Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jul 1967, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIIES, TIIU1SDAY, JULY 20th, 1967 NC ~ LÂL ESTATE LIMITED i 21 KING ST. WEST Bowavle623-3393 Tronto 923-9174 S f., ORONO P(j tlon Ofce-85458( 9 8e s 9 8 3 - 5 1 4 2. (j8 5 4 5 4 0 FREE APPRAISALS EID gExclusive Agent fo (j OCHONSKI 0 CONSTRUCTION eIiSQd 3-Bedroom Bungalows ( 1Valuatoî. Priced from $15,375.00 'an and (j on, lots 75x200 ( ýarm an Orono Area Representative 1al0 g ReOaY-FOSTER o PhoSales81 o r ternis A large selection -of FarIe, ( esHomes, Lots, Retreat Pro- o PMs in this area (j 983-5914 Our quality and sec vice leaves nothing te, ho desired Ask the. persoan wbo bought from us, a noiglibour, friend or relative The RU1VJER GJRANIl COMPAN rii' 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largeat .Display ln Southern Ontario" WATSON'S Marienc and Cycle Orono Phone, 983-5343 MeCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHIAIN SAWS Repairs te ail makes of Lawn Mowers and Z and 4 cycle Engiues OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPING OUT -SEPT IV.TANKZS WIfE WASHING STABLES Phono 786-2552 Building A New Home? RenmodellIng? Cal JO'eE BECKER 983-5713 Orono LYCETT Plumbing & Heating PHONE 983 -54107g Orono, Ontario ( a Orvle chatterton jElectrical Contracting Electrie Ileating a nd Service IPHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvali. 1983-5108 - ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELE CTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, T.V. - COLOUR T.V.,> RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.CA. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR ~GUARANTEED SERVICE- JHamiltons ( Insurance, Service cAuto, Fï SEE OFFICE - MNAIN Phono g83-5032 1 Orono's Lit Àutioneer and Speci alize in F Furniture A Consuit nie f4o and datý. PHONE ORONO SFiro J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __l j Package Policies Fidellty Bond,hne &Bvn Life PLUMBING ne HEATIG Sales and Service First Mortgage LomunM HOUR BURNER SERVICEj fi 1.1 B-A FINANCING oS dl Hamiqrilton- Low Interesi Rates !Phonos: ~Tyrone 263-2650 Phonie 983-5115 Hampton 263-2288 _____________________________________________ Box 133, Phono 668-35521 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, (Out. Manufacturera ef -Cemetery Memoials Dealers la Domestie & Fore;igu Granites and Marbles - luerlptiom sCat and Cemetery RepaIr Wonii Building a flouse? or ramodeiling your preseat one, thon contact -Flo yd Nicholson ORONO Brick'- Block - Concrete Stone Work CarpentrY- Cabinet Work F rs-Tile OIRONO0 983-5441' IYOU NEED A MAL-SONRY JOB TO BE DONE CALL - Oxford BRIÇKLAYERS STONEMASONS CHIMNEY REPAIR By your specialists: Get your chlimney repair- ecd now while there,-is stili time ito get your $10-00 dis- count. Reinhard Seh-reiîber - Owono, 983-5m2 WMIi svhàua";iI - 4)roxop 9SZ-5ffl rDr. P.I. Mairtfes DENTIST Orono, Ontarlo Orono Medical Centre Office Heurs. 9:00 te 1:00; 2:00 te 6:00 Saturday 9:00 to 1:W0 Phono 983-5825 f ord Simpson,1 Orono, lue 93 58 PAIfNTINGai CARPENTER WOIK REMODELLING Interior a"d Extm-l.a MIRl APARTMENT FOR RENT APPLICATIONS REQUESTED NOTICE Apartinent for rent on Main St. J Cail your Rawieigh Dealer, Orono. Availabie August 1st, The T.S.A. of Clarke requires 0983-557M. - 1967. by September 1st, 1967, part-time 0Phone 983-5631. - a-p caretakers for the following LIBERAL PICNIÇ BUS TRIP No. 5 Browns No. 10 Starkville Waltona Park A motor bus trip to, Wheeiing, No, 13 Kendal NEWCASTLE West Virginia Jamboree, Civic No. 16 Cowanville Saturday afternoon, July 29th Holiday Week-end, Augusit 4th No. 22 Clarke Union to 6th. For information, contact Everybody welcome your local Travel Agent for Bur- Persons interested ihi any » or cc ley Bus Lines, 723-7171. 29-c ail of these positions, apply in __________________________________________wriing, with envelope clearly NOTICEDANCEmarked as tocontents, and stating NOTICE ADnce, pns salary expected, not later than Lola iiiatty hop ainSt.Abyteern Age Daceyspotsed6 p.m. July 31, 1967. Further par- Lols Baut Shppe Man S.,by he ron Hokey Moter, ticulars may be obtained from Orono. 983-5303, will be closed will be held at the Orono Town the undersigned. Aiùgust 1st - Open August 8th. Hall on Saturday, July 22nid. a-p, Music by J. B. and the Sound The lowest or any tender not Sect. neccssariiy accepted. WANTED Admission $1.00 single; $1.50HoaeRBs, Kitchen help, -ýtudents or ad- pe5oul. - cretary-Treasurer, ults. Waitress, pant-time. Substan-- T.S.A. of Clarke, fiai gratuities,. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Orono, Ontýar1o. a- Coach & Foaur Restaurant, IIN THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM ____________ l{ghway 115. Phone 983-5560 NORMAN PORTER late. of the CR FTIN~ a-ci Township of1 Clarke in the County C 'wsi OFkeThIANSprtny of Drha, rtire, dceaed: to thank the Staff of the Canadi- FOR SALE Ail persons9 having dlaims a- an Imperial Bank of Commerce, '57Fod,6 cl.n*w tre, ewgainst the estate of the said Wilm friends and relatives, for' their mator. Ideal stocker. $7iim Norman Porter,, who died on mlany acts of kindnegs, also for Also quantity of rabbit hutches or about the lSth day of Dècem- cards and'flowers recelved, dur- and wire to build same. ber, 1966, are hereby notified t0 lng the recent bereaverment of 1send ta the undersigned Solicitor my father, Mr. Wilfreýd Eason. APPly 3rd bouse, 9th conces- on or before the 1sf day of Au- Shirley and Ron Black. sfion, Clarke Twsp., intersection gust, 1967, their naines and, ad- - 35 115. a-p dresses and full particularq of - ______________their dlaim and the nature of the DE FO AEsecurities (if any) held by them HARNESS,, MargLre-At lqepça- FOR SALEduly verîfied by 9tatutory declar- ial Hospital,'Bowmanville on 'Sat- New two bedroom Stone brick ation. urday, Julý 15, 1967, Margaret veneer Bungalow. Lot 75' by 200'. Immediately after, the said 1sf Harness in ber -69th yearIl. BtoV- Last Year price $15,500. Reason- day of August, 1967, the assests cd wife of Laverne Hrés r able dôwn payment. of the said deceascd will be dis- oano, Ont., dear mother of p-,Evlett Cail J. Ochonski Construction- tributed among the persans -en- of Bowmanville, Mrs. Audrey Phone 983-5709,.- titled thereto having regard -only Horner, Oshawa, Thomas, BQw- to the dlaims of which the. under- manvillýe, Alfred, at home, e r- 1- aigned Solicitor shaîl then have vin, Acton, Jean (Mrs. Hon mc- notice. Lean, Bowmqrnvile; one brother1 Thornas, Dayidson, Port Hoppe, one Dated at Orono, Ontario, this sister Jane (Mrs. Wm. Alfia), l2th day 'of July, 1967.- Orono and 13 giandehildreji. GERALD CAMPBERested at the, Barlow' Funleral GERALD CAMPELL PORTERHome, Orono,, forsrvc>n u 1473 Windermere Avenue, darul s8h etrvi, nTes- PetehorughOntriom ent Orono Cemetery. WILLIAM MURRAY PORTER 2906JonHakIRussell C. Hone'y, MP. for Dur. Garden City, Michîgnhalo and Mrâ. Honey are at the U.S.. 'eremonies marking the officiail Executors opening of the James G, Gardïne W. . YCETOrooOiaaroDam in Saskatchewan. Mr. and Solicitor for the Executors. Mrs. Honey accompaniedý Agrib Callolirculture Minister J, J. Greene and IMrs. Greene to Saskatchewn. 1iemi~ Plumbing &I The dami will be officially opened Mfechanical Contractor 'by ]Prime Minister Pearson. MVr. Who efls imtllsGreene's department hasi been re- who eli, ~tst11ssponsible for the project. ed gafanees ron RUI d'1119The dam is expected, to revol- qp8aynee rno B ilig utionize frig nte eîa C RMAN j Cnrco mile lake created by thedamis4 PLUMBING AND HEATING j DienbakerPieMùerJh 1

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