7RN si 1TM leIIRDY.NlV~R%? raia Lean, Fresh, WelI Trimmed PORK rF' 0 SHOUDER UTT ROAST, PORK BUT b 49c 1b55c b 69c Tablil'"Rlte Sliced6 oz. V.P. COOKED MEATS 2 for 49c TaleeB-ite Skinless pure Pork SAULSAGE BOLOGNA' Pr] oes Effective November 2, LfrnitQuantities Save 7s - Cordon Bleu MVEATSPED Suxga-r, Plain, Cinxiamon IGA D01- N UT S Save ic Gold Seal Fancy Save 9c Nabisco Shreslded Whent lb ctzi 49c 16 oz'v.p. 49c 3, 4, & 5 We Reserve the Right to 3 oz. Tins 3 for 49c 2 pkgs 49c 2size tin 49c 12 oz. Pkgs. 2 for 49c Sa ve 13e Q.T.F. Tropical 15 oz. Tins FRUIT SALAD 2 for 49c Save 16e.- Aylnier Choice 15 oz. Tin Peas -or Carr ots 3 for 49c Save 13e - Heinz SPAGIHETTI Save 20e - Scotties FACIAL TISSUES 15 oz. Tins 3 for 49c' Pkgs. of 400 2 for 49c I6IGA ROYAL GOLD UF TER lb 49c With, the purclhase os 2 Westinghouse mLh-, Bulbs at our Reg- ular Price Save 8c - Topping Save 1t0e - Suînlght Liquid DETER*%GENt, crest TOOTUIPASTE IGA FRITIICAKE 4 oz pkg 49e 24 oz btl 49e gý,ant size 490 Golden ]Ripe Chiqulta 5Ibs 49c Produce of ...Clfri e EMPERORýiz GRAPES 2 ils 39C Produce of U.S.A.,mprtd10 oz. Pkgs. CELLOSPINCH 2pkg-s 39c Can. Fancy Grade B.C. iRed Size 88's DELICIOUS APPLES 6 for 49c tKendal News Large flocks of ge'ese weu,-t south the past weekend. Wfe thought Winter had corne when the' temperature dropped to 22' [on Saturday night, October the 29th. 'A large numbLer attend-ed Mr. Halstead Coatliam's sale on Sat- urday in spite of 'Ïe bitter wind. The Wonier 's 7nstitute held, their regilar monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 26th at the home of Mrs. Art Low with fine members present. This meeting was a business meeting. The rol cal] was, "Tell, what you Were doing when unexpectel company called." This brought forth some humorous accounts. It makes me think of wo sister-in-law wo started to paper a room. Each thought the other knew how to paper but neither had papered before. Th'ey were just pulling the first strip off the ceiling for' the third tire when the dor bell rang. One said, "Whoever it la don't bring her in here." It turn. ed out ,to be a cousin from away U4P c0untry, a teachier. "Have you ever papered a room?" asked hier cousin. "Oh y-es, lots of times' "Well, Vil get youj an odde, and You can help us with this, ceilillg." So the unexpe-cte<J cdm- pany saved the situation- Kendal W.1 acceptecI the in- vitation to visit Newtonville on the third Wedïiesdayý, October 19. So our next meeting will be held at Mlrs. Martini Manders on oct, 26th. kACente4fniai tulip bed was p!lnnedl to bçý planted lat 'the Kendal Area School Fifteen dol- lars was voted towardsý the price of the tuilips. Mrs. H. Poster and Miss C. W. Stewart were to talk, jwith the principal about the pro-_ ject, perhaps the planting might dône by some enior pups. A r a g m n s w e re 1 m auc7e t 4 1hip w o ýl ins f r'o m M rs. E. C r * A go d c ntst was njoyecýi I~ ~ T esMs(Wluank n Mrs. il- Y os e r. Sorry to h ear thlat Mr. im ua- lowell masinjured n Frdy Ile and bis father Mr. 1 lallow- v cl e e fe illin g a t e e w h a c h a n s w w e n th e w n d to o k t the -,rOnilg (directioni, pinning Ji u de a b rý-anch a d i juring hscelt ehp h -a will The Uniited Church Women are atrngto ail Orange Lodge Ban, i quet on- Novemiber 12. Al las are requested to help. Centennial Proije(ts <Continued on Page 8) an effort for 1967, The Orono Horticultural Soci,- ety propose to plant a number Of FIowering Crabs to mark the cen- tennery of Canada. The possibil- ity of planting such trees along the bankl on the east side of the Tannery Hill was suggested. Thli it was said would dleàn up a wildly grown-up area in the mid- dle of the tiQwn. This suggestion is to be followed Up. The Orotno Art groupý are to con~- sider some project for the coming year andl it was suggested that a ,sidewalk show could be held and possîbly gain initerest. It was reported to the mreeting- that the Orono Junior Band( was interding to hold a1 number of concerts duing, the year and couîç possiboly assist ini some of te undertkinigs by prviing the m u ie fo t e se sp e cia l o c a i n The Duirhamr Central Agricul- tuIralI Society, Orono Library and .1967.The Oroo1 Ch. ibro ROAST * '1 77 77ý 1 mazouanum ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TBURSDAY', NOVEMR.ÊR, 3rd. 19Ë6 ýUM