ORONO WEEKLY TIM ES, THURSDAV, DECEMBER lst. 1966 iiMERRILL D. BROWVN B.S.A. B.A:Sc: :L:S:' PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER ntro(civil)0 otroLand Surveyor 1 121 Qucen St. Box 16591 9 Bowmanville, Ontario 1 1 Telephole 62342l1 cenael ai SEE FRED LYCEUr OFFICE - MAIN ST., QRONO hne12516 Res. 20216 Aucionerand Valuatoi Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales, C,,onsuit mne for terms and dates PHONE ORONO'319 * UMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS'ý WRITE WASHING STABLES Bert Toanpkins* Phone 7S6-2552 JACK A.- FERREN 090NO BOOKKE EPING SERVICE lucome Tay Returu-s Prepared orono, Bowmanvilîe, Oshawa Telephone Orono 3R2 %r îqua l dservice leaves no)thlng to be desired Ask the person who bought front es, a neiglibour, friend or relative The PUTT'IER GRLANITE COMPANT 13 Ontario Street PORT HOPE _Largest Dis]plVyil, Southeru Ontarlâo", and Cycle Orono Phone 146 M1cLULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWVS Rpiato aile makes of Lawn Mowers and ?. and 4, Cycle Eng-lues OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHI?4ERY g WFRANK gi 0 0g BE AL ESIATEA GLJMITED 21 KING, ST. WEST G Bowma nville 623-3393 o Toronot 923-9174 bPort HopOËL ffice- 98. Wa]toný St. - 885-4548 FREE, APPRAISALS gExclusive Agent for J., OCIONSKI g CONSTRUCTION 133-Bedroom Bungalows SPriced fromt $15,375-00 io g on lots 75x200 gOrono Area Representative g ROYFOSTERo Kendal -. Phone 321 g g'A large selection of Farms, 1 0 Homes, Lots, Retreat Pro-o perties in this area 1 Orvi ile (halterto n Electrical Contracting Eletri leating PHONE 2ýL'ý45 Or 10412 Orono Electric PHONE 129 ýCONTRA,-CTORS FOR FA Mand TIOISE- WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira to ail ki&d of Electrîcal Equipment and Applilnces Such at Metors - Water IReatera T.V. - Radilos - StovEs - Irons S Hiamiltons Insurance Service FireU ,,,iaity Bond$ 1 O Fist ortageLoans O Phone 983- 5115 1 13 O=<ZZ> f 11 Box 133 APARTMENT FOR RENT HL WANTED U.C.W. MEETING One-room apatment with kt- on woman for store C -i Thç Gerneral meeting of U.CW. chen sink, heated, centrally -dui. Apply ini person. ivilI bê h&d at 8 p m. 1-i the main cated in Bowmanville, furniished:. Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono. a-c -Auditorium of t"ie Cýurch with $5000 per moilth; urfurnished - - ---- th,, rnembers of LT-'it 4 in charge $500 pr ont. EDNESDAY SX'UIING ML the program and Unit 5 willl Phone 623-2473. a-c For mothers and pre-school --e'vp lunch. This is our Christ- children, 2 pm. to 3 pm. Mothers mias meetirig and the last for '66- 25c, children 10c. b-c 1So plan to attend. c FOR lIENT for 1 or 2 elderly persons. Plione Newcastle after six 4672. CHRISTMAS SHOW 987- The Horticultural Christmas c47p Show will'be held Ihursday, Dec- ember the 8th in the Orono Unit- Do voou still need Christmas (½I i one Betty de.Jong,ý. O oio 9C3 585. ý1a-p ed Cnurcn, iower auditorium. Ail OF <W flI.NKS WANTED, entries to bie received by 8 o'- Wp --1 like to express oui Awomian vvishfs Baby Sitting dlock. llparffe&t thankz ari aporeciation h. tLb- evering. experienced. Class -'~o~-fins elatives and' Phoue, 983 57Ql b-c L. A Christmas CàrolI - Interpre.- reighbo'îrs for the kindniess shown tive arrangement of a Christmas, fonlijr tha o- of a dear hus- Song or- Carol. l"inri and stan -fatiier. and for the WANTED 2. A Hospital Christlyias Ar- -v flo-al triiutes and cards. rangement, 8 inch base, height 'Tharrs 9a-o to Rev. Long, Barlow .lelyld wanted to live-in, unrestricted. Fana'aH-ome, palhbearers and, in exchange for rbom and board. 3 hita at irdrr ceze Very light duties. Phone, New- Chita Prt-atiedD Mcni. casie ftr sx, 87467. c7parrangement for a buffet table Giradys Wilson an-d farnily. ____________________candy and fruit may lie incîuded. Ia-p i4. Christmas Dininig Table, Cen- FOR SALE trepiece, dressed all around not CR)0 HN~ Burdizzo Pincher for sala. Also to exceed 10 inches in' height I would like to express mv ap- 1946 Cadillac, Fleetwood Sedan. (candle, may be highar),- 14 inch- preciation to tý'e voters in Clarke Phone 983-5631, Orono- a-p es in diameter 'r Iength. Twsi h upre et ______________________ 5. Red and Gold, Holiday Glam- mownfip st eampnoreCoeun, FOR SALE o6.fo T..hrism s idtble. rppd and a1so to the parties who work-- One nair , cirl'q 'Figure Skates 6 hita itBx pe, ed on m eaf sie1 Poe93-91.not to excepd 16 taches. mybeankf. Ga size 1, P one 83 . 212.a-" 7. W elcom e -,a front door dec-Fr k A. G a _______-oration. FOR SALE 8. Corsage made of natural CARD 0F THANKS Barbie doil clothes for1 sale. imaterials, rîbbon allowed, may be Tha.nkls itoail who exprcssed Phone 983-5336. a-c sprayed if desired. confidence ýin their support at the _____ - 9. Kitchen Doo- Decoration - PO 1 AUCTION SALE made with kitchen articles, greens James Stutt. a-c Pedroom. living room and kit- and ribbons. chen, furniture: TV.. electric' 10. Novice Class - Any one ?f BIRTH Istovei. friLseo- eler .r f the above arrangements. QAMTTTMr- nd ,. Edar Uum cleaner, two ni] stoves, dish- es, glass ware, garden tools, etc.1 from the estate of the late Mrs. William Seymour, Saturday.De cember lth at her former resi- dence, Main St. Orono. Sale at 1 Ternis cash. Jack Reid, Auctioneer.1 JUNIOR BAND CONCERT The Oronio Junior B3and will hold a Sunday afternoon concert in the auditorium of the Clarke Hiïgh Scliool on Sunday,Den- ber llth commencing at 2:30p.m.1 The program will also include other instrumental mwsical talent. Pl now to attend. Silver col- COMING EVENT A dance w! il be held fa the Oirano Town Hall, Saturday, Dec- ember lth, sponsored by the Orono Athiletic ia support of the Orono Artificial ice Fund. Music by Wni. !Fourid and his 'Pension- -NOTIYCE " Lyiitonhurst Nursing Hlome1 has accomm;-odationý for Senior Citiz- Phlone ý'orQno 98.3-5639, h-49-p Buidin îa use or r-emodýeililng your. prertenti one, then contact FIoydNchlo IPHONE, 2191 OI'.ONO MO. 8.35521 Stafford Brothers 318 Dutidas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufae.turera of Cei,« eery M'ýemorialsl DenIers lla »omýestIr & Forelgn GranUes anà Marbîca, - InsciPtions CUt and C.nietery lLepair Wouk New Winter Term w"ill open at the Osbawa Business, College Tuesday, January 3, 1967 Registration now being accepte. ed. Eight Courses from which W c choose College approved for 'Studentt Loansi Placement Service for Gradu-I ates 1i Mial 725-3375 for fret Liter-t aturet 10 Simrcoe Street North, t Oshawa 'I .JI1 C allyour licensed Plumnbing & Mechaniccil Contra ctor wha selis., insta Ils ojidgu rafltees PLUMBING AND HfEATING Phone 143 Orono ~~ Barnes & B arn 24 1HOUR BURNER ERIC Plumbing &J-eating 31 B- FINANCING g ~ ~ nm~Lw Iriterest Rates phone 33R11 oPhnI ,OUS~@Haiiptou CO. sZ j OrcnoTyrnt-ari. 3-265t, [H. Samuel wish to announce, the bîrth' of a, son *on Weýdnesday, November '3Othý,, 166 a-c NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER 0F THE' E3ý TAT1E 0F WILLIAM JOUNSTON LEAIMAN late of the Township of Clarke in~ the Count.y of Duir ham., Gardener, deceýasedý: Ail persýons having dlaims a- eainsit the'estate of the said. Wil- liam Johnston Leamen, who, died on or about the, 22nd- day of Sep- tember 1966, are hereby notified; to send to the uanders8ied Solïc- itor on or beifore the l.Oth day f Decemnber 1966, their names, and addresses and full particulars af thjeir claims and the nature ot ýthe ,,ecurities (if any) beld by- them duly verified by statutory- declaration. Immiediately after the said 10th diay od Deceimber 1966, the asseta of the isaid deceased will. be dis-. tributeýd amongthe persons entit- ed thereto having regard cnly to the, daims of which. the Underslg- iied ,Solicitor shall then have no- atdat Orono, Ontario, this ý23rd oýf November 1L966. W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario Solicitor fur the Ezecutoz- PART-TIME RADIO TV' REPAIRS -HI-FI - Stereo -Recor-d Players -Aliteninas - £owers - ASystein for rent Ail parts and 1'hbour guaranteed IARRny WIERSMA Phne 131111 Orono Gord SmsonI PAINTING and j CARPE NTER WORK Thiterior ànd Exterior Free Estimates, Reasonale Rates Ail Types of WAork, From Snimall Jolbs to Book- keeping. (10 years booih- kepi-ng êxperience