Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1967, p. 9

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OltONO WEEKLY fIMýES, _rj41ISDW M jýAV lSth, 196j S -U- R A N O e 'cl FRED YCEI h 2KL'GST. WEST U FRED ÏC.1Bournvoe92393 OFFICE- MAINrjWaoeStfic- 8544 Phon 98-503 Re. 98-512 ~ FREE APPRAISALS JAfi'i 1 QExlclusive Agent for f J. OCHONSKI CONSTRUCTION Orono's Licensed 3-Bedroom Bungalows Auctonee andValu~ ]Priced from $15,375.00 Aùciýoeeran Vaiïaot ýý on lots 75x200 f Specile iFan n Oronoc Area Representative Furniure alesROY FOSTER Consuitume forlers AKndl-Phone 983-5801 conslt ue or errs Alarge selection of Farms, f and ~ oHomes, Lo%-, Retreat Pro-o an dte perties in this area iPHoNE oRnO $ 935914 Fanîily IM'oril s 01m' qýuaIty nu4 service baves nothing to be desired Ask the person -wbo bought froni us, a nÀeigh b(ui2 friend or relative The RUTTER GR1ANITL COMPANT 73 Offlo Street PORT HOPE ~LretDisplny il] Sothern WATSON'S Marine auid Cycle McCLLCHBOATS CHAUiNSAWS Repirstoal ninkes of Lawu Mownersý and 2, and 4 cycle Englues OAOPLOW POINTS AND M JACHINERY PUMPJNG OUT SEPTIC TANKS WHITE WSIGSTABLES or' à eoelig Mal 983-5713 Orono Orn. Ota rlo Orville Chatterton' Electrical Con.tracting Electric lleating and Service PHIONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Orono Electric PH1ONE 983-5108 >* CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOIJSE WIRING Firee Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs Equipmenit and Applianees Suchas Metors - Wauter Hleaters to al kin1ds of Electrical T.V. - Radios - Stoves' - Irons iHamity ond, o14 onnt.68 ~ S î4, L raneites and imarbies Inscriptions CuLi and Cemetery Repair Work FOR SALE Strawberry Plants for sal( K1aag Reitsma, phone 98.3-538E FOR SALE g.2o allon Oil Tank 8,t eoHi burner, cooper S-'ALUJTE TO C-FNTEý7_1NAL'" fittings' iio hw r etdby tubing. CLREHGHCOL IOrono. .b-15-c $30'.0 ýýâL C ontact Orono 'Times.2at 8:C00 in. PLANTS FOR SALE A gin this year wc have a wide, AUCTION SALE RW OR variety of srý box plantsA, ger- HTih Grade HoIstein milîces "Western Caniada and Califoria sprur"g-Julyor2nd-Aug- tDEMOOY'S GREENHOUSES bir cobnmodern farm 12. 22 days.PacSofit teCt NoatcStnercatletools etc. The property YlîoStane Frkii,SatLkCiy Nort St. Newastl Ren, Sa9 Fan CisVancouver, Across fr-om- Spur Station. PhoneofetrKse, lot 3, concession D itra Bnf, many othIers. 9874916. f-24-p 4 Clarke Tow,ýnsIhip, hjalflmil!,eeat~ Nwf~nLn and Elast CoaeJ ______________and 'haîf- mile south of .Shiloh Tour" - Sept. 2-18 - 17 d'ays. Places of interest: Gaspe, Perci, FOR RENTChrh Se'!ing without reserve ince Edwad Is4land, Newfound- Apartment for rent. Private en- on Stray ue3 aetocmland, rmany others. trance. me at 1 p.m. May 19-22nd. Travel delux air- Apply Mr. Forbes, corner of J. Reid and Son, Sales Manager "Detroit Victoria Weekend Tour" Princeýqs and,,Main St. b-19-c- __ ___ __ conditioned motoe-coach, washroom JFOR SALE Hotel -and tours arranged. For information to' above tours DEW 'WORMS FOR SALE .Pre.s,4ure tank and pump. Also phone or write- Orono's fiestNo.1 GrcleDe angfette. 1.- 1 885-2527, Port, Hope Wors or al. 1 S.- Brown, Duchess St. a-p Apply Raye West Jr%, Phone 983-5758. Church St. South. rn. a' FOR SALE Oron. A an'sTennis Racket (Siaz- enger make) never been usýed.- SALE REGISTER $10-00. SA nylon Union Jack flagc, 2 yds. SATUTRDAY, MAY 27th at 1:30 long by 1 yd. %vide, madle by Dom-] pin. - Complete dispersal of inion Regalia Co. $5.00 Polied and Horned Sho(rthornsM, An Oxford Dictionary, large sse' owned by C. Allan RUdkin, -.1, new,$1.0 Port Pcrry. 50 1-ead comnprising Phone 983-5712, Dora Plain. of 3 Polled BuIilS, 14 cows with a-p calves at foot, bred and open,__ heifers, gelling at Peterboro Sales WANTED Barn soutb of flashinig 1ight onf1 Two or three helpers with the' No. 7 highway. Terms of Sale are1 Orono Sxiniifng Program. Any1 Cash. Lunch available, at SalelIboy or giirl with Senior Certifi-; Ibarn. Maurice Baker, Uxbridge, 1 aeo etr pes apyt Pedigrees, John IlIowden, CoIm- Ms. acDonald, Orono. Phone bsClerk., 983-5414. a-c ROSS BAILEY, Uxbridge __ __________ A uction.aa,. Aýlso sclling Walker Hoof Trim. ming Stail and large size B & C Feed Cooker bothi i excfý,jjnt èfioniition. For further ïinfonînation contact any one of the above. b-20-c who selis, installs opd gauarantees C ARMLAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 O)rono PLU!MBJNG and HEATINGj - Sales anr-d 4Service 24~~~~- HOEBtIE VICE ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY 1 Id-21 -c Anyone wishing to go, to Ni- gara FaIlis Blossom Sunday, May- 14. Phonoe 885-2527 Port Hope-. Aniyone wishing to go fo Ot- tawa Tuli'p PFestival, Sunday Maiy 28, Phone Port Hope 885-2527 - Chartered Bus going to Y&rk- idle Plaza, Toronto, Wednesday, 'May 2,1. Phone 885.Z527. ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY Port Hope ORONO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY SPRING SHOW The Oronio 1Horticultural Spring Flower Show w ill be held on Thiursdjay, May 25th ini the Orono Unitedcf hurch Auditorium. Al WAifrpNT h' ,ihv 7-ifln WATE There will bec specîal enterta.iný A ride daily to Oshawa General meýnt. Hopital from Orono. Afternoois fThe following is! a list of the ,Ipreferred, one way. 11MNrsa Gordon Winter, pho(e classes. you imày enter: 983-587.>a- - 4"e&tu1iPeW 2. 3 yellow tulips NOTCE3. 3 a-ny other colour (1 variety) NOTICE4. 3 lily flowering tulipso Al persons intercsted flu a bus 5. 5 dlaffodils tnp to Horticultural Conven'tion-( 6. An African Violet, any colorv in Guelph, Thursday, June 22nd, . Acoltinfhuspat, please eal! Carl Billings, 983-52501not to exce cd 6 varieties, at Or 0. Challice, 983-5251 on olr be- least 3 sýpecim-ens fîore May 25th. If enough interest-, 8. An .arrangement of spning- cd parties for a bus load w'e lowr for the îniing table, not wiIlmak resrvaions Prce ! to excced 12" in hcight and 14" inÉ $2.0 er person. a-c length 9. "Reflecetion of Spring'Y" A TE E'NDANCE wmoodfland scene 'using spTrîîng To be held May 2thi in the Or- flowers, natural materials, mossýes, 01no Town Hiall, 8 p.m. to 12. 1ferns, wild fowers andi driftwood. Admission: $.0cul; 10sgl sing"le. 10. "Spring Morning". An arrange- Sponsorcd by the OronolHockey ment using sprýin-g flowers and IMothers, q a-C bran-.ches, length no,,t to exceed I _________________18". View fromi one rîide Oî1lyý STARK VILLE Cenîtennial Penny,,Sale at the Newtonvillc, Hall on Satur- 0 ay, Mlay 27tbi. Doors open at 2.00 P.m1. to Place tickets. Draw 8:.30 P-1m., 25c and ]Oc. Lunch servcd. b-p j KIIBYANNIVERSARy iryCh urch Spring Anniver- b)e the Mustspakr. The Maie Choir oc heBwmnileLegion w'vill be in tedac. a-c CARID 0F THIANKS Wc wishi to express our sincere tbanks to relatives and friends for the surprise party gienu for- our 25th Weddlinýg Annivers- ary. ThanksïaLso for thie lovely card(is and gifis,inlig an easy chair alla silver cnJ~Ie Specal thianks to M1,r. and Mrs. lruce McArthur, Coriclr. Ai!f Piggott and, Mrs. Rlena& Peairs, Orono. a-p Thank5 agai. Ltt ttii5Jty, J1UUtJ. jB-AFNACO -:-w lnterest Rate -BRTS0AD0FTA K Mr. and Mis. .i iÈm, -îa~ hi' ofiid, neigh-' Tyrone 263-2650 -neMisHahrRhrorf -o r1t e-1v.BLgad Hampton 263-2288 KigtnOtr: lehapïpy to bi ani î ago a their announc tue bith of their1Ievduii ' îbe pc ~~ Ne-do Jo 7 ~~~b5a. at Kingr, il a i VK'ze stanNota £Yu. L-a -~ al jrI ru~ san Dr. nd rs.Pau Ilthefor, f f Oi'a i I ±. moralp I lN M~ OPIMI-es one, thenntat da ie and mtiierMabel, Evrydy n ea malway Oon,.:ntarlo IMemorie,-s of yo oreau ay. Though bsnI yu r eer Oon edicaI Centre Flyd NChoLîlso tne, lt i d Office Hus. Slil mi,ýse, Jvedalwys dar. 9:00 to 1:00; 2:00 to 6:00 ORN vrremnembered by Cjarl, Saturday 9:00 to 1.00 tijjaughtcrs Gwen, Mutriel, Joyce andi Poe9352 i faille, a- ________Phone___98___58 ___ 1

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