Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 29 Feb 1968, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARV 29th,> 1968 0MBHearin {Continued from page 1) Mrs. Goobelle of the Township Auditing Firni outlined the debt. tructure of the Tov, nship which in !'Cd was $66?,343 and had in crea.sed Lo '1972,900 (estimated) in 1967T When the charman, asked for this in the ine supporting the project iorecame eut in sup- port. M.Jim Major lodged a cern- Plaint noting that tax~es xere al- ways increasing and stati-ig that witl'in the Inext fow years a sow- age system would have to go in -and that the paved roads and ,urbs would be torn up,. Ho said you can stili seo the evidenceof ripping up the roads for water in Orono. Mr. Lovekir, representing the Towýnshi-o if the bac-k-lot sys- tom co"l.,,d not b'e used te g4 a- Way from tearing -up the roads. r.Wm. Gradv in preseriting 'bis complaint said that it was stated by a ine'mber of the OWRC :at a -water mieeting in Orono that santiary sewers would have to 'Tohlow 'the installation of water -Mithia few years. He objected 'Io the -road program prior to sew- age and also complained te the '!act th at no vote was taken on Ithe -matter. The Board chairman stated that a vote was not requir- 1ed. MVr. Grady aise stated that tho'se in other areas of the Vil- lage wero not benefiting to the we.rk as did those adjaýcent te it. LVrI. ,McGoe stated that the -pavihg-*of Duchess 'Street xas an extravagance as here were oniy three lots on the street with very littie traffic. The whole projeet, .excepting Duchess Street had ne value te- the south end and that those in this area should net have te pay for it. Mr. E. Dednt aise ledged an eb- jectien statig that in hîs opin- ion that'saniitary sewers held aý priority ever storm sewers and road paving Ifie said that back- lot installation for sewers was Mxost unpracticie as was being lound out in hydro. Mr, Mowat aise ledged' a com- 'Paint over those i thesouth of 'Orono paying for an im prove- 'Ment in the centre of town. Many objections were ruled eut nas net pertaiïiing ta the issue for which the hearing was being heid During a question period the Consulting Engineer stated that mot expect the cost te go over the 1 1/16" thick 14"x16" in dimension R. C. Honey Admits Liberal Ineptitude by R. C. I{onley, M.P. for Durham The experts will argue for years on the' question of whether Lor not the govornment- should have resigned lafter Monday's vote. Mr. Pearson chose not to $108,700 figure even though this osimrate was 'give wo years ago a they now anticiate a shal- lowor installation. Mr. McGee had proviously ask- ed if it was flot quite possible that the contract price would not be up by somo 20 percent. Mr, R. Forrester asked where the cut-back was to be made lu the budget in ordor that only a slight increase was to be noted in the miii rate. After somne discus- '"ior. le said ho didn't get an ànswer. The increase in' assess- ment, as bioted by the clerk, he said would only collect a few dollars over $100.00 even with 20 milîs. In adjourning the meeting the chairman stated that the docision would be handed down in due course. Police -Trustees (Continued from page 4) crease of $57,000,ever last year.* The fire budget for thre Town- slip was set at $7.080.00, an in- 'crease of $20.00 over, last year. The budget was approved by the Trustes and representative of the Clarke council, Reeve Foster and Councillor Stone. A sum, of $500. was inciuded in the budget for the possible purchase of a tahik truck, if one does become avail- abie., The road budgej for the Police Village of Oreno was increased by $1000 over last year to an a- mjount of, $7500.00. n establîshing the Village bud- get for the year $7605.00 is to be colleeted' throughi taxation. A to- tal budget, exciuding roads, to be spent in Orono îi 1968 will a- mount, slightly over $13,000.00. By reselution the Trustees are asking that monthly statements be furnished to, the Truztees by' the Township Road Departmelnt the Township Clerk's Office and on expenditures made on behaîf of the Village. resign. Ho askod Parliamont to vote on a distinct motion of con- fidence and pro-,mised his govern- ment would stand or fali' on the result of thaLt vote. Thore are many constîturtional authorities to support the position taken by the Prime Minister. There is no excuse for the ioss of the vote on Monday night. It was the result of, mopery and gawk . . carelessness and inepti- tude on the pýartof the Lîberal par ty. The Opp-!osition parties de- cided te defeat the, government and the govorumo-1int did not have its, troops thore. It is as simple' as that! The future of some participant s was advaniced - - that of some was dimmed. Finance Ministor Mitchell Sharp showed his, par- lidmeiltary inexpericilce inl let- ting his Bill come to a vote. Houso Leade;r Allan iMacEachen came out of it as the star of the Liberal teami. >Acting Prime Minister- Paul Martin was ýcampaigning in Trois Rivieres. If hie had been here hie would have taken command and in ail probability the gevernment would not have aliowed itself te be trapped. Mr. Martin's absence did not advance his leadership hopes. Treasury Board President Ben Benson backed up Mr. MacEach- en. They wer e thie stars of a bad- iy disorgaiiized Lîberal team. They kept the gover-nment in the ring - - although admiittedly on. the ropes, se that there was still a breath of if e> in it when Mr. Pearson arrived to take command the next day. Conservatiýve Leader Robert Stahifie1d was appatrently stunned, and speechless. He said nothing throughout the melee which fol- Iowed the vote. ý Former Tory Leader John Diefenbaker took charge. With eyes blazing and finger waving the old Chief heap-, ed scern obi the Liberal g&vern- ment, "It is a long road that has no ashean!", trumpeted Mr. Dief- enbaker. The former Conserva- tive Chief was obvlously i high deljght and one could1 4iscern the fie hand of thie old pro in the Conservative strategy and plannig. Liberal- flouse Leader Allen MacEachen said, "Mr. Speaker,_I am delighted that the Conservative Party has ,finally got a leader." The remark was greeted by desk thumping on both sides of the House. Was there ahy significance to that? RmhOYAL BowmANVI'LLE PHONE, b23-559 MARCR CALENDARt FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2 and 3 Frida-y and Saturday at 7 and 9.10 Adults $1.25, Sunday at 7:30 COLUMBIA PICTURES ELZET CAR PESENTS TAYLOR B O IN THE SURTON ZF~UL RDC4N0 qui NO RESLRVEG SEAIS-POPLJLAR.-RICES Students .75e Aduit Entertainment Chîld 50C SPECIAL CHILDREN'S M4TINEE SATURDAV, IMARCIJ 2nd THnE MAN CALLED F-LINSTONE- FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 9, 10 THE. BýOBO Peter Sellers - Britt Ekland Aduit Entertainment FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 16, 17 NAVAJO JOE ALSO mkILL A DR A àGONu b Filmed i iong Kong in color MONDAY to THURSDAY, MARCH 18 - 21 One Complete Show at 7:30 p.m. The, Reluctant Astronaut Don Potts and Arthur O'Connell FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 23, 24 Murderer's Row Dean Martin - Aun Margret Aduit Entertaiment FRIDAV, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 30, 31 DIVORCE AMERICAN STYLE Dick Van Dyke- Debbie Reynolds SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE, MARCH 3th This is your March Show Calendar. Clip and keep for reference FEE wle yo0u PHON 9835202ORONG, ONTARIO 'b Vi nyl Asbestos Tiie Reinforced Vinyl Surface C Fiexichroine Textured, 080 Gauge, Pirsts 2 popular colours 3 popular colors grey tone, beige tone___j. !)x9 Reg. 13e Now 080 gauge. Reg. 38c Now & SOLID MAPLE CUTTING BOARDS each $6.95 ORO-1NO'FUEL AND LUMBER PHONE 983-9167 OOO NAI w PHONE 983-5202 ORONO, ONTARIO

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