Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 15 Dec 1966, p. 9

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, IIECEMBEIR lSth, 1966 PROFSSIOAL NGINEER f 51 roLadSurveyor [il * BowmanilieOntario f SEE oFFIÇE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 lies. 20216 J ACK REID Oroio's Licensed âuctijoneer and Valuatot Specializein Farm and riFurniure Sales Consuit me f or ternis and dates PHONE ORONO 319 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS". WHITE WSIIGSTAULES Bert Tonpklns* JACK A. FERREN ORONO BOOKKEEPING Inoeme Tax IReturns fPrepared Orono, Bowmaânville, -sLawa Tleplione Or-ono M Mlonu -n 4nts aud Family M miordas Our quality and servie leaves nothïng te be desir-ed A4O, the person who boug ht from 'US, a neighbour, frîend or~ relative Th-e RUTTER GVR-ANITIl COMPANT 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Dslyini Southeru and cycle Orono phone 146p McùCULLOCII BOAT£S & MOTORS CHIN SAWS Kaisto al makes ofLa1 MuowerYs and Z and 4 cycle ODTACO PLOW%, POINTS ANDMAHNR o 0o gW WORNKg g RALESTATE g LMITED, f g 21 KNGST. WES g Bowmnville623-3393 o Toronot 923-9174 U Port Hope Office- 98 Waon S. - 85-4548 FREE PIAI L Exclusive Agent four J. OCHONSKI g CONSTRUCTION 3-Bedroom Bungalow:, Priced from $15,375-0 on lots' 75x200 gOrono Area Representatie, g ROY FOSTEII gAKendal - Phone 321 g Alarge selection of Farms, f gHomes, Lots, Retreat Pro- perties ln this area f Orville ChattertonI 1Elèctrical Contracting IElectric Heating and Service jPHONE 245 OR 10412 Orono, Ontario Orono Electric. PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimate*s APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira te alil lnd£ of ElectricaI Equipmreiil; and Applianees Such at Meters Water Heaters T-V. - Radiois Stoýes - Irons oHamitons Z Insurance 0 Service Fidelity Bonld, rirstMorgage Loans Z adeHamilton; 0 Phône 983-5115 BOX 133 M.835 -Stafford Brothers LimIted 318 Dundas gt. E. Whitby, Ont. CemeteryMmoal Dealers ln, Doetc& Foýreigu GraiJýes anzd Mlarbies - Inscriptions Cut and Cemeer Repair Wo£rk FOR SALE BABY SITTING lsýe, barn and approx imately j Will baby sit in my own home one-haif acre of land. Situiated o by day or week. Church St. N. next to the sehlool. Calil983-5927 a- Known as the Morris property. Apply to Dora Plain, Orono ______________ Phone 983-5712. a-p FOR SALE Barbie dofl glothes f or sale. Phone 983-5336, a-c A wom na <I>ý!ýes Baby Sitting in the u, -ii<ý experence, Pho,"e 9-3 57W" b-c FURNITURE SALE ofFlrniture Sale from the estate ofMrs. William Seymoiýr will be held on Saturday, December 17 at her former *residence, Main St., Orono., In the event of bad weath- er, sale will be held in the .Arm- ouries. Terms cash. a-p Jack Reid, Aucetioneer WED.NESDAY SKATING For mothers and pre-sehool children, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Mothers 25c, chikiren loc, b-c NOTICE Lyntonhurst Nursîng Home has accommodation for Senior Citiz- ens. IPhone Orono 983-5639 h-4 9-p Building a House?, 1 !C, reniodelling your present une, then contact Floyd NichlonOI PHONE 2191 ORONO LYCETT PIumbn~j&~ating Phone 33111 0rono,OnaI on Tuesday, January 3, 196'7 Registration now being accept- ed. Eight Courses from which to choose College approved for Student Loans Placem-ent Service for Gradu- ates Dial ê725-3375 for free Liter- ature 10 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa S.Callyour Illcensed Plumbling & Mechanical Con Iractoi who se lis, instali qud auaran tees CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING( Phone 143 Oronoe Bornes, & Byam Ii jPLUMIBING and. HEATING alend Sqrvice 24 ROUI BURNER SERVICE B-A FINANCING DRampteui CO. 3-2288 Tyýrome CO. 3-2651 I U.C.W. MEETING ie The General meeting of U.C.Vr. vAl i he held at 8, p m. in~ the main lAudi toritim c f the C'rnrch with -P the members of 'Unit ' in charge çfthe program nanj Un~it 5 will I ~ ~-~~iT~ ~ ou- Clir!C, m meig and the lasýt for '66, o '.jt attend, b-c O,Ôb.ofofoqOoe.*foa,*e.o.efo.6o*e.Iooe.4t*eQ.e.o.o*ê4~ 0.fleqe.o.,oeo Santa'S S KAT I'N'G PARTY ORONO RINK SATURDY, ECMBER 7th 2:00 to 3:30 EVERYONE WELCOME Santa will arrive at thie nink- at2 :30 for his annual visit with the children of the area- Favours for -the eilidren Sposord~ y OonoCkaberof commercë , ,,t,*,)q,004> e oeo.u,$nOfObcOeoeO - - j: COMING èEVENT ~ e' UW~'FANTXSY ~ il o h4 at larke Fligh Sc~.oo c Deee,r 23rd, 1966, _d~c Bill Foun!d and hi- Penioners., Dr~Formnai. Dancing fron- 9 tili 1. Adision: Aduits $3.50 couple Students-$2.50 couple.a- SCOL-DANCE Cre t1 he School Dance lat EnterriseSehýoo!, Thursday, De-. cember ýý22nd at 8:00 p.m. a-c CARD 0F THANKS 1 wishi to thank ail those who supporýted( me at, the poils on De- c ember 5th. ~ a-p Robert Chater, CARD OF THANKS We want - to thank the local merchants and business agents of the village for their generous don- ations to our fleather Social Club, Penny Sale Booth at our recent, bazaar. a-p Hattie Wilson and Jeaný Wood NOTICE TrO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ES- TATE 0F WILLIAM JOHNSTON LEAMAN late of 'the Township of Clarkce in the',County of Duir- hafim, Gardener, deceased: Ail persons 'having claims a gZainst the estate of the said Wil- liami Johnston Leamen, whoc diedl on or about the 22ùd day of Sep- temiber 1966, are hereby nofifiedý to send to the undersigned Solie itor on or before the 1Othday of December 1966, their names and addresses and full particulars Of their dlaims and the nature of ithe securities (if any) hield by thern duly verified by statutor:y lImmediately after the said lUth lday of Dlecember, 1966, the assets of the said dleceased will be dis- trbtdamong the persons entit- ed thereto havinig regard only teý the dlaims of whlichl the Undersig- ned Solicitor shaE then 'hvi, i- tice. Dated at Oronjo, Ointario, t!Us' 23rd 0f Novemüber 1966. SlctrW. K. LycjýTT, Orono, Ontario Slctrfor the Executor

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