Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Dec 1967, p. 1

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The Board of the Clarke Town- abijp Public School Area tabled a proposai to construct a general purpose room with stage, a kind- ergarten roomn and a library room at the Orono Sehool. The board was split' over the action to table the proposai with trust- ,ees James Lowery and William Turansky supporting the tabling and postponling of the proposai wbhile trustees Mlrs. H. H. Barlow ud James Stutt were opposed tîe such action. Board Chairman v-arried the motion whîch tabled tbe proposai on Monday evening tthe December meeting. Mr. Greenwood in asking for 'rie tabling of the proposai stated ýthat further discussion should be tiven the proposai befone action was tken. e suggested that a special mý-eetingi, be held to dis- cuaýýs thtl porposal. NO definite daFte for such a meeting was set o,;n Monday, The proposai of the general purpose room, kindergarten and library roomns was made at a Nov- emrrber meeting when the inspec- for, Mr. MacLeod, was present. The architect had been informed of this proposal and bis repre- sentative aiong with the Inspeet- or were present at, the Monday meeting heid in Orono. Mr. White, repreenting the architeets. stated that he under- stood the proposal of the three units was to be separated froua the present Orono School and was to be so planned that class- rooms could be added to end up with a complete new unit. The proposed three units would, 110w- ever be connected to the present Orono Sehool by a "covered wTay." Mr. White pointed out that the new un-its,- constructed in a sep- airate building, would eost an ities for a lanr unit should now be inco-(rporated Lu the Pro- posed struicture. Such itecms in-, cluded area for suifficienit and- ad- ditionai washroom i f acilities, beating plant, disposa] area etc. "Your Kirby sebool is paying a premiun now for facilities that may be needed in the future," be said. We should know at this time how many classrooxns you intend to fînally add to this proposed unit. We eau then determine wbhat facilities should be planned for in this unit for the present and for the future, he said. It was pointed ont that separ- ate washrooms would be installed for the Kindergcarten room. Mn. MacLeod, inspector,, pre- sented theý Board with a sheet and also withl a eompleted forua contaiing ea stimates of the cost which would bave te be subuait- ted to the Counties Coniultative ,Committee and other depart- The inspector in consultation with the architeet submit1ted a total estimated cost for the thiree units at $141,920. This ineluded amnounts for providîng areas and Piping for future toilet and beat- ing faciities, anchiteet fees, fur- niture and contingencies. A library room of area from (Continued on page 6) T~ Newcastle Girl Wins Oron. Chamber $500. Prize Durham NDPs The urhm RiingAssocia- to of theNc e Democratic Par- tyheld its election ýf officers fo1968 in Orono on Tuesday7, !December 5th. As a resuit, the following vwill forma the 1968 ex- . cutive: Presidlent - Dougý Vice Presidlent- Seeretary Bi Moffatt, E Iz- Don Prosser, Pethick, Port Treasurere and Membership .,ecretary - Gerry Olthof, Court- iceI Eastern Area Chairman- Bill MaklWelcomne; (includes Port Hiope, Hope Towniship and East- -.mr haîf of Clarke Townshýip). Western Area Chairman - Hen-' ryVeenhof, Courtice; (includes Biowm.anville, Darlington Town-' sh1ip and west half of Clarke TowGnship). Northern Area Chairman - Gor- doîýn Coolidge, Nestieton; (includ- -es Cartwright, Manvers and Cavan TQwnships). The importance, of- member- -,bips to the riding was stressed. With over 4,000 votes cast in the recent provincial election for the New Democratie Party in this Riçling, a large increase in mem- -4bership should be forthcoming. PJlaeOnoA Oronot W ite,r Carnival a t.he Orono rink on Saturday even- ingDeceber23rdI. Mr. S. Mlather, president of the AýssociationI, informied the Cham- ber of Commý-rierce that the night wuiIl include skating, games and Miss'Margaret Denney of New- castle was the winner- of the Or- ono Chamber of Commerce $500. draw held on Monday .evening. Mr. Harry'Mercer won the second place prize of $200.00 and Mrs. Floyd Nicholson the thirdý place prize of $100.00. Th'e draws were made at the ýDecember meeting of the Chamber held at. the New Dutch Oven Restaurant, In connection with the Christ- mas decorations oný the Main Street Messrs. Sterliinig Mather and- Horst Hoensch reported that the Orono Police Trustees had reguested, that the Chamber pay for the Christmas bulbs.,Without this donation the Truùstees weee not going1 to pût' up the decora- tions t his'year. It was also re- ported that Mr. Fred Lycett had donated the Christmas trees free of charge. On motion of Messrs. W. H., Carman and S. Mather the Cham- ber is to sponsor Christmas mus- ic to be played on the Main St. from now until Chiristmas. Mr. E. Dent is to be approached to set up a sound system for this pur- pose. SANTA COMING! The Chamber of' Commerce is also to sponsor a Santa Claus visit to Orono. -The visit will be held in connectionwith a Winter Carnival being held at t>e Orono rink on the evening of Saturday, December 23rd. Santa is to ar- rive, early at the rink ontbi.s particular evening and will greet ail his little friends., ANNUAL MEETING It was decided to hold the an- nual meeting in the Oddfellow's Hall and that tickets would be sold in advance for this event. The meeting will also be held as a ladies night. Entertainiment and a, guýest speaker are to be obtain- Ca. Various members of the Cabrwere delegated to plan and arrange for thisenig contests with prizes and snow- mobile racing, providing s11ow is available. The whole evening,' he said, wilbe free to the entire family. The Chamber is to assist by having Santa visît the party for the younger set. Orono VOLUME 30, NUMBMR 4 Trail To End, A group of 17 pensons froua Lindsay, Peterborough, Millbrook Pont Hope, and Cobourg, at the first meeting of the Ganamaska Trail Association held at Fair- moaunt, the home of Mrs. P. A. C. KetcIium, deeided the ti'ail must continue on £rom Millbrook to Lindsay., The association ho'pes for a continuons footpath fromn Pont Hope, to Lindsay by the end of 1968. L. Thurston of Lindsay will take, on responsibility for the ,section fnom Lindsayto Omemee. Once permissi on bas been ob- tained fnomn landowners, the foot- path will be' blazed and stiles bulilt over fenees. A igroup from. Peierborou,,gh will blaze the trail from Qmemnee to Bethany. This group, unden the leadership of Williami Lech, Peterborough-law- yen, will have the help of the ITrent University Outing >Club, Mn. and Mrs. Harny Wilflams, teachers 'at Millbrook High Schpol, willi organize the tmail froin Bethany to Millbrook. A (Continued page 6) Weekl y Times ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 1M6 Calnadal,, Fourth Largest Exporter 0Of Fairm Prodmuce Turkey Shootý A Succes's The Orono Fish and Hunt Tur- key Shoot held last Sunday was amost succýssful venture for the club. Activities started at:-10:00 a.m. and, continued on through the day until 4:30 p.m. A large active crowd was on hand. Tho,se taking part won a total of il turkeys, 6 .geese and eight chickens. The club cleared ýn' amount of $125.00 on the shoot which they - are to put towards the construc- tion . of a new club house. This club house is -to be erected on new property which is now in the process, of being purchased. Hot 'dogs and coffee were a popular aspect of the shoot and were very niuch in démand. Séven Million Dollar Plant For Town 0f Port Hope Eldorado Mining and Refining Limited is to construet' a new $7,000,000 plant in Port Hope to refine zirconium. J. C. Bua-ger, vice-president, maide the amnouncemnent at a press conference in Port Hope last week. Be said the construc- tion of the'new plant would be started. early in 1968, with first production scheduled for the end of the year, The location of the plant, which will provide employment for about 100 persons, will be adja- cent to the present Eldorado building. Mr. Burger said negotiations had been completed to take over the former Agrico property own- ed by the Hai-bour Commission and crown lands towards the lake. "The reason for theurgency to get the construction underway Ilis, the market, deinand for .zirconium alloy is . increasing 'and it is nec- essary to get in on.the market as quickly as we can," lie said. The comipany has been' work- in., on dvlpetof zirconium for the past four years.ý Research was started by thile Research and Development Division in Ottawa wifh W. E. Tranmer, Port Hope, acting as liaison to establish the pnocess. Useful Ailoy "Due to zirconium's excellent resistance and hîgh 'temperature strengths unçler intense radia- t ion, it makes a particularly use- fnlý alloy in the structural com- ponents of nuclear poo,,er react- ors," hie said. the Eldorado decçion to con-, struct facilities to' produce zir- conium alloy insured Canada a self -sufficiency in the ýfield of nuclear power generation. Mr. Burger said since, a leng- thy development for sncb a criti- cal component was iiecessary and a proving Period *as required to confirm the acceptability of reactor componets, zirconium al- loy was assured of a continuing demand over the next two dec- ades. The automated type plant, sim- ilar to the present uranium set- up, will require 25 tecbnical per- sonnel for supervision. "The re- maining '75 will flot need special_ qualifications," Mr. Burger said, "They wiîf be trained in tbe plant." ;Russell Honey, Durham1 MP, who was present at the press also the potential export market. He congratulated Mr., Burger conferen ce, said the new plant would be helpful to the develop- ment of the area and to Canada, "9% of Canada's employed la- bour force produced the food to' supply ou r own national require- ments and stili make us the four- tb largest exporter of f arm, prod- ucts in the world," Durham M.P. Russeill Honey told a meeting of the Durham Farmers Union in Pontypool last Friday 'evening. lHe stated this is possible only because of the great efficiency of the Canadian farmner. Mr. Honey said that on his ré- cçnt trip to Rome to, attend the Food and Agricultural Confer- ence of the Uniited Nations bie had learned that Western Eur- ope bas, 23% of its labour force employed. in, agriculture, Eastern Europe and 'the USSR have 4 1%, Latin Amterica, had 55% and Asia bas 60% and yet many of theso countries stili 'cannot- provide enouigh agricultural' products, for their domestic consumption. The Durham M.P. stated that' the 'Canadiian agriculturai in-*' dustry bas reached this level of production without -penalizing the Canadian consumer. Consum- ers in Eastern Europe and the USSR spend 47% of their income on food, 42% in Africa, 41% in Latin America,, 36% in Western Europe and the Canadian Con. sumer spends about 20% -of bis -income on food., "While ail o f this is heartening for the Canadian consumer and the economy of Canadians. gen- erally one must question wheth- er or not the farmner is being ask-- ed to, sacrifice too much", Mr. Honey said. Be stated that it was 0o10 of ter.esponsiblilities of, government- in consultation with the farm organizations to. keep a balance between -production andi m arket demand. "It might seem to be an easy solution to the fiarmers net in- come problem to increase the, cost to the consumei; but this would only drive him 'to dairy product substitutes" said the M.P. He stated butter consump- tion in Canada is down 8% this year and the consumptionof mar- gamine isý going up proportion- ately. The federal, government tries Lo inclrease the farmers return and at the saine time keep, the cost to the consumer at reason- able levels. This year the subsidy paid by the federal goverament directly to the faimer on manu- facturing milk is $1.21 per cwt. which will total approimately,130 million dollars in ail, Mr. Honey said. and bis staff for, the work over the past four years in developing zirconium. "It had to be donej carefully, efficiently and correct- Iy,"' he said, "to satisfy the Gov- erfiment that the company should ,go ahead with the project."1 Mr. Honey said the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, the Hon. Jean-Lue Pepin, -had been pleased at the way Eldorado pre- sented the project. Mr. Pepin had- indicated lie would like to, pay a visit to the plant and Port Hope. "Perbaps this can be arranged for early àa the new year," he added. FliveRnng ForMWardens5hip Thc6 rae for, wandenship of the United Countiýes ofNotubr land and Drhmappîears to be developing into a fuhi-scale aff air, for 1968. At the present timie a total of five memnbers have made known their intentions to mun for the position. Those already in the contest are: Gordon Carruthers,, reeve o) Hamilton Township. Roy Chatten, repve of Bnigh-t- on. Wib Thomas, reeve oif Cobonng, J. Whittinigton, reeve Of South Monoghan Township. Mel Wight, deputy-reeve -of Seymour Townsbip. 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