ORONO WeEKLY 1TfIMES, TIRSA SEPnhMIIER l4th, 1967 General INSURANCE FRED LYCETT OFIE-mAIN ST., ORONO Phme e983-5032 Res. 983-5142. JACK REI Orono's Lîcens,,ed Auictioneer and Valuatoi Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms- and dates PHONIE ORONO 983-5914 Monum cnis afid Fainily M ým0rîaIs Our quality andi service leaves nothing te be destred Ask the pers«a who bought from us, a neighbour, frienit or relative The RUTTER GRANITE CoMPANT 73 Ontario Street' PORT HOPE -Largest Display înl Southera Ontarie"l WATSON'S Marine and cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Eepirs te ai makes of Laws Mewers andi 2 anit 4 cycle BEglues OTACO PLOW POINTS A»N IfzICHIINERY PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WRHITE WA*,SHING STABLES Bet TOiPKidus Phone 786;-2552 j BZuldg New Home? or Rem celling? CO a I Orono1 983-5713 gLYCETTi gPlumbing & Heatlnig PHIONE 983-5407 0 Oruio, Ontarlo 1W.FRANK 0 REAL E S TT g LIMITEDg 03 21 KING ST. WEST 1 0 Bowmanvîlle 623-3393 0 0 Toronto 923-9i'74 1 98 Wato.St 885-4548, CI FREE APPRAISALS g g Exclusive Agent for 1 J3.. OCHONSK I 0' CONSTRUCTION g 3-Bedroom Bungalows 1 13Priceit frein $15,375.00 0 on lots 75x200 1 3Orono, Area Representative0 ROY POSTER o o Kendal - Phone 983-5801g 1A large selection of Farina, Homes, Lots, Betreat Pro-. petes'in this area I ~ I Electrie Ileating and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 9?83-591 Orono, Opta rjo Her-b and Gerry Duvail 983-5108 ELECTE-ICAL CONTRACT1NG ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V.- COLOUR T.V. RADIO -HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLiS - THOR -GUAIRANTEED SERVICE- Hamilons Insurance Service 0 0AUto, Package Pelicies [ O Fidelity Bond, R O Liabity g Life U i Box 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothiers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Wlitby, Ont. Manufacturera of Cemetery mlemoils Domestie & Forelgu Granites andt Mnrbles - luperiptions Cnt and Cemetery Repair Work FOR SALE FOR SALE Apples, Pears and Tomatoes Twvo cook stoves; , coal, & wood for canning. Reasonable prices. buriining, fair condition $1000; 1 R. E. Rienstra, telephone 983-5081 oil-fired automatic, complete with for free 'delîvery. a-ctanik, very good condition. Pipes for above. Decorative 3-i-ail fencing and FOR SALE iposis. a Bartlett Pears, 6 'quart 90C., Telephone 983-5021. C one busheli $5.00. C. Martin, Les- ka'-d, phone, 983-5065. a-p FURNISIIED ROOMS ________________________ F>rnihed Rooms (Maie), FOR SALE CHEAP Home cooed eals if desired. Regular size C.C.M., Hockey I Phono ec,.astle 987-4706 *C.C.M. Shoulder pants smaller size. Apply Mrs. L, Cburcb St. North, 6 p.m. COMING EVENT "Portraits' Fr om The Past" at Clar-ke High School, Monday, September 25th. -dmissîon $1,00.c3- RECEPTION Fred W. Truil would be pleas- ed to' meet his friends, neigh- bours and relatives, on Saturday, September 16, 1967, from .7 to 10 p.m., in the Oddfellow's Hall, Orono, on the occasion of bis 90th birthday. b'-5-p Pads; also NOTICEI NOTICE Meat cut, wrapped and frozen. Brownies will commence their Phoite C. Miller 983-5988 Orono. mieetings on Monday,, September Parkin son, t-f 8th, 1967, iii the Orono United Orono, afterý1 Church basiment at 6:45 to 8 a1pWANTED o'I k.a- Farm hclp wanted. Married AUCTION SALE man. $3ý0G000 per montb. Five Hostein Cattie, 3 Tractors, room apýr-tmeýnti hot water beat- Machinery, baled Hay, Stra,, ed. Bath,.lot and coid water. on Grain etc. The property of Mrs. tap in kitchen. Propane gas sup- Luther Alun,, lot 15, con. 3, Dar- I plied for kitchen. Stove and milk. lington Townshp, 2 miles north, Single man $250-00 per month of Bowmanville on the. Scugog and good home. road. Selling without reserve oni Apply F. D. Kyte, Tillsonburg, Saturday, September 23rd, com- Ont. Phone 84 2-2718. t-f meTlcing at 1 p.m. NTC Terms cash. Jack and Charles The phone number listed in Rleid, Auctioneers and Sales Man- the telephone directory for Bert agr.Tompkins, Newtonville should reaci 786-2552. If no answer, FOR. SALE please phone your operator. 1950 Pontiac Sedan, good con- TEEN DANCE Orono Town Hall, Satwrday Septemiber 16tli - 8:30ý-12:00. J. B. & The Sound Sect. Admission: '$1.00 single; $1,50 couple. a-p IN ME MORIAM BAIRSTO W-In loving memory of a deair husband, Norman Bair- stow,, whd passed, away Septem- ber lBth, 1966. The garmrent of bis soul passed ,away, The ispfit and the lovelight stay; The echo of his voice, lis smle, Juisi as if ithey we-re with us al diton.OPPORTÜNITY the while. Phone 983-5244, a-c Sple),,ndid Rawleigh business a- Ever remembered by bis wife vailable ln townships Clarke and Aileen. a-p FOR SALE Hope. In Orono, new Triplex. tbree Products well known. Oppor- IN MEMORIAM two-bedroomi apartments, kit- tuinity unlimited for big Sales and ALLN-Cherished memor1is of chen witli dinette, eleetrie heat- big Profite. Start your business on a dear mothelr and grandmother, inîg, separate metiers,. Also two crecdif- withoul, experience. Write Ellen Allin, who passed awMay three-fonr bedroom bouses now Rawleigb, Dept. 1-306-224,' 4005 September lOth, 1958.. under conistruction. Richelieu St., St. Henîry, Montreal We do not forget ber.ý Cal] Jan -O'Chansld Conîsiruc- Wlvebe to--erl hin pbfon1e 9'83-5709. a-C PTIG TEDRFor ber memory to fade l T ed n c s wicli b e e ceer 15,1967,t oFromour lives like a dream. - an inludîg Sptemer 5, 167, Our lips need not speak for preparation, varnisbing and When our bearts mourn 'sincerely I pamnting (2 ecas)of aitehe ror For grief often. dwells P rim, Plusfneo tb Orn Where it -seldom is seen. Medical Centre. Ail tenders must, Lovingly remembered by dau- state types of materials to be gbter Ellen and grancson Larry. used, and date work will be com- -~- pleted. Contractor responsible forDE S cleaning up of windows etc., fol- GBOJh er-tMm 1-lowing completion, of paintng.; For o'lHspaBw Avh, o further information contact J. D. Thursclay, September th 1967, Moffat, 983-5944, or R. F. Ruther: John Henry Gibson of Orono, Ont. Beloved husbanci of Eva Ferrell. ford, 983-5648, after 6 p-m. Mai ai seledteners makedAge 67 years5. Rested at the Bar- Painting" to Box 74, Orono, Ont.lwFnriHmPr t r b-5cono, for service on Monday, 'Sept. 1 llth, at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Calijou ____________________ Cernetery. MVechaDical Contacter À La.1fl Jrc ne..l m r .. liYA " eROdpaleILraaes CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phono 983-5207 Orne Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Coucrete Stone Work Bornes & Byaîm j Carpentry Cabinet WorIk PLUMBIî1-NG nui 1HEATING jFloors -Tule Sales ai Servic llam ,n63-288IF YOU NEED A Biuildinlg a House? or ýreinodelling yonr present one, then contact Floyd Nicholson IÛEONO MASONRY JOB TO BE DONE CALL - Oxford BRICKLAYERS STON EMASON S Reinhard Sebreiber - OrQue, 983-56m WIlu SchmaI - OremoSa-"" ____________________________________ __________________________________q RICARID RE-ALTOR' 99 King st., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Sellirng cai XOR ROOAREA R PEI~~TTIVE tr et ReaIlEstat oard GordSmpo Orono, Phone 983-5808 PAINTING and CARPENTER WORK REMODELLING Interior and Exterior b-36-c JAUA