fee asprescrib- cd within fifteen days after becorning the owner of the said dog. 3. The required authority for the liccnsing of dogs became effective as of the lst January 1968 under By-law No. 1580. H. E. làihison, - Clerk,- Township of Clarke, Orono, Ontario Phoneý 623-,5756 1 Bowmanville

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