Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Dec 1967, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES., ITHRDAY, DECEMBER l4th, 1967 HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED Rýep rt D RusellC. H neyTO YOUR CHRISTMAS SEALS M C. se i oney, M.P., Durbaninuclear power generation. A killer stili walks our streets.F SH &C P Thfîýis bs been a busy week The researchi and developmentDeptefosmn f hm (oh n tawa and on-the hiome program necessary to develop 1sucncssfl thl isrmeae asno fr ont.O Thiursday- the Crown this processa using new metbods encmlti iamd cL'orporation, Eldorado Minîng and over the past 4 years in Eldor- Iý ]Reiingiil Limited, announced it ado's faclities in Ottawa and Tragically there is a luil in the wuill(construet a new Refinery ad- Port Hope. The project received awareness of the" general publice uigtebs oidySao e akpe iýcent to the present Uranium the moral and financial support at this season of the year, andpr ortk-u ihadCi inr.N -tefinery in Port Hope. The new of the Federal Government's De- except la the families where pr ortk-u ihadCi inr.N fRefinery will, produce zirconium partment of Industry and eventu- fear bas made itself feit, there fuss . no muss. alloys for use in Nulear React- ally the approval of the Eldorado, Appears to be littie conceril. And ~ Crisp golden French Frics with, tempting Hali- or.Board of Directors and the- Can- there will remain littie concern but Steak. adian Government. As Canadians lin ail porbability until the Christ-P'E 8-50 The construction of the p lant we can be proud of our engineers mas mail distributes. thousands ofPHN 98-23 iqhich will cost approximately and scientists who have main- envelopes containing- those f am- Yoûr Order, Will be Ready When You Want It. seven million dollars will begin tained Canada in the forefront injiMar coloured seals. about February 1968 and the the employment of the atom fort first production is scheduled for peaceful purposes. The killer is, of course, the CH IT SSO L N the end, of 1968. The new- plant Tuberculosis germ. Witb an armyCH IT A OL E bou 10proie eploym o f or a wi nofseilnts e sers caing te A M ND RNG SIK will 10po~ pl 5o tf or ai iefnd[ofscluits, rscmach worktesO D RNG TC S _w, in the professional anid tecb- C 'Ir~ disease, the TB germ is yet devel- ïnical group and the balanice oý Joping a resistance to titugs ana 75 will be trained at the plant to l "i p *treatmnent, a resistance greatly ëarry out the production duties. lt.S k ina t uitize ns aided by indifference and -lack- * ness on the part of many who ~ ~The construction of the new V r reudroigcrs Rhefinery together with Eldorado's Eie ae A K 1 n c a p,resent facilities, at. Port Hope anud the Canadian Westinghouse Chief1 Ross Mercer points outi Regularity.in the intake of pilis ^dC eea lcr that, tests ,have- proved that the and other drugs, lack of care andl CanadianiGnrlEeti aette sate ihisbt rest when a patient begins to feel And Baktery aciities at Port Hope and Peter- aetteiate ihis b is or ber, healtb is nmending, are 1o(rough, respectively strcngthens set in water. If a tree has dried ail contributing to giving this ORONO, ONTARIO hePort Hope,,areaas the urani- out, bowever, before it is set up,i ýjfuel fabricating centre of it cannot regain its safe moisture a_-'nada. level. A dry tree, he warns, can (Coitiiiued page 6 1 be ignited by a single match, to The Nuclear Reactor in anY burn violently to a charred state 4tomic Power Plant is simply a in a few seconds. source of heat. The Plat tsy ssý merely a neW device' for pro- So-called "flame-proofing" of -ucing steam to drive an ordlin- natural trees, by spraying witb ary turbo-electrie generator. chemical mixtures, is not a sure Whereas a coal-fired, power sta. protection; and evTen artificial'i %ercd station gets its steam frorn trees present their owni ser ious ongets stenm by burning coal" fire -bazards. Metallic trees, be- I in uge boilers the nuclear pow- cause. they are conductors -of el- 'heat, generated when uranium at, ectricity, should neyer be> decor- omas are split by chain reaction. ated, witb strings of lights. If ?1he steam generated turns the ligbting is desired, it should be tnrbines wbich in turn rotate ci- provided by floodligbts set aparti *-c'trîc ýgencrators and theeeryfrom the tree. produced is fed into power lines.? oepatctes oefo Zirconiumn in one form or, an- -ether is used in most Nuc-lear Reactors. The, decision to build Uichewv Zirconium Rfinery in P~ort Hope assures Canadians se sfficiency i the field of lird o .erig Do'es your mother, f ather or iovcd one nee'd a hcaring aid?. 1Now is the time to make their Christmas a bappyý one by be- ing able to hear. GUARANTEED HEARING AIDS $50*00 discount SPECIAL XMAS OFFER ITILL DEC. 24/67 For FREE Hearing Test ami Demonstration Inquire at Orono 0Electric Orono, Ontario Freih Hearing Aid Batteries For Ail Makes of Hearing Aids Repairs For Ail Makes of Hearing Aids JACK 99 King St,, E. BOWMANVILLE Whken Buying or Seiling eall WIFHAWKE VOUR ORONO -AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Members of Oshawa and i)s- trict Real Estate Board styrene materials, and tbose trees known as "Hong Kon,-" trees, are! flammalb1ean may burn violent- ly. Neyer use ,candies on or ilear' the Cbristmnas tree, or in holders made fromn polystyrene foami. Fire Chief Ross Mer1cr( addsi a final serious warning. "Neyer leave'small childrenJun- attended. This is even more im- portant at a season wben last- minute shopping, or visiting witb friends, may tempt parents to relax their vigilance." O.P.P. Report The following are the statistics compiled at the Bowmanville De-]i tacbment, Ontario Provincial Pol-' ice, for the montb of November, 1967. Break and Enter --------- 6 Auto Thefts -------------- 2 T befts ---------------1--- 14 Other Criminal Investigations ý -------- 23 Prov. Statute Investigations 14 Value of Stolen Property $455. As a result of the above in- vestigations, 3 persons have been charged witb criminal offences; 17 loffences have been cleared otherwise;' and il persons have been charged witb offences a- gainst, the Provincial Statutes. Five persons were reported miss- ing and five persons were locat- ed. Accidents investigated -----74 Persons kil led ------------- 4 Persons inijured -----------44 Persons charged under H .T .A ,- ----------------- 165 Persons warned under H .T .A .- ----------------- 150 Vebicles safety cbecked ---367, jPersons charged with auto offences under criminal cod e ----- ---- ----1--- ---1 2 The Xmas Season is fast ap- proaching and soon' the scbools will be closed to celebrate the holiday season. Wîth this thougbt ýin mind, we say - «"CHILDREN SHOULD BE SEEN NOT HIURT."1 Vii OrToy Depýartm-ïen-t OPEN UNTIL, 9 EVERY EVENING TOY SALE 70 Different Toys to Choose From C.C.M., SKATES For Boys and Girls Our HOO VER HARVEST 0F VALUE* SALE Continues This sole etion contains many ideal Gifts. Be su re to buy now while the stock is tcomplete Use Our LAY-AWAY PLAN A small deposit wil hold any item until Christmas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 100 Piece Regular $49.95 Special for Xmas HOCKEY STICKS Regular $31,05 Black & Decker JIG SAW K~IT $24.95 PEDAL AUTO by Thistie,..... $9.88 Sporty plastie pedal auto, strong a ndsafe, non-slip tires Regular $1325 Coronet Stainless Steel COOKWARE SLEIGIIS, TRICYCLES, IIOCKÈY NETS, RADIOS, CLOCKS, GUNS and many, many more items for ideal Christmas Gifts. CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS Reg. $3.95 IG.E. 12 Light INDOOR SET ...... $2.99 Reg. $6.39 ~ DO~U~ T~ G.E. 14-Light OUTDOOR SET .... $4.99 Reg. $5.!m QïUi~f~ G.E. Outdoor FLOOIGHIT KIT .99 6 foot Scotch Pine XMAS TREE . $12.99 ROLPHIl HA RDUW,,AR Phone 983-5207 Orono, Ontario p. I NEZ=-

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