Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Dec 1966, p. 5

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ORONO WEE'CKty TIMES, TIJURSPAÏ, DECEMBER Sth, 1966 The Reading Club lias begun your C:hristmras lisI., o r ay ats series ofdicson on Ca- vih a basýte fres:khmor adian authors. This cukd be con thesebooks coild surpàisUgl bhoV Sidered he Club's owm odest theanswer. GPenenil prject. Din te iolwnglT oeo The firstCanadian presenaton hs worksnotice tateven thq -was by Mrse DonaldStaples Vhiomallieraietiuls are unto rea d enlighbcned the group c oncern-ing B ooks By tephenLveaock- I the ackgound o iSehenLea- c,ù Iand who lso offe-rednotes Liteiry 1Lapses a end comments on his book -Non- Nonsee ovl sense N ovels"Frborpia Snnshine Sketeîhes seadingAcshemcmmended Ralph BEehfind fthe PBeyond I Cunry's tligrlAhy of Stephen Moponbeams frm the Langerd Leacock." Lunacy t 1Hohenz-o!Llerns i Amric This great humoist was born The Unolved iédie of Soci nr Enigian.diini 186ý9, and when 7 Justice t years old, accom-paied bis par- Short Crut ents 10 Caniada Ywhere they \venýt- WinsomicWinnie tred to fam near Lake Simcoe. IàMy Disoxery of England Hie was educated at lUpper Feze Fiction Canada College and the Û-nivers- A1ýrcad,7ianIl Adventures with the Avy o! Torono, gnaduating in 1891 Idie Rich Afaer 8 yeans on the staff a Over tue Footlights Uý.C.C., he leff school teachiiing Io 'The Gardien o! Foily Wlinnowed Wisdom study economios and poiitici;l sci- T he *lon Man and the Tin eýnce at the University o! Chicago, Mlan acqiinrg a degree o! Docton o! Laughi with Leacock Philosopb)y in 1903. Mis nlext pJO5 WVet Wit and Dry Hmour ,.tion was on the staff o!fMcGil»I Uiestfirst as a lecturer and feno oUoi Inte s edofte eaîmn umor: It's Theoip and Tech- Ate Ecns ic h an ftdePlitil Sci-niqu e ad Eonones ad PoÊ"l ei Heleients o! Hickonomics entes FunnyPic ne wrote books for the 1political, apdI( economie woMnid; n any o! these are classies ln their field; hen lho wrote bis books of humn our copleingclore 10 40 such fis um.mýrlhom-e vasatBr- ery ay, riliad is now min- lWemonia Home. rs. S. Ruthon- for re~aled er viÏsit to Ibi,1s inmteresting old 1borne ,which sounds 1like a ,,oo;d stop-over oni your itinerary o! Ontarlo jaunrts Ibis Cenitennial sumimer. Earlicr this yen, the original l manust-CiPt o" "SuahineSketches o! a Little Hore Are My Lectures Model AMemioirýs The British Empire Too Mutch College My Discovery o!f the West The Boy 1I Left Behlind Me AT THE BOARnD MEETING The last regular meiet:ing o! the Orono PubolicLiar Board was held o (,n Tuesday eein.The Board disove o Tecember 31., 1966 at whicb) time the Clarkej Townshbip Pulic Library Boardl will a-ssume conitrol o! Library a!- fairs. Followý.ing routine business and a November circulation report o! Tow" as purchased from Lea- 1007 books, planls were made for coksniece for a fabulous sum the move to the riew Library to be preserved with ot 'hcrer e- roomn in thie Township Hlall on o)rabilia at the Home. The "Little ISatuirday, December 10. tQýwn" of the book. represents aniy L "Hlometown" in Ontario, making LBARY CLOSED ýone of bis most appe-aing books Tuesday, Dec. 13 wx Canadians. Friday. Dec. 16 In discussing his "Nonsense Re-opens Tuesday, Dec. 20(i. Noveis", Mrs. Staples pointed out NEW HOURS- AT týhat eých of the 10 stories in the NEW LIBRARY bo.ok is a very funny ý'take-off" 1Tuesday - 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m, on stock situations and stock Thursday - 6:30 p.m. - 8:320 pin. characters in stereotyped novels. Fridny -__ 2:30 p.m. . 5:00 p.m.1 One story satirizes A. Conan 6:30 p.mn. 8:30 p.m. Doyle's "Sherlock H-olmes" det- ective tales; another pokes fun at Bellamy's futuristie Utopia in AGý1ING COMIITTEE "Looking Backwards." H1e aise VISITS WEST COAST mocks H-oratio Aiger's 'poor-boy-1 The Ontario SelectComjte nakes-good' stories, and burles-loui Aging, under the chairmnari ques Sir Water Scott's romiantie 5hip of local M.P.P. Alex Carruth- 11ighland tales.. ers is studying facilities and ser- Althougilh the first of bis books vices for sýenior citizen.s this week were printed in the early 1900's,i in British Columbia. their humour is just as f resh and Discussions wil be held withl eý,njoyTable to-day; in fact, one of1 govrnment officiais in- Victoria teladies remnarked tbatbe 18 anai Vancouver ith visits to vani- yenr od son ad gleefuliy guf- ous hiousing and care facilties in fawed over the 'Nonsenise Novels. 1thepse two citles. Thaàt Leamcoclç's books are stili Fooin tae Britis Colubla in mn d w11-C vï.ýar apparent to0 me last ,visit th1o0tte ilcon'tinue wee-ed heni 1nticed copiesonbCifna itngaciie ,feveaiof bis wrson ape-a ti styngsimilar programmes back rack in a o anie book- in Los -neeSan Facso stoGre. If you have a teener on ad acrmno ROYA L 623-5589 a THURSDAY to SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, mdand -FATHER GOOSE CARY GRANT and LESLIE CARON Comnedy ia Colouru SUNDAY to WED)NESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 12, là', 14 g g. THEGRU g. JOHN WAYNE, DEAN MARTIN, RICKY NELSON ANGlE DICKINSON In colour Le c ai N ewsNNIA r.adMrs,. Douglas Allen i ONAl ~pen th weeendwith Dr. and r.Ae Cautrs MtP, DIrs. Hlarvey Branton, Windsor.,Durha, aii uercently Pha M-, ati rs. Alian Shields o!fh pliain for grants from I'oronto visi,,ted on Saturday witb theTonsi of Cava-i under the Mrn. and rs. Cari Biliings. Sun- CitnilGat Programme ilay dIinnertgueqs; were Mr. andhv bnaped by the Prov. VIns. Gog Coloe, Port Hope, Ner.f nt -oa:nd have becn for- and Mrs. Alex Watson and Mrs. wýarde fo approvai to the Cen- Eianry BIaïleyý. 1-cnnial Cominiission in Ottawa. for The boks f te ro-a Pbli ýfederal. approyal. Librany-, will be moved ti Satur- ziay to thi xiwqarters in the the basemenit of the Orono Town- ship H-all. It is e-xpected that the rnoe anbecopetdwithin thet day. The library however will be closed on Tuesday and Friday of nýext week. Plan tIo attend the Orono Junior Bandl Conicert being held this Sun- day afternoon laî the Clarke High Sehool audjàarium commencing a iÜ 2:0p.m ---yout've been too busy to sign up. OR -you're flot interested in saving money. OR -YOU neyer have to borrow morey. You Ca't Af! ord to Paqs UIp 3embership lu the C-REDIT UNION Treas.-Mýan., Angus Loucks Phonle 4r10, Onono UNITED CHURCII Orono Pastoral Re.B. E. Long SUNDAY, »ECEM1IERlth Oron- Sunday Scbool, at 10:00 Monning Service at ý11:15 Kirby- Morning, Sunday ý Service at 9:45 Scbool at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday Sebool at 9:45 The first project is the restora tionr and ipoie t the to -i alland beanutificalion cf srrondig aea at ai niet est ~ma~ed osto $2.,45.00. -The sec'- ond ~ ý uroet ite purchase of a mncplpark at a net estimated cotof $3 ?2052100. The total cosI of' thspr-Pýojets will be shared 'as follows: $2,079.490 by the Township of Cavan, $2,024,00 by- the Pr ov. MANý-I ERS CENTENNIAL Mr. Alex Cariruthers, M.Pi, ~)urhamreprt that an ~pia tic;- o!fa rantfrom the Townsh p. o! Manvers undélr the Cerntenniai' Grants 'Programme baz bcen zap- provedý by the Province of Onta,,r- lu andhs now been forwarded ýo Ottawa foir approval by the Fede-- ai Cenitentnial Commission. The project is the writinr.' pablishing of an historical bo. at a net ýestimated cost of $2,1;, aid this: sum su!bj oct to federal approval, will be provided as fo).- lows: $1,500.00 ') ' th e Townîi.ii, o! Manvers, $5000ý'0 by the, prov.- ince and $5.00.00 by the Goves ý- ment of Canada. o! Ontario and $2ý024ý00 by Government 'o! Canada. the, Card of Thanks To ail those who gave me their support in, the i'ecent eleetîi for school frustee of Clarke T.S.A. Board 1. extend n iy sincere thnsand Season's Greeting-,s. Why Pay More....~ SAVE 1QUALITYj FUEL OILg PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4215 DX AF UErL 4OI1L Serving Orono, Newcastle and District * i ma,5 ft5t for tfrc11ten 4- neMEN'S TIES IIUNTLEIGII SVfEATERS,-ý iestock of Men's bSxed Iis timled for Chrstmas gîving. 'Expertlytat A good range of Men's Puillovters anti oredby 'urre' l ic rayn beudsand Cardigans of pure Botany 15 l oea easy-cae polyesters. Fashionable paisleys, ityles inl shades of beige, grey,blrh' strigny renadbacï i-pes and underknots in a good array of-d gundy,3 *colurs, to46.greanbac.Szstoft3 Pr ie rm ..$1.50 to$25Predfo ..$09 to$65 MEN'ýS, WHITE SHIRTS A splendid gift suggestion. Men's white broadloth shirts by 'Tooke-Van MEN'S SLIPPERS HÎenson'. Styieý,d with popular shiort point fused collar. Single or double cuff s. Sizes Moccasin styleý Slippers of soft simulàted 1/2to,71z leather with soft sole and fleeced Iining. Pricd .rom .... $5.MO to $795 Bonol.Szs8t 2 Prîced per pair... .3.45 MEN'S SPORT SHIIRTS A gift t that wiIl fit-d great favour with 1emen, où your Iliai A goodrag ofÏ * Mnsshirt~s with regir Spob,(s collar Jackets, Trouseýrs, ils, Braces and long sleeves. Assorted oven check, stripes and paisleys iu shades of golId, Beits, Gloves, Socks, Hlanriker- ;' green red, bine and brown. izes M., L.2 and XL. eifPjms Priced f rom ... . $5.00 to $795 cifPjms A R MSTRONG'S -M«Itl

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