OTRONOV We Hope You'i1 Joie even if: -you've -bten too busy to sigu up. ou' ;-you're not interested iii saving money. OR -you neyer have to borrow money. You Can't Afford to Pass Up Membership ini the Orono District CREDIT UNION Treas.-Man., Angus Loucks Phone 4r10,, Orono Gord Simpson.I Orono, Phone 983-5808 PAINTING and CARPENTER WORK M<MODELLING interior and Exterior PART-TIME RA DIO TV REPAIRS - I-FI -Stereo -Record Players -Antennas -Towers -PA System for rent Ail parts and labour guarat.ed HABRY WIERSMA PHONE 983-5512 ORONO Local News Mrsi. S. B." Rutherford visiteý last week with Dr. and Mrs. Pau Rutherford and famnily, Flint Michigan. -Mr. and Mrs. M. J. TambIyl visited friends and relatives las week-end, Rev. and Mrs. A. EÏ Eustace, Woedstock and Mr. an<ý MrEý. Walter George, London,Ox tarie, enroute te the Tamblyn Cobbledick wedding at Leamin ton on Saturday, May l3thi Mrs. A. E. West returned hom. affer a brief stay in the Bowmar~ ville Hospital. Orono Juvenles Win Opening Gam, The Orone Juvenile' Base> club won their epening game i Wednesday evening against1 junior entry from Little Britl The game was played in theÎ ono park. Orone won, the game 5-0 w Paul Jenes allewed enly two to the Little Britain players. aise struckout nulle batters in course of the gaine. John Mather s4cored threeI the Orono runs off twe hits. Iý Cobbledick'drove eut a three-" triple and aiseo a single. Other ene lits went te Ted Stark,' Fre Sawyer and two te Brian Fosi The Oreýne team plays9 its M,, games at the Oreno Park evî, Wednesday evening. The team, being coached by Dr. P. Ma tens e. New Parkin New parkingý regulations are rx in force in the Orono businE section. on' Wednesday park signs werc, erected on the Mî street denoting the new regi tiens. A two-hour limit is new dei ted, by the s4gns along withd gc ,:al parking on thie east s and parellel parking on the W,~ side of the street. It is tunder,.)tood that the Pol T7rustees are new Consideringt me&ns of enforcing the conditic of the parking hy.iaw goverri the bu.iness. section of the Viii. Coimmerce financing and bank services helped this farmer buy a tractor and equipment to fit the job. Are you planning any purchases?, Corne to the farmer's bank. I~iI ~LiII AJUG MILKý' STORIDE For, Oron o SAVE MONEY BUY JUG MILK 3 quart, HOMO 05co 3qairt 2%- CREAM 18% COTTAGE CHEESE CREAM 35% SKIM MILK CIIOCOLATE MILK BUTTERMILK ORANGE 'JUICE DAIRY" where The above: are al products lof "GLEN RAE "Produets are Guaranteed for Lif e". Open every evening until 9:30 except Wednesday rê pLr,:TE AUTO SEP-VICF N.A.L. ToWIN,