Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Dec 1967, p. 8

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ORON WEELY IMES, THUROSDAY, DECR!4BER 14th, 1061 3 n3it ,II Addiio Cant.iniued fram page 1 2715 ao325 square feet was est- imated to eost $20,000.; a kinder- garten, 900 sq. feet at $30,000. and a generai purpose room, 1,950 squ.are feet, $60,000. Premiuni charees for toitets and heating, $18,000., furnishings $2,400.,' ar- chiteet fees $7,630. and cuntiig- Ph~ auualdebeniture repay- nîient îof prIncip)al and interest M'as estimated at $12,773.00. A yearly provincial grant of $7,614. redticedl the cost to local taxpay- ers to S5,159. or 1.2 milîs. Mlrs. Barlow asked if it wouidn't be ICOSIQbIe Lu auu Qone cîU5bsQoom eptmJ4l.1ICLwas 5Ug4ing zoiWK a to the three units at the timje to bard look' at proposais during This meeting concluded the replace the one bad baseinent 1968 H1e also said that he feit the el ub's Centennial projeet of the classroom at the Orono sehool. Boardi should 'e, making their study of Canadian writers, Am- -«What 15 wrong with the room?" 'first step- - - "but you may want erican authors wil be read in __________________________ blook at this further." Mr. Tur- ansky stated that they were ftow ~UAD ~4 ~behind one year on their propos- H W..Ic1L.mIT E XL-701 Here's a lightweight saw with cutting, and double the fuel and ail capacity. Cuits Mu-augh I5" hardwood in 12 stconds fe!ls trees uip ta 51 in diamecter. I 311es ,ilthe famous Fomeite professional featurps. And the c3st ISsa mow. 'Fry ii today - then dcut- your way ta be3tter profiits. 7e, light you cari balance it on ope hard! - OEO cd plan. It appears from discussion at' the meeting that thé Board has set out a number of phases of future expansion with the first phase inciuding Orono, a second and third phase seeing develop- ment at Lockharts and Newton- ville. Some doubt arises over fur ther expansion at Brown's Schooi. Trail End.s, (Continued from page 1) graup from Port Hope under the direction of J. W. L.,Goering, 57 King Street, have already work- ed on the trail as far as Mili- brook. The trail mostiy follows the abandoned CNR railway Ene! from Port Hope to Lindsay. Land o-wners in this area have been veygenerous in aliowinig hikers to use 'their property, a spokes- man for the Ganaraska Trail As- sociation--said.Prisin hasý also been given to the trail as-[ sociation to use the property til owned by the CNR and thec land owned by the Ganaraska Conser- -i - _-r-~ i~ ~- patian Authorty. UNTE RNTALL ' The Ganaraska Trail Associa- AND 3MARINEj tion intends to have a leatlet des- 555 King Street East cribing the trail with a map for Oshawa, Ont. Tel. 728-5565!hikers, ready in two weeks. safest snow fun goirig This is the one for fun-the only snow vehicle of its kinri. Thrill your f amily and friends with the exciting Diablo Rouge. Over his, around curves and through dips with comfort, safety and fun. The Bolens Diablo Rouge is bufit with safe snow fun in mind. Check one out now. Brawny 16 hp engine, front-end dual-track 1-ý'ian and three or four-passenger ski-seater with feomy storage space. Take a unique test ride in our 'Bolens'Action Theater". It's ready for yo)u rignt naw. Cameaon in and see the- Diabloi Watso's ame &cycle Phone, 983-534a Orono, Ontarlo IIOLIP,4Y ULOSING The Library wiii be Boxing Day, Tuesday, 26. closed on! December asked James Lowery. "It is a basement room, littie air or light Up A d D w Th o k Sa s and a noisy heating system, and. p An o iTh C ok S iks 1 n general poor for teaching," stated Mrs., Barlow. Four Canadian poets were 1968. briefiîy discussed by members of 1 M r. Greenwood asked that the heIi Reading Club at the fial1E 1OK -proposai be tabled and on receiv- meeting of the year. Besides an: Adult -ing the motion earried it stating '-eeOunt of cadic poet's life, an TeJmsJyeMre *the Board was invoived in too example of, the writer's work was1 The Thing 0fce It Is mucli for one evening. Mrs. Bar- provided by readings of his The Corner Shop low said the proposai shouid, not f oems. The John F. Kennedys be shelved. Mr. Stutt stated, "WeMyFgtWhArris have the brains (Jnede Roberndi Edward and the Edwardians ýArhiteet) here with us now, why 1 h rga ncue:Rbr net carry this on?" 1 Service's hilarlous "Bessie's Juvenile Bil"; Pauline- Johnson's sooth« The Enormous Egg t ing "The Song My Paddle Sings"l Alphonse, That Bearded One Mr. MacLeod pointed out that!and "The Sleeping Giant"'; Wil- Parades; Celebrations! Circus, *such a proposai. had to be sub- iara Henry Drummond's patriot- es! mitted to the Consultative Com- fie "Canadian Forever"; Isobella The, Book of Bible Animais mittee, the Iepartment of Educa-! Valancy Crawford's reflective ly- Nobody Listens to Andlrew tien, the Council. and Municipal rie "Love's Land." limpunity Jane., *Board. H1e further stated that thef I)Diinrm,-nf rng çrinri t 1L.nk See Pur Shelves Loaded With Xmas Goodies PLENTY TO CHOOSE FWOM Games - Toys - Books - Candies - Decorations Lights - Wrapping Paper - Haberdashery Notions - Appliances Our Store wIll be open eaeh day 8:30 a.m. to 9,00 P.m. UNTILCommencing Monday, December il Saturdays tlii6:0>0 p ni. O)RONUo% 5( TO P$10OO STORE "The Store With More" Phone e83-5101 CHRISTMAS SEALS (Continued from page> 3 disease a secret weapon. Christmas seals -are somewhat apt to connect TE with winter months, snow and cold, but not one Canadian should forget that it can strike in any season, mont> or day. More than this, the resuit may not only prove fatal. to the immediate victim, but may have f ar reaching resuits and infect many others. Planning is now going ahead for the new design of Christmas Seais for this year. The Northumn- berland-Durham TB and Health ,Association are hoping that bud* e I gets are 'befng prepared now ta I include donations at Christmas, whiche will, gie reseqrch the.ob- ,portunities it needs to free Can- radians from the Tubereulosis menace. Phone, 983-5349, Orono, Ontario

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