Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jul 1967, p. 2

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IMM- mm, ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUItSUAY, JUILY 2th, 1967 'LIFE MA Taken from a sermorn preacheci by Rev. Basil Long. - Scîptur(t Lesson Nehemiah 1: 1-6; 4: 1-5. The account of Nehemiah's ef- fort and s4,uceess in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem is one that echloes the theme which is toalie rouniid throughout scripture, that bs, the resh1aping of juan and the accomprlishm111erts expeýîeneed wheu mran seeks God's5 assistance. Some of the other accounts way d1eparting from the plan passages of seripture,. In the gar- den of Eden man sought bis'own wa-y departinf from the plan God had for him. As. a res4ul1t God cast hm ,out of the garden and We Hope YouiI1 Joli -you've bden too busy te Sigu p OR . -you're not' interested in saving money. OR -yen neyer have to borrow nwney. Yen Can't Afferd ta Pass UJp Membersip In the Orono District CREDIT UNION Trea 's.-Man., Angus Loucks Phene 4r10, Oroneo TRENT CANAL DEgroup or workera bcap, of mub- man~y problesus. 1thon started over with a new ap- opposition from hostile, sneerîng TotCnlSstm co- Mr. Germîey said Lake Simcoe proacl. neigbouirs- and odinT e June 27 because of ah-i stili higli and the Severn Riv- normi waer low ause byer Portion of the systemn, joÏning The Hebrew people boecame horna ae o asdb aeSmo - Through bhis leadership ailitylhvy misropenied from L Lake . imoead Georgian Bay, capivs n Eyp. od aîcdupand dependence upo God lie in- Sm ot Trenton, Ont., on Lake .wil amî lodutl a least the great leader, Moseâ, wle led spiOntaerio.me Wednesday. them ont of Egypt -into Canaan. se hewrmn te oerect a ~ *Grly euyspri tIn Canaan the people turned to setrong walls haf Wr fomer1 ing engineer, said boats are mov- The canal and the Otonabee ell s, as ethe worsipcf sasove.W e think of theseling tbreugh the locks witliout River, wbicli ilows tbrough Peter- r. Whý otewosi f as hîg4i enisofe o I x-borougb, stili carry four times thingo in tentmsoef ourtoenpex- the volume of water normal for Godts.odient somey o fle po- eericnce we find that the same phs ten the bu the our et truth lis cetr al in our lives. God heap of rubbile - stones that had this timèý of year, Mr. Gormley cliten andth pure th gre at seeks te, reshape ýour lives he- once been a wall, mixed witl de- said. Lai menti parts_,of the sy- calingan pupos tat od adcause of the sin which se roadily 'bris. Neheiniah, and bis people stem were burdened W'ith as, mucli for bem.Thoncamethe xilefinds 'a place theme. We cb:oose e took thoise tonos and restored as 1 ie h omlaon and finally a, chance tei startliesaow ivs enngd n the wall. of wator flow. ever.ne deep roots witl which to with- stand the storins which, cor n1mIn Ta elating this teoaur ives it i Househoats-and small boats Jeremiali, who spoke fer God limes of testinig. Often wc are'ir important te sce that ;i: jr net ýshouidl move with caution, hie 1was înspired te watch. the potter forced to go through difficuit ex- z0 much the, mate-rial that we said, especially.where there is a at work in order that bie migbt periences and often truhbv esatwt u h a acret ,receive God's message for bim tbýem wo open. the doerwa, teo which the moli is donce. When As lie watched lie saw the potteri God's bolp and seek bis way se man and God share in the shaping S a hsyatocunr rojeet the imperfeet produet by that eut of the uhhble a streng of a life then that lfe can hoe way of brcaking it down ani then now structure may hoe built. made ever inte a structure that ad ivrlsalbashv making il ever. Jeremiali realiz- . is heautiful and streng. been rwept over or jammedin ed that this was God's mêssage __di________________the______ qystem._______ for bim tei bis people that when A man was a very great suc- the purposýe was rejectod theme cessý at an eariy age. Hie was weU , would hoi a breaking down 'and mc- off, liad prestige in lis commun- sbaplg. .ity and, bad a cbild and* a wife wbom be valued. Hee hecame more "5 Bowmanvill and more prooccupied with bis % eY Ahl of therýe speak a similar succesçý until lie almost lived in a O ))O Imes_çage te, that wbich we find in world of bis own. Thon the tide jNehemiah's effort te help the tumned. Ho lest bis child; bis wife THURSDAY te SATURDAV, JULY 20, 21, 22 Jeswho were struggling for ex- left him becau5e be was se lied I istencein Jerusalim. As 'e study te miat criai things , lie could net ý !the story we tbink of that with stand it any longer- eloie et bisAF ETH FO wichlibe had te work whicli a- vitality and ahiity te apply him mounted to a small, dàsrcourage' ef e u.eeJevr iacal In Colour with Peter Sellers and Brntt Ekland reverses. Because ef it al and Ses our changing aqrt display a WesI have somke specials 1lu Plants from Mail Day if, it's something special M, Flowers or Plants we have them NEWCASTLE Gi _zýý Cst 18 Hole - Pa70 m 6485 yards 1 Mile East of Newcastle on llighway No. 2 18 lb Mid Week 9 Holes Mid Week Week Ends Week Ends Studeats Week Days $1.00 Phone 987-4851 mli becausse of bis attitude toward life and the direction of bis life, his heaith became impaired. One day he took stock !to decide whllat lie had in life. He had no- family; lie was a pauper and a crippie and was becoming mnore bitter as every day passced until one day the light began to dawn. Hie be-j~ gan te realize if there is a Power beyond anything he had, experi- enced, which people cali God, then there must lie a purpose to life. He feit if hc devotec isl life to the seeking of God's -will and if he took what lie had to 'work with, that perhaps he weuld fEnd the answer. So littie by littie, ho- cause of, the new attitude ho be- gan to experience something worthwhile in dfe. Because lihe had a true perspective on hf e, a new interest, a new -4ense of val- ues, bis health began to improve. fils abîlity to asses4s a situation and react in a pqsitive way brought succeso, but this time it was different. Hie realized that ail he had was related to thîs Power beyond himseilf. Whatever came lie resolvod would be ac- cepted a.9 a care or-trust from Gxod. Hie would become a steiard of ail the things in bis life and be began jto find à glow, a wa_1mrth and a meaning to it al., Ej;s wife knew now that sée could live safe- Iy with hlm and experience life in a posd.itive way and, she came back to him. Hie realized that bis reiationship with lier was a trust U- from God so ho must bo a good steward Of it So out of the Tub- M bie of lis broken life came thfig heautiful new structure whichi an God together had been able te rWse. Hie found that life is a pro- cessi of being made Over for those who xiii seek to live their lives in a right relationship te God- There are three very important things revealed for us in this por- tion of Scripture, and supported by othes partsof Scripture. There, ia.great reserve of Power that1 goes untapped for most people. We cail it the Power of God and it is ours but often it goese unused Secondly, just, as the workers in JerusaiemI were able to raise a wail under great -diffïcuity 'be- eau-se tley had a mmîd to work.' so can our lives be miade over in a positive, wonderful,ý joyouýs way if we have a mind to set ourseivres to it and lot God be a part of li. We xiii. find, just as they - did, that that which seems s0 impos- sible ordinariiy, becomes a very real possibility when this Power is dwelling richly in us. The last and Most important I tbing is that the value is not se muci in the material as in the molding, Thoy sta'rted with a SUNDAY te WEDNESDAY, J ULY 23, 24, 25, 26 A BIG HAND FOR THE LITTLE' LADY In Colour with Henry Fonda and Joýanne Woodward -x on this î price sale DESERT FLOWER Beauty Bath by Shulton kSTUTT'S DRUGS ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5009 Oroo h eYofCommerc MON DAYAUGUST l4th liinner $5.00 a couple at 7:30 p.m. G~olf $Z.00per person. Start as early as you like. Get your ticket now from Harvey Partnor, William Carman, Ray Dickson, Roy Forrester.

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