-~ -~ -~ JCL. ~ - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIURSPAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1967 U nd 0W Te ok Stckshristr Christi The L "Rtr fthe Sphinx,", a cur- ;t hs been, harshly criticized by asta( rent bs-elr was the choice of 'r~ n columnists. Th ë T Mrs. E. ilison for discussion at the eading Club's November The 'Lheme of the book is the The i meeting. The author, Hugh Mac- Qtebec separatist movement, and Th Lennan hs rated as one of Can- rntermingled with the political' Babar ada's most gifted writers. Born . onfliit is the, confliet between Plum in 1907 at Glace Bay, Cape Bret- thegenerations. Alan Ainsle, a Christr on Island, his educational hack- !,arïiarnentarian, sympathizes with Players. ground is splendid: a B.A. in French-Canadians, but advocates y csisf rom Dalhousie Univer- moderate solutions; whîle his son sijty: Rhodes Scholarship to O)x.-1 television interviewer,. influene- ford; Ph.D. fromi Princeton. led by the violent theories of alr separatist fanatie, supports radi- Nowý in the English flepart- 1 al revolutionary methods.I me~nt ,at Mofill.h he been ~his, tmas the World Over -mas M agie Long Christmas vay Christmas Christ Child I výe-v Days off Christras itlest Angel i<ear Without Santa Claus rand- Father Christmas Puddingý For Christmas ;ma.s Plays for Young Dorothy Robinson Local News illeiltSomeCanadian critiuusifeit that1We regret there were two om- teaching career at Lower Canada MSi aainciis etta CollgeMonrea. u wrtin ,MaLennan did not represent sep- issions last week in the H-orticul- carer hs erne hl seera aratism as the serlous movement tural write-up. Mrs. J. Mercer en- Governor-General's Awards and At actually is, but rathe r gave the tertained with, singing and yodel- the Lorne Pierce Award. His impression that it is the passing ling accompanying herseif on the books include these tities: whim of a small group of youth- guitar. Also Mrs. O. Challice gave fui fanatics and confused ideal- two delightful readings. We are Barometer Rising ists. very horry to, have omitted these Two Solitudes items as they did add so much to The Precipîce Club members agi-ced that the the evenings, entertainment. Cross ountrybook, in spite of a rather gloomy Cros Coutryplodding pace, easily holds aý Thirty and Three reader's interest, perhaps because Mrs. Garnet Gamsby, Toronto Scotchman's Return the main theme is of such vital spent the weekend with hier Each Man's Son neet ohr r.Rb.AlMs. The Watch That Ends theineetmohr Mr. ot.An. rs H. McGowan of Callander, was,1 Night "Return of the Sphinx" is also a recent visitor with hier Seven Rivers of Canada ready for borrowers at Clar-ke mother., The crities great1y-.- differ- in Pbi irr ody their assessment of "Return of New Christmans Books- Saturday evening dinner guests the Sphinx." Highly praised byj Christmas Is A Time For Giving ýwith Mrs. Neil Porter were Mr American and British reviewers, T o! and Mrs. George Cole, Port Hope, A Christmas Carol Miss Audrey Bilings, Oshawa, Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond,, _____________________ Other Christmas Bo ks-Mr and Mrs. Carl Billings, Mr. The Joyous Season and Mrs. Ed Graham, Mrs. C. S. How Far To Bethlehem? lMcLaren and Mrs. H-an-y Bailey. Let's' Make Presents Holiday Crafts and Fun If you are parents who bring. Oron Buiding ____ __ _ ___ your children to Sunday School uroïia or are interestcd in the Bible, we' invite you to spend a rclaxingl Contracror UNITED) CHURCH i hour. 10-11 a.m. evcry Sunday morning in the Friendship Room éàstrai in the- Aduit Bible Class discus- Brick Block - Concrete Ornosing the probleais relevant to ev-: Carge ery Christian home today. Let us Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -Tule 983-5441 ORONO 'We Hope You'II Join even if:, -you've bicen too busy to sign np. -OuRe not interested in saving money. OR -yon neyer have to borrow money. Yon Can't Afford to Pass Up Membership ln the Orono District CREDIT UNION ]Treas,.-Man., Mrs. P. Werry Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, DECEIMBER 10, 1967 Orono United Church Sunday School at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. jKirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday Sehool at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday School at 9:45 Dr. PH. Maaîtrtenlse DENTIST' Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Centre Office Hbars:- 9:00 to 1:00; 2:00 te 6:00 Saturday 9:00 te 1:00 Phone 983-5825 Maoln --se - oomi .1j Ill -j' -j FARM TANKS and PUMPS AVAILABLE - ey> CALL COLLECT,_ _ DX.OIL C MPN rseek the answers together while enoigthe Christian fellowship next Sunday morning. Mrs. Halsted Coathain and Mr. Tom 'Coathami were in Newmarket, on Saturday, where they were guests at a birthday party for! Mrs. Coatham's aunt, Mrs, Eliz- abeth Kay. Mrs. Kay celebrated her1 hundredth birthday at the home of her son and dauighter-in- law, Reverend C. W. and Mrs Kay.- YOUR INDEPENDENT DRUIGGIST'S !N-STOPRE CHRISTIMAS PkiMTO WiJne of îTwo VlaePrizes Enter your naine as many turnes as yon like. Deposit en- try fora inl the box provided at our store. Closing date De- cember 23rd. There is no ob- ligation and everything is free. Stutt's Ph armacyr Phone 983-5009 Orono, Ontario C aawoô'd Shoppe ORONO, ONT. -PHONE 983-5539 Christmus Plants Are In Poinsettas, Cyclamen, Mums AzaIýus, Mixed Palns For Special Plants such as Philodendruai, Dracena, Orange Trees, Christmas Cherries, Rnbber Plants, Pains Let us quote prices for you. We have a variety of Christmnas decorating aids. Drop in and look around. 11 CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SA-LE -g p TOWELS A good selection of bath towels in plain shades and floral patteras on white, green, yellow and blue grounds. Face cloths to match. An attractive aad aseful gift. Priced from 79e to $2.98 each TOWEL SETS Sets of Caintex towels and face cloths, attractively boxed for gifts. Several colour combinations. Priced froni $198 to $3.00 per set TABLECLOTIIS Attractive designs la tablecloths of genuine linen blond- cd with fine cotton. Several boxed. with serviettes to match. Predominating shades of pink, blue, yellow, beige and brown. Sizes 50" x 50" aad 52" x 70". Piced from $3.50 to $5.95 BLANKETS Texinade blankets frein a blend of h modern fibresi- Thermal blankets from a qualîty cq blond of viscose aad nylon. Viscose and Dan Rivei wool blankets! Ail wvool blankets! Ail with low triai. wide nylon binding. Shades of -fr, bue, Pie beige, gold, green and vi tient Priced Priced frcrn $4.95 to $15,00 WLLOW CASES Mal Good qualty white cotton pillow b Cavy-qua cases with ite ýý or colour 'd embroidery. skid back. Boxed for gifts. beige, ros Pricedfrn $2.95 to $3.50 pair Prie SýHEET SETS' Éet and pillow case sets, in good, cotton with hand embroidery or er Musla with pink, bie or yel- friom $9600 tio $12,50O set MATS ts and bath mat sets' of thick, ity cotton chenille with non- -. Beautiful shades of green, gM se and bine. eed friom $4.50 tb $5.95