oROr ký1ex arruthiers, M... Dra nt library grants whie County Library Boards be increased. As advisor; Reading is not imply a quiet tees, local library boar exereneit is and should be continue to operate, ýdeal ýone of life's most active pleas- matters of local concern, ures. buildings, maintenance, e Great books eonstitute a record The definition of a co ofa great conversation across the. is also important. To sor centuries, and, through books, we are privileged to share *the_______ thoughts. 'le emotions and the observations, of writers as if weÀ weresitn with them lin the en- vironment of our owa living 00M. In our respective communities, public libraries act as hosts la introducing us to writers of the past and present and in provid- ing us wth the key for u.-%locJdng the door to new opportunities, new experiences and new plens- ures. The County of Durham is for- - tunate in having a number of ex- cellent libraries, administered by responsible Boards and under the iHA supervision of qualified and effic- H M lent librarians. These libraries provide -an ex- cellent service for their respect- ive comimunities and bo-rdering rural areas. There are, however, Hundreds of many areas- not only locally- Rogers Bros, bt throughout- the Province, The followir where such advantages do not Mar exist. It was in an effort Vo eten library services to as many cit.- G zens of Ontario as possible that E the Leguislature at the last Sesàion passed Bill 155, The Public Lib-j raries Act 1966. Doni b The Act -As divided into 'four parts, part four of which provides permissive legfisiation for the es-, Ie tablishmnent of Couty Library .VA m-unicipalities forming prtofa -eounty, aad having a combined M population of -at least 25,000 re- quest it. Only those municipali- ties whiclh vote lu favour of the County Public Library wîll- be -inm cluded, with the'libraries in these muanicipalities becoming branches; of thre Cotinty system. Other im- portant sections of the Act pro- - (a) wheni a Couinty Lîbrary Board is establîshed ev-ery public library board established for a -municipality shahl be dissolved nnd the assets and liabilities of thesqe boards vested lu the County library board, unless othierwiseSUR E r ide nluthe establishing by,- 1HRIÇT~ (b), A county library board1 sh ah be comosdf the WardenBAS T' of'reCutvadsix nmembers CO I wï, pcj i1-,tCob",IlleCounici, thre o whm sahbe nmembersý of Cony oncl epresenting AV 4! muniipaltiesin thie County 1- brary area, and tlhree of whM shah be ýpersons residlent lîSVnc- Fiu;ni Cipalit in which the board latefinancing of coutnty hlib- rary bolirds, thireesource.s of rev- S V4l enue are available: (a) A County rate of % to 1 Ie milil on the equalized assessment, bA Provincial grant basedTOATO & on the equalized assessment and other f actors, AR 5 (c) An establishment grant fromi the Province of up to one- AC BE naïf of the total cost. The main criticism of the legs- K Y lation centres around the loss of local aut10omy and the dlaim that FAUE: 1it in1terferes with the commun, iysdem-ocratic rights. 1AE Wemust anderstand, 'howcver, that the legisiation is permissive VAUE ard dfoes not interfere wihpr- NO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSPIAY, DECEMBER Sth, 1966 ine the Town ofPort ilope, the rants an id efficiency it can stocký- througha distribution through - Vlaeof Blacksitock, or thellibraries withi more recent books (5.) It can broadýen the service 'Muiipa1ity of Darlington. As a'which vwill be changed,' regularly; bookmobile and mail. Provinicial representatire, I con- (2) It can open, librarieýs for (6) It can locate areas lu need hartosider the County to, be a Coin- longer hours andl at tUrnes con- of service and open librari ýy commit- munity and feel it is my respons- vyenient ýto the public; theýre;- ardýs may ibility to assist in proviling equal, (3) It can provide those who (7) .It can centrahize tihe whole ,ing with ity of services to ahi sections of 'operate librayies wîth the assist- sy.stem of library management for nsuch as Durham. ance of qualified librarianýs; jeconomny and efficiency through etc., A County library board provid- (4) It can buy more books book ordering,f cataloguing ýind community es certain obvious advantages: from ail over thre world,, chosen inter-library loan. ne it may' (1) Through larger Provincial by experiencedý librarians; fThre legisîntion, which la based K YOU ORONO FOR MAKING OUR, ReD ÎAD "WHITE SWEEPSTAKES A SUCCESS of people enjoyed playing the game with each receiving the minimum of a beautiful $3.00 setting of s. Silverware. ing is a complete list of our major winners:- arie Lane - Fry Pan 1 Amy. Van den Heuvel Mixer Mrs. J. Becker - Toaster ni Schoenmaker- Toaster D. Simpson - Fry Pan Betty Hale - Mixer a Davis - Toàster Wayne' Helson - Toaster Rath Yeo (Gordon) Toaster id Gamsby- Toaster S. Groenveld Record Player gin Heard Mixer Marg. Powell Mixer SPECIALLY SELECTED - VALUE CUECK'D- BRANDED ST-BONE SROUND ~SIRLOIN Boneless Rolled 1 Essex-Mild Seasoned-Tender RUMP ROAST lb. 89C Tasty Skinless Vac Pact For Burgers or Meat'Loavps- Wl EN ERS . lb. uEssex Brand-Fully Cooked, GROU MNcD BeFalb. 49c Sm edPcnslb FresUMnD Len IL 9c Cued PcisI IMild Cured-WelI Streakei v-c Pak Essex-Tbree Varlety Pack <Rindless BACON lb, 79c Luncheon Meut Mt'Aîkon's Meat Pies ë Beef a Clieklen 0. Turkey Reg. Z' for 59e 4 for ~1AS CAKE ENGLISU RIS - ETTY LCEýOCRER 4-lb. Loaf $l.93 16-oz. Celle 159e Paekage 3UNSPUN-Our on ÀLbrand 2%-z. Jar 49< -DOLE VEGETABLE ~s50l P s 19-oz. Tins 2 for 39< 'iv 10lCO-oz. Tins ;D Y -lb. Tin E t! 55< CHOICE CEEA&M STYLE 19-oz. Tins HOUE C 5for 99e -8c off Panc-INSTANT 1-lb. Tin kYls CHOCO 43e ~E Cak e Mxs 3 fo 65 - RICH - FBUITY 45<z.Ti ORONO BRAND FIRST GRADE RED SOIL, EASTERN 9cl Strowberries I Birds Eye, Sliled Reg. 49e! 15-oz. plïg-s., ckages 55C 16-az. 79c 43c BEST BLUY! - Save 10c!- BICK'S 8 o.Jùr BES BU! $l29VALUE - 36e OFF PACK 10-oz. Jar: L 'SAL EJUCE3$ BEST UY -Save 8' e- -er-Vlmnzd 4-,ýT Lntac 1 a ot for LU1e!, 60 tf Pkg. BEST BUY!i!- Save 10e,-7,) WIE 25 Foot Rll Stua &touse Fou iCP& MeLARE'ýN'S CISTMAS SPECIAL! -MAED$.0 Sweet Mixed- - GherkinsF Corn Reiish 12-oz. jars alil R BUTTER lb 64c 2.5 l bba59 ~ W x ' Red and White, Orono SO AS G L8o.Pkg MI»-SWEET - NO. 1 Fg f2 Spanish NS JACK WIFHAWKEZ Mebers ofOsal and Dis- trict Real Estate Board m Mo $0 MW M,