ORONO WEEKLY TI-MES, TJIURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1967 ORONOWEEKLY TIES ~uhne.as Second CLase mail, Post Office Dprtet 1~aa eubMslied every Thursdyay t thie office o pizbicatig» Main Street, Phone 109, Orono, Onzario Established in 1938 by R. A. ForreMer Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager TIME'TO VOTE With a generai election, to be held in Ontario, oniy five days away, the lack of apparent interest shown by the eligibie voters is regrettable. The campaign,, so far, ap- pears to have aroused littie interest and this 'couid refiect in a poor turnout at the polis this coming Tuesday. Lack of interest couid be due to a number of factors. There are no real issues in the election campaign that have caught the fancy of the voter and people in general are enjoying good times.ý Also many have become disen- chanted with politics due, possibiy, to a surge of elections in the last few years. The Conservative Government la 'Ontario had laid their course well during the, past year with legisiation which bas taken the steam out of the oppositions's cam- paign. They have recentiy provided assistance in ýmany fields such as legai aid, housing, medicare and a degree of relief to the municipal tax payer. Aithougli this is al at the cost of the taxpayer it lias, quieted the electorate and deflated the campaign of the opposition. The Conservative Government places its past record before the voters and asks a return to office so that pro- gress may continue within the Province. The Liberals seek support from the voter by promising încreased provincial funds for education and greater relief from municipal tax- ation. Lîkewise the New Democrats promise financial aid to the local levels of government including education and especiaily areas in the north by, greater taxation on our natural resources. The support of the. voter lias, in the past as in this election, beensouglit with apparent give-aways. Ail parties have used this. means in the present election but it lias be- come apparent that the electorate is weii aware that what goes into the right hand pocket, first must come out of the ieft hand pocket. There are, we feel, improvements to be made and one of the greatest is the streamlining of government and its governing acts. In Ontario we are over-governed by a cumbersome arrangement of levels of governments based on a Municipal Act that contains contradiction and is ia itself outdated in a fast moving era. Liasion between departments of the government and the various leveis of governments is a retarding factor for those who have to deal with and through it. Unfortunately the political pressure against change in this area of govern- ment lias hindered any real progress. Whether, we expr ess satisfaction or disatisf action with the presen't government in Ontario, it is everyone's duty on, Tuesday to register their vote at the polis. Make it a date today to be at the polis on Tuesday. Rebekahs lect 1The regular meeting of theý Heather Rebekali Lodge was held Tuesday, October loth. Sister JenButler presiding asNbi Grand assisted by Sister Jean Lewis, vice, Grand. 11 1 Sister Nelda Thompson, Dis- tridt Deputty.Presidentwas intro- i huced -by Sister 'Betty Major'. Sis- ter Pearli Peacock, Deputy Mar- sh 'al and the, Installing team we re introduced by Sister Mae Allen. The new officers for the term 1967-68 were instaiied as 'follows: Jr. Past Nobe Grand- - Sister Jean .Butler. Noble Grand - Sister Jean Lewis Vice Grand - Sister Violet Dunlop Rec. Secretary -Sister Mae Allen Fin. Sêcretary- Sister lia Mar- tin. Treasurer- Sister Irene Murray j Warden - Sister Doris Wannan. Conducto Sister Carole Boyd. IChaplan- Sister .H-azel' Stapleton j l'usician- Sister Gloria Todd. Colour Bearer- Sister Thelma Forrester. R.SN.G.- Sister Betty Major. L.S.N.G. Sister Rena Pears. R.S.V.G.- Sister Laverne Barra- Jbal IL.S:V.G. Sister Vilda Cowan. Inside Guard- SisterBenc Partner. Outsîde Guard- Sister Julia Jack- . son. R.S.P.N;G. Sister Hattie Wilson L.S.P.N.G. Sister Millie Rainey R.S. Chapiain - Sister Maude Cooper jL.S. Chaplain - Sister MargaretJ Graham. The hall was attractively de- corated with fruit, vegetables and beautiful coloured leaves. A very deiicious' supper was served by the Committee in charge. The Orono Figure Skating Club heid their annual meeting and election of officers on Wed- nesday nigltitnl the Orono Mun- icipal Building. Mrs. Carol Boyd was re-elected ,Ipresident of the club with Mrs. Marjorie Lowery, lst vice, Mrs. Shirley Williams, second vice, Mrs. MadelnMdli, secretary; Wâtson and Miss Ly4da Barra- and Mrs. Beryl Clark, treasuirer. bail. The following directors were The foliowing convenors for eiected to office: Mrs. Sharon various activities were ap pointed, Dickinson, Mrs. Eiaiine Mercer, Fair Convenor, Mrs. Marjorie Mrs. Lorna Atkins, Mrs. Doris Lowery; Banquet conveno r, Mrv . Knapp, Mrs. Elcanor Shetier, Mrs Dorothy Tennant, Carnival con- [Laverne Barrabaîl, Mrs. Edna venor, Mrs. Shirley Williams. q _______________________________________________________________________________________ il________________________________________________________ I 1w 99c SPE CI1AL 99 LADIES' or MEN'S 2- PIECESI just 99c ReýýVlAri WETRS WVeightI 9e CAINuN 71 King S.E BOWMANVLLE Poe623-.2971 SIX-DAY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE r j EL RICHARD LOVEKI N Your L'IBER Al C AN DIDATE F. Pîchard y, s 44 ii' r a r Love 's ~s rn n li wîan xll ~3yeai-s ago. i Il~ ilv'C" ~' 'y ares su461 asior s i i You- ampig comîtee feelsthat thi's combipni,.iof a la bacground and Canada wide experience makes Dik ovein a person uniquely quallfiied to represent Du in l the Provincial Legisiature in, a responsible post laaLiberal Goverumenat under Bob Nixon. ROYAL Bowmanvilleë 623-5589 FRIDAV, 'SATURDAY, SUNDA Y, OCTOBER 13, 14, 15 DOCTOR, YOU'VE GOT- Color - Comedy Sandra Dee, George, Hamilton You ,,, ARE INýVITED TO HEAR' THE 3 CANDIDATES Speak at an'Open Meeting in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall TO-NIGýHT, OCTOBER l2th at 8:30 p.m. Each candidate will speak on his party's policy and also on policy relating to the small businessman Speakers: Alex Carruthers, P.C., Richard Lovekin, Lib- erai and: Douglas Moffat, New Democrat EVERVONE WELCOME