ORONO WEEKLY TIMIT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1966 Behfind ThIe Orange Curtain1 Cooper's, Creekj - Alan Moorehead And I Quote: Pcatiâli-eeryoni-, as tele- Somie boild adventurers disdain vwd i wondcr the su-;Pensie-; The limits of their iittle reign, fui count-down and spectacý,ularý And unknown regions dare des, aur'ii-ching'of a space rocIket. As it'cry. -Gray blasîs cff with its baeastro-t New Nonfiction- nauts, many specta tors question Motai Fiower - Han Suyin space trav'el. Why domen push on. To Sir, With Love- Braifli- and on desipite the dangers of I waite space exýploration? What is that j The Why ai Albert Schweitzer indefinable quality that drives ex.- Mantague plorers iarward ta conquer seem- The Odds Againsi Mec Scarme ingiy insurmountable abstacles? iMrs. Simcae's Diary - Mary Q. Sometimes men are spurred an Innis by hope ai financial gain as wcre A Moveable Feast -E., Heming- the men who searclied for ncew way routes ta lands of weailh, wheth- Nigger- DickGregory er spires, furs, or gaid; somnetimes Eartly Paradise - Clette nen are' bedevilled by tlie spinit AfrIbja -ta. Me -Ernily Hahn of adventure and the' need ta The Trial af Stexen Tinc know what's, an the other side of Le Bourdais-. île hili; but ,whatever the maýti- D) ~o .aio, i it cred, paxxer or mnr ossiyme-i aveavays searched ~ ili te uknon lecrne te knoWn_. lIfyou w, ish t wg)a psome un- derstanding o-f iai 'insatiable urge of humInans 0te explore, read somne books aýboutC exploration. There is a speil-binder ai the MJnJ 1,!L'aY D Aan iooe- The Orono Junior Gardener's lead cailed "Cooper's Creeck.' Club met on Thursday, -October As every Canadian chlild knows 27th in the United Church. 20 ofthe explorers of Canada's in members were present and three terior, likewisc 'does every Aust- inew members were welcomed. ralian student know of thie iii- Ms. arther demonstrated fated B usrkeand illsepe Ilite method oi making seed mos- acrssAusraia aies and explained how to colour "Co'(oper's Creek" is ýa fascinat- various seeds "sucli as rice, barley ing ecount of that extr-aoidinlary and ôthers found on the kitchen adverture - a tragic trek through Isheif The seed picture competi- the suffocating heat of cr'uel de- Ition is to be held in conjunction sýerts land unuisuai vegetion;,i en-1with theChristmas Show on Dec- c-ountLer's tih 'strange an'nais, 1 ember 8th, non-members 6-16 yrs. birds, snakes and primitive peap- are weicome to enter. .es; suifferin$g from thirst, sick-! Mmeswr sonads ndesss and hunger;' the tragedy of garden, and bottie garden which terrible deat'hs. will be thé winter -projeet to he The whole drama is heightened judged in May,. The bottie garden b)y a maze of misadventures caus- is made with a wide mouthed jar cd by bungied orders and quar-ior fish bowl. Good potting soil reis;- stupid misunderstandings with a fcw amail pieces of char- and myisjudgem-ýent.1 coal, seediing evcrgreens, mosses, The Irocks and figuvrines are arrangeçi heessence of this book is a;lk odad cno p fuiler appreciation of that grima- couiJd te ivies anid smý-ià]ÂfýrnS. ly, reientiess determination of mne.ri who explore - a determina- On behaif of the imemib%ç-s Gay tiont that has urged men on frçom Quinton presented Mrs. Fairlbroth- the, Urnes oi the Sea-rovers unitil er with a set of decoratopr cush- our own generatïon of astronauts.'ions in honour of lierbitay TRE"NTWAY B US eLUN ES ýiLUMIT EaD Operatinig PASSENGER SERVICES BETWEEN ORONO - HAMPTON - OSHAWA and -Oshawa Shopping Centre By Way of Taunton Road and Return TIME TABLE THU1RSDAY ONLY SATURDA Y Read down Points on Bus Route Read up 9.40 a.M. Orono 4.45 p.m. 9.50 aa.f Tyrone Corners 4.3e> p. 9.55 a.m. m amipton I 4 .5 p, m 10.00 a.mi. Mitchell's Corner -1420 p.m.ý 10.0.5 a.m. Tauntoi 4.16 p.m.i 10.08 a.m. Oshawa City Limiits 4.13 p.m. 10.20 a.m.i Oshawa Bus'Depot 4.04 p ni 110.25a. j Shoppilng Centre 4.00p-m Connection at Oshaa tBs 'Bepot cIli be nmade with 1Colonial Coach or GrayCoua,--hl toý Points Throuîghoýut Canada For Any TransportatïinNeed,( Ask Vour Frie-ndly Tfrentway Driver Local Niews GrwnBub Mr. B. White is, a patient in the (Continued page '5) Memoriali Hospitai, Bowmanviile. hn securing sýome, eall John Cald- Mr., and Mrs. Malcolm McKen- well.. zie, Kitchener spent the weekend The president introduced our with Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKenzie. guest speaker Mr.. Hankinson of Mr. Terry Graham, Queen's, Un- 'Braintford. iveýrsity, Kingston, spent the Mr. Hanikinson 'gave a very in- weýekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. formative talk on growinýg andi Graham. purcliasing ail types af buibýs. Tu- uipýs, liyacinth, daffodils etc. H1e whie the gathering sang 'Happy theýn shýowed us very beautifui! Bi-I.bhdýay'. Yvonine Schoenmaker coloured siides on "Tulip Timýe in and Carol Barnett won prizes for Holiand.' Mr. Hankinsoni then dis- i answering surprise questions. 4,ributed bags of buib:s to aIl in attendance. Theguest speaker wais The next meeting wil bi held thanked liy the president. on Novemiber 24th. A Christmas' decoration workshop wili be held.11 Dini Schoenmnaker was the. win- Our entenialBus np ws j er of flic door prize, a jug of Ou diCue, tewiaIl Buhed dipng 'irider, dionated by Mrsý. Don Evans. thie Easter liolidays 1967. Ou- first wxail flower show was A wrk art wil pant225e' ihiedand judged by Mrs. A worl, prty a(flblant 2r.5Many beautiful en- red tulips. On Saturlay, October lties were on display and prizýel 291h purchased v ith a donation .ners were -as foilows: of $25,00 from'the Orono Chamber Class 1 - 75u-tic Simplicity: 01i ýýormerce, we expert to plant Uelen Schmid; Isabelle Chiallice; more bulbs before freeze-up time. Dini Schaenmaker.. Our Centennial gardeýn should bie Ciass 2 . 'Bountifui Harvest': quiýte attractive nexi spring. Elicen Biiiings; Helen Schmid; Good friends from Bowmanviiie Isablle Chaiiice. have given us 12 Mcrry-gro mini- Cias!s 3 - 'Trick or Treat': Dini ature greenhauses for prizes for Schoenmaker; Kay Chapmýan; Is- which we are most grateful. -Dale abeile Challice. Evans won two, of 'them iwben she The lunch committee served a won first pnizes in the 'Tattooed ioveiy lunch and. the meeting Marrow" and 'Sunfiower seed closed with the singing of 'God' head' comipetitions, hier entries Save the Qucen.' wiil be forwarded to the., Royal Winter Fair competition,. 1 planteýd over 200 tulip buibs. Jr. Gardeners' Work Party Mrs. Couvier took pictures aof 1On, Saturday morning, Oct 29, the event and, then ail the mcm- awork party of about 20) people, ers were taken ta Mr. Rainey's Jir. members and pareýntsplsfratreat. leader Mrs. Fairbrother, gathcred WeÛý thank ail the boys and girls at the Junior's fiower bcdadwho, heiped us. Orono Pastoral -Yèv e R B. E.Long SULNDAY, NOVEMBER th 1966 Oron- Suinday $chool at 10:00 Morning Service at 11:15 'Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday Sehool at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday Sehool at 9:45 Flic Credit Union is not el". Iy the handiest place to sav your money, but it pays dlY'denids as gooçi, or better, thaan uther places to saved .Uk about the fif e nuac provideçi without added charge for eligible savers, even if: Oron,)*District CREDIT UNION Treas.-Man., Angus Louckha Phone 4rIO, Orono Callyour llcensed Plumbing& Mechanicàl Coazractor wlio seils, instalis C.ARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING. Phone 143 Orono LEOTARDS A new *stock of seamless stretch Nylon Tights in a good assort- ment of colours. Sizes. to fit ail the family. Sîze 6 to 18 months, priced ... ..... $1.50 Sîze 1 to 3x years, priced ............. $1.7q Size 4 to 6î years, priced ......... >.... $2.00 Size 7 to 10 years........... ......... $2.29 Size 10 to 12 years Size 12 to 14 years .................$22 Aduits' sizes S, M, and Girl S'Stretch, NyloinSlims 100'/, nylon stretchy slims for the modern Miss. Guaranteed, machine wash- able. Plain shades ai reçi, navy, royal, greeni and brown as well as fancy checks. Price, size 2 - 6x yis. $3.50-S3.95 Size 8 - 12 yrs. $4.9-5-$5.25 Ladies' Brief s "Mandar'stretch nylojnb ifs er- fect fùrm Cit, long wear. WMite onlY. Sizes ta fit up to extra large. Price each 1,0 ............. $2.79 Why Pay More.16. ON PREMU S AV EQAIY 6 FUEL OIL aige PHIONE NEWCASTLE 987-4215 DXFUEL OIL Serving Orono, Newcastle and District DRAPERY Several new picces of drapery suitable for theý kitchen, living room and bcdroom. Attractive dlesi,,n.s -with beige,: gold, blue or green peoiaig Pi4ced f romi 75c toi1,9 per yd., $ MSTRONýG'S 1 . $2.Z9