ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, .JANUARY llth, 1968 Ontario's 20,000 Teachers Make Recommendations Ontario's 28,000 secondary sehool teachers have made it clear, through their representa- tives meeting la Toronto the fin- al week of 1967, that they area seeking new levels of both pro- fessional responsibility and influ- ence in the field of education. Ohe 450 delegates to the Annual Assembly of the Ontario Second- ary Sclool Teachers' Federation heard proposals which would -Provide better pay for better individual teachers; -Give- the Federation even greater influence over secoadary school curriculum and standards; -Permit teachers to rua for office on their own local school- boards (now prohibited by Prov- incial statute); - Estabiish a program, 'of "in- ternship" for teachers with the federation itself having a say in final certif ication. 1Among the delegates attending from across Ontario were: Dist- rict 22 Delegates to the 1967 As- sembly: Jack Nesitt, Courtioe 1H.S., Bowmanville, Ont, Duncan Bradley, Courte1H.S., Bowmanville, Ont, George Gratton, Port Hope H. S., Port Hope, Ont. Jack ,McFadden, Port Hope H. S.,Port Hope, Ont. Frank Dolan, P.C.V.S., Peter- borough, Ont 1Mrs. Sheelagh Hamilton, N. Hastings H.S., Bancroft, Ont. John Verhart, N. Hastings H.S. Bancroft, Ont. District 22 D.P.R.O. to the 1967 Assembly: Michael Herniak, C.D.C.I. East, Cobourg, Ont. Observers did not see major salary problêms ahead for 1968 - but the chairman of OSSTF salary committee, James Russell, of Hailton, did point out that àt would be necessary to seek gen- eral increases of frorn 8 to 10 per cent, even to provi de- economic equality for teachers and to main- tain a flow of qualified recruits. Durng saiary debate a motion callng for the right to strike by teachers was withdrawn and oth- er motions seekng a process of conciliation, mediation and arbi- tration were referred to a special committee. At present teachers are limited to. resignation on cer- tain dates when negotiations fail. The retiring general secretary of the federation, I. M. Ro bb - atteading his 22nd Annual As- sembly - moved the delegates to a standing ovation wlen he told them the federation must take new attitudes and.set new profes- sionai standards. The long estab- lished idea of across-tle-board in- creases, regardless of a teacher's particular ablities, was, le 'said, obsoiete. He suggested the fed- eration adopt "a poiicy favoring an earned but not necessariiy un- iform, increment, as opposed to the present automatic and uni-, form increment." In other words, better pay for good. teachers - and, as he added later, no tolera- tion of poor teachers. Charles McCaffray of Ottawa, ending his one-year term as pres- ident, toid the delegates that 1967 migît well prove to be "the mosk momentous year for our second- ary school system siace the dàys of the patriarchl Egerton Ryer- son." He was referring to the De- partment of Education's1 decision to drop, Grade 13 examinations and permit principals to set their own standards for, advancement. OSSTF, le said, had "piayed an enormousiy important role in al Grade 13 changes announced this year." Mr. McCaffray aiso said that teaclers shouid have rppresenta- tion on their own local schooi boards. They would be eiected on a separate ballot, but would have no voice in teacher salary1 decisions. Led by teaching training auth- orities from British Columbia, Ai- berta, Nova Scotia and Ontario, the assembly debated an "intera- ship" method of teacher training. This wouid replace the tradition- ai system of projecting the Coi- lege of Education graduate right into the educational system. Teacher trainees wouid partici- pate in a total sehool programi of at least 20 weeks, and a de- partment license to teach would be issued after a satisfactory year A brief on the- matter will be presented to, the Minister of Edu- cation in 196.e Robert M. Smith, Burlington, was elected president, succeeding C.' J. McCaffray of Ottawa; R. Ward McAdamn, North York, was eiected first vice-president; and Mrs. Jean Aceti, Sudbury, third vice-president. Arthur C. Morris, Toronto, was re-elected treasurer. Newman Addressels Darlington Council Fortified witl six large town- ship maps, Whitby Mayor Des- mond Newman continued lis quest to show how the Smith re- port las "deait unfairiy" wîth the area between Bowmanviiie and Pickering. Speaking to an audience of 120 at the annual dinner for employ- ees of Darlington township, Mr. Newman used lis maps to, illus- trate the numerous affinities a- mong Pickering, East Whitby, and Darlington townships and Wh.itby. The emplasis was put on the drainage pattern of the area. The maps cleariy iliustrated the wat- ersled areas of the rivers which flow througl the townships, and Mr. Newman pointed out, the drainage divides corresponded roughly witl the township bound- aries. If a borough system was, used withe township areas' and Whitby having equal îstatus, Mr. Newman said, these highiy, el- evated areas between the town- slips couid be used as reservoir points to, gravity feed the bor- oughs on botl sides. At present, the townships must pump water to- some points and use gravity flow to others. Another map showed the river system could be used communal- ly, with a great saving in effici- ency, for sewage disposai. Mr. Newman lad other maps showing; the anticipated belt of urbanization stretching from Bowmanville to Metropolitan Tor- onto, 25 -years hence; -and the areas to the south and west of Toronto, which the Smith report suggests be made metropolitan areas - Londan, Hamilton, Wind- sor, Niagara and the combined centres of Guelph, Gait and Kit- clener-Waterloo. Population of the smaiiest of thiese areas, London at 185,000, i s considerably larger than the four proposed borougîs of this area at 150,0". "We must retain a localness af identity, while at the same time getting the wide services whicl the municipality cannot af- ford. We need a region whicl holds together the whole thing, sudh as Metropolitan Toronto," Mr. Newman said. "The Smith report is concen- tr4ted on the west and south- west- Wly slouid we allow ail available developmnent dollars to go there? I see no reason. We have sufficient People, sufficient land ani sufficient talent to get the type of returas we want. "Let it not be said that, we, nissed the opportunity to do for our chidren." le said. In an interview foliowing lis speech, Mr. Newman said le re- alîzed that in a four-borough met- opolitan area, Oshawa would as- ume a leadership role. similar to lhe cîty of Toronto in the Metro- politan area. H1e added le loped the urban- iation of'the area between Bow- manvilie and Pickering could *be separated from the boundarfes of Iletropolitan Toronto by a three- mile stretcl of parkland. One Dariagton Township of- ciai termed Mr. Newman a irebail', saying "The same type )f goverament las been runaing ;is area for 130 years - we aeed Imeone like him to bring about )me changes." Any person wishing. to procure their first hunting licence must now successfuily pass an examin- ation given by Conservation 0f- ficers of the Department of Lands and Forests. Ail examin- ations will be by appointment on- iy and an appointment may only be obtained hy' cnntacting your local Conservation Offîcer or lo- cal Department Office and com- pleting an application for a hunt- ing licence examination. Al ap- plîcants will be notified by mail as to the time, date and place of their examination. The examination consists of two parts: (1) A written portion consisting of 20 true and false questions and 20 multiple choice questions. A pas's mark consists of not more than 5 incorrect an- swers. (2) A practical test where the applîcant must demonstrate. the safe carrying and handling of various types of firearms, and how to load and unload using dummy ammunition. An applicant must be at- least 15 years of age (proof of age is required) and the examination tee is $300O payable before trying the test. It is recommended thatý before any individual applie 's for a test that they should have some type of formai training. This training may be obtained from any quali- fied instructor under the hunter safety trai ning' program or from a relative or friend who has a thorough knowledge of safe hunt- ing practices and safe gun* hand- ling. The Department wiil supply upon request pamphlets and booklets to assist persons wish- ing to qualify for a hunting lic- ence. If a person has lost or mis- placed lis hunting licence, which had been purchased from a lic, ence issuer within this District, ïc may be possible to trace his orig- inal licence through the Depart-, ment of Lands and Forests Office in Lindsay. If, the licence cannot- be traced the person will have t* pass the examination to requalify for a new licence. Ideal time of year for HOT CHOCOLATE' A delicious and nutritious drink for after schoo'I or bed-time. Dellveredý Daily to your door GLEN RAE DAIRY' CHOOLOATE SHome Deljvered Quart 3%3c GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone 623-5444 Bowmanville, Ontario ATTENTION Townshiip of Clarke Residents CENENNALSHOWCASE A Review of, Centennial Events, in Clarke Township will be held in Township Hfall, Orono at 8:15 p.m. Friday, January 26th Bring rour movies (8 M.M.) or 35 M.M. slides, projectors provîded. Display your Centennial Projects of Needlework, Paintings etc. Everyone, Welcome. Free Admission. At Your Service From 7.30 1a.me to 9.00 peim. Monday, Tuesday, T-hursday Friday and Saturday Wedriesday 7.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. J MILDRE>'AND RVAN Hunting License Regulations MI1D-WIT'1N T ER STORM SALE SELECTIONS 'FOR YOU Look at these Mid-January Specials and Compare! Take your choice while they last. Cileerful Tearful »Ioli - drink and wet Spedially priced.........$14.29 Gilbert, Chemistry Laboratory No. 1 $4.19 Foam filled Pillows, asst. patterns, each $1.05 'Louane' Bath mat set - orlon pile 1Green and pink .... ............. $5.29 Bagatelle Games 'Piay'Line' sturdy Plastie...............$4.79 Camtex Bedspread, hoespun cotton 8W' x 100"'....................... $6.39 'Melm ac' Dinnerware 20 pcs., tourquoise 5.83 Terry Towel 4 pc. ,set hand priinted ... $2.77 Drink & Wet Doil 18" high and 24" Iligli Chair. Special.........«'" $6.29 Turkey Platters., underglazed 14"x18" $1.89 Coffee Table sturdy walnuttextured 16" x 45" x 15" Each.............. $9.98 Step 'Table sturdy walnut textured 16"1 x 24" x 21". Each.......$9.98 Combination Crokinole - sturdy 5 gantes in one Board. Reduced ............ $5.85 Carpet Runners - non skid 24"x45" only $2.66 Men's Thermal undershirts and under- wear. Ail sizes ........$2.,39 and $2.98 Girls' Winter Ilats aIl redued to Haîf Price Men's Flanelette Pyjamas, 32 to 44 ... $2.98 Walco Microscope Lab., magnifies . ... $8.98 Boy's Timex Watch, one yr. guarantee $7.95 'Little Princess' vanity sets, each only, .79c' Clara Vacuum Thermos flask Special at .77c ORONO 5c TO $1.0O STORE TIIE STORE 'WITH 3MORE rT