OR-ONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JA-NUARY Ill, 1968 O RONO W EEJýKLY TiME S ~Authoizeds Second Class5 mail, Pczst Office eprtet Ottawa) Pulse eery Thursday at the'offic-e of publicatioe MUain Street, Phone 109, orono, Cintarjo Esctablished in 1938 by R A. Forrester Roy C. F'orrester - Editor and Manager AnoLter step backwards has been taken in local edctinwth the exclusion from proposed plans of a Kidrgren and Library at the Orono Public School. The, compex wichwas first proposed to include the Kindergar- te, iray and General Purpose Room has now been re- duce totheGeneral Purpose Room only. This decision has been ade by the Board of the Clarke Township Public School sy stem who are now proceeding to -gain approval of this item. The decision which now exists was not an unanimous opinion of the\ Board but did however carry a majority. It is somewhat surprising to note this action for in December at the regular meeting hle Inspector and Ardui- tect were submitting tentative prices and procedures for the three-roomcope at the Orono School. The In- speetor voiced bis, approval ofý! the plan andmust have feit that it was to be proceeded with for lie submitted papers filled out ready for signing to proceed with the complex.' To bhave the plan this f ar advarnced is surely an indication that the Inispector and architect were given some. insighit as to the\ proposýed projeet. Two members of the Board, Mrs. B-_arlow and M7,r. Stutt were ready to proceed. It was delay- ed and setover to a special meeting in committee where Prpparently the project was cut to inclucte only the General Proeroom. AKîndergarten and Library could add greatly to the educational system in this area. To be without . . . is to be behind. Many qualified educators, teachers and the Depart- mýenit of Education point to'the decided adrantage of Kin- dePrgarten for chîldren and recently Dr. Willey, President of, Drb]"am Comnity Coll'ege, addressing the Orono Chabe o Cmmrc ,emphasized the need for earlie cdu a iûfr ecbildren v hich certainly incladed Prope-r and weli-equipped Libraries, are also a m-ýust in~~~i aanigteeducatior of ail students. Libraries ini the areascholsare depiorable and most outdated. nly last wýeek Ho.Dvs Minister of Education, stressed the ima- poranc ofreaingof good books and this'is a steadfast i~euirmen exrciedon a daily basis for his own chldren. indergartens and Libraries are not luxuries, any moýre but are requirements to advance an educational syst- emn for greater student benefit. The decision to exelude thsefom the rono complex does an injustice to the yonsesof ethis community.ý _1n the Villae of cwcastle construction is under- way for a Kindergýarteni and the-Newcastle School will also be set, up! with a. p-roper Library and also a Science room. Further to this the School has had a General Purpose room. Under these conditions the opportunities, in 'Newcastle ad- vance ahead of those in Orono, There have been opportunîties in the past couple of yvears to advance' the educational system to a greater de- grec in Clarke but these have been timidly sidestepped The real loss is neot wîth the adult population but is regist- e-red with the children of the community. It is certainiy time that parents demanded the best type of education for their. chiîdren in ti raada least one.equal to that in sucli areas as Newcastle, Darling- ton and Boxvmanville. To accept less is not good enough, 'pei1ywhcn costs are on an equal basis. Where This Suniday You Can EnloyA Bowl1 of Homemadei Chicken Noodie Soup CHEF'S SALAD HOT ROLLS and BUTTER 2ROASTED YOUNG CHICKEN MASHED POTATO-ES with Creamy Chicken Gravy MJXED' VEGETABLES H-OT DUTTCH APPLE PIE - ICE CREAM For Only Plan to brîing the cWhole 983-5001 Wealso arya fi ile- f SheliGas & Ojîs j aiThe 8û0t able Vincent MaLssey, the mem- à ~bers agreed oni only two choices, Emly Carr and Sir Frederick fIm ln-]"wînded thiswekREE R YESTERDAY -Bnig a o guess' what it's becaus,ýe I wish to introduce Pierre Berton. others were finaliy chosen? fully to ouir readers, a gorgeous With this bù)çoo of hndîreds of OTHER NEW BOOKS set of b)ooks waiting now at the phtgah vou will enjoy the Aduit Clarkeý Public Library. This is a samle nostalgie pleasure you cx-,King Solomon's Mines- Haggard series of volumes published u-perli-lecewhen looking through'Pistols for Twb - Heyer der the title of "The Canadian old faily photo albums. IThe Gabriel Rlounds - Stewart Illustrated Librar.y". Eleven are(,T11E orIN 0 A NATON - lExodus - Unis ready and there are more to - William Kilbuirn., Seals of the World- Maxwell 'c9me. This deýals with the important îEverything But Money - Leven- historical events that, most affec-, son. CAAANRH-ted Canaida from 1867-1967. A-! Pauline Johnson - er Life and-ý. by Farley Mowat. gipcue are plentiful and1 Work - VanSteen. The prologu-ýe asserts that "Can- interýesting., Juvenîle: ada Nortb" i 's a frank look at theGRA CANADIANS todan reality bebý-in tenorthern rnytb 25 outstanding Canadians are1 Miss Hickory. - a straighit look at the land we featured in this volunie. At the Story of Ferdinand have rejected. AÎded by striking first selection committee meeting Al Ready for Winter. photos, Mowat gives a fascinating1 apasiof the many facets ofI northern ife: its surprisingly varied landsca-pe; the explorers; the present-daýy dweliers; archeol- ogical discoveries of a Scandina- vian appearance, ice-bergs; ani- mals; travel.: contemporary Eski-ý mo art; trees and fiowers; natur-ý al resources; the Yukon gold rush and somte loveiy A. J. Jack-j son reproductions. HISTOIIIC HEADLINIS - t Editor Pierre Berton states, "lan this book we have chosen to look at history la a different way. We h ave selected a single dramatie news story from ecd decade, of ié [Canada's flirst century and we h ave examined it is dcpth a ig-.inst the period backdrop.' These nw stories include the assassqinatin of DArcy McGee; the- yp Ïs Hilîs Msar;Vau-Torne More the Troops W' theOdChf tains Lasi stanýd; the Baýrr Colon Fi asco; th7-,Canýadians Take Vimy,-,r, Ridge; the ýiîn AloneIniet Vancou1 ver Post Office Sitdown;. Gouzeiko Spy Case, the Creat, Pipelin--edba; the F.L.Q. Reigaý of Terror. THE CANA,ýDIAN LOOK -Ken Lefolii. *This is an entertaining bookio foot-noted paintings, photogrp,is- car1toons, sigas, labels and insig-tF nia that illustrate Canadian, sights> and styles 0k er the past *century. iTHE COLOUR 0F CANADA -Hugli Mac Lennan. tThis is' a truly worth-while book of breath-taking photo- graplis accompanied by MacLen- nan's remarkable insight expres- sed in penetrating prose. 0f the whoie series, this is the one to bhit the bestseller list. GREAT CANADIAN WRITING- - Claude Bisseli This anthology includes ex- cerpts from the works of 86 Ca- adian authors comDlemented byt interesting pho)tos. The selections are'classified in 6 main groups: places; action;: people; polities; the critical hand contemplative; poetry. GREAT CANADIAN SPORT TORIES - Trent Fraync. Lere are illustrations of out- ,,sanding athietes who dispiayed tesc qualities: endurance; nerve, 'fnesse, teampiay, strategy, speed'ý masi.Then, one personality is highlighted in a feature story for superiority in eacli category, as; follows: for endurance, Marilyn i Beli's swim across Lake Ontario;1 , for nerve, Bob Hayward's exploitsi with the hydroplane Miss Super- test; for finesse, Sandy Somer- ville's spectacular golf victory in the U.S. National Amateur Cham-' pionship; for teamplay, the Ed- monton Grads, a ladies' basket- baIl team; for strategy, Ned Han, Ion, sculling champion; for speed, race horse, Northern lDancer; for! inspiration, Red Storey's 15 miin- ute football triumph; for guts Jimmy MeLarnin's flourishinge pizefighting career; for strength folk hero stro:lziman, Louis Cyr; î for showmanship, King Clancy, the colourful hockey player. THE CENTENNIAL FOOD The authors sum up the con- tentsof their book la these words,: "Comprising an anthology of writings about'food and drink ov- e r the past hundred ycairs, to- A 'gether with divers recipes, help- Ilfi suges1cýtions, curiosa and il1ius- tra1tionis clled from old recordcs, ~hewhoe bingseasoned with- the personal prinejudices and eni- 0hsasso the authors. ledj to sec thuls book of 106 beaiu-; chaired by the late Right Hlonour-t The Arabs. LAST MINUTE Can We Solve Theni for You? WE-ýATIIERPROOF THRESIIOLDS DOO,9R WEATHERSTRIPPING SETS Hunidiier (bth urnceinstalled and roll-around-.raom Humidifriers) Stýeel Portable Fire Places. Fire MPlace Sets AlIn tcM rie T Si 24Ailour OitBurner Service and Oit Sales If, you're cold it's still not too late te instal a new furnace or have your present one checked over. Phone 983-9167 Ooo nal E R t~ Li ...-.q-.-. k ~izz~. j Fuit 2-year- Warranty Magi-Maiei Washing Action Hercules Mechanism guaranteed 5 years $109J")O with trade an-d up lso ATOM01ATIC WSIR & DRYERS,' Oronmý oElectrie Phone 983-5108 Orono,, oàtarie s 9 Y 1 & -Orono, Ontario iýA