ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY. NOVEMIBER S3rd, 1966 Report From Ottawa ~Russell C. Honey, M.P. - Durhain Mr. Maîkin is not a'teetotaller. One of the Committees on N-e 'said, "I drink myseif noarly which I serve is the Standing every day and 1 drive a car near- Committee on Justice and Legal ly every day but J use personal Affairs. This Committoo lias beon 'discipline. The drinking driver mne of the busiest, in Ottawa this ikilîs one person every 20 minutes yoar and is currontly studying in the U.S. and Canada collectiv- 4- 41,- n-.I~~îy- - IT--+ - - i amendments to the urîmînaluoude to provide for compulsory tests in drinking-drîving cases. Thi s week the Committee heard evidence of Robert E. Maîkin of Vancouver, BC. Mr. Malkin's son, then a student attending a Uni- versity in Cal ifornia, was -killed in 1964 when his car was struck by an automobile operated by a fL oti Iiust again Th( heari be r Some repor Mall drunk driver. Mr.I Mr, Maîkin decided that the wî,ll. greatest memorial he 'could cre- ate for his son would be teoh- tain a change in laws which would- give greater contrçil over drink- 1 ing drivers, "I toIt that spoýnding my time and monoy this way was a btter contribution towards miankmIn than anything else I couki, do in momory of my son" ho said. One man crusados usually are more.- noteworthy for thoir curios- ity than for thir impact. The term itself suggests a fanatical crackpot, but, Mr. Maîkin is no0 crackpot. For tho past two years be bas wagod war against the murderous highway drunk With a singlenese eof purposo which sets< him ï apart from othor h1ghway safety reformers. Mr. Makin launched his cam-1 paign in California. fie trucked his son's wrockod car around that Stato ontspublic display. Hie obtained hundreds of thousands l of signatu,,res*-on a petition. He, metoGov7eirnor Pat Browi,,n,,and ai)- peared before o special Commiit- tee of the California Senate. Largely as a resuit of his Cam- paign, California law has been a mended to provide that drivers when issued with a drivers lic- en ce are "doemed to give con- sent" to a blood test to establish the alcohol content of the blood, Mr. Maîkin is now eâriy-,inff bisý fight to Canada,.fie is o)ne ofý many witnesses the Commtteez has heard. The. statistics present a _ compellîng ýargument. Over half of our auto fatalities involve, h- quor. Canada's record, is probably the most shocking of any country. Last Labour Day week-end in the U.S. 600 were killed in auto ac- cidents. In Canada, with 10% of the Amorican population, we kill- ed '100, which is almost double that of the US. on a vohicle pop- ulation basis. PART-TIME RADIO TV REPAIES. -HI-FI -Stereo -Record Players -Antennas - Towers -PA Systeus for rent Ail parts and labour guaranteed IIAREY WIERSMA Phone 1737J Orono JACK 99 King St, E> BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Selling eal wï WLF HAWKE -VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE Phione ir12 1Miembers of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board - JUNIOR GARDENERSe First reading has been given RECEIVE TULIP BULBS in the flouse of Commons to a The Orono Junior Gardeners Bill respectin.g the Bell Tele-, have received a gift of 200 top phone' Companiy of Canada. The quaîityDarwin Tulip bibsi with Bill is sponsored by Rus sell C. the compliments of the N4ether- Hone (LDurhm).land Flower Bulb Institute Incor- The legisiation .wiîî increase porated. Most of the bulbs wiII the autbi.rizerl capital of Bell Tel- be planted in the grounds of thel thorie~ th comonyOto au- United Church which has eohonebv $750.000,000. and mtgrcosunpovdn part of its capital, stock in pre- saefrtecusmeig n ferr-,'çi ç1ieipTh' conmpýny 1vwilî shows. Wha liai.upp~eed toxy son is £l, ,llpal 'l important, except to mie. , be ,g*ven - -eater aiiihorifv in re- don't want it to happen sea'-c'i a'id d ",vpriment j'UP-k. C U' S1"' ANNOUNCES In \litho-,ity is sough *t to-use "Býell DEVELOPMENT ROAD Canada" as the abreviated form M-. A1lex Carruth ors, M.P.P., îe~~~~~~ Coote scniun t f its corporate namne. Durham. bas been advise!d by the ings. A report will probably. Honourab'ie ba~ Mar'Naii:ht- made by the end of the ye.ar. Mr. T4orev will pilot the legis- on, Mi-nister of Highiways, that a iehow, 1 think the Committee lation t$,-ollqh tb'ý Hflse of Com- ýpronoS'ed Countv Road in Loý,ý 14 rnt will be pleasing to the mons and the, Transport Commit- land 15, Concession 1 and II of the krn family. The memnorial of tee fIe estimates that it will be iTownship of Dariington,, and join I and Mrs. Maîkin to their son,1 several months befoýre the le-gis-1 ing Highway 401 and the new I think be an enduring one. lation is finally en-acted. Scugog Roari, has been designat- OPENING TODAY 1 RED & WHITE FOODMASTER in Cornwall, Ont.' Save lOc! 2-b. pkg. $1.01 Value-15c Off Pack Giant Pkg. GOOD LUCK BLUE CHARGED .MARGAINE e OMM Detergent7 c Save 7e!,- Dreýam Whip 2-oz. pkg.ý Save 10e! 3-o.btl. DESSERT MAZOLA ToPPING 2~-~CORN.Oit $1.27Vau24o Save 10e! 4-lb.oc 20ce OFF AKYJE DOVELIOIDUDG MA rr'Ç ~u~s V~7EE~t eciallj ~elected B2ANDED Value Check'd t YOIJ, SAV E TWICE WITIt TRIM AND PRICE! Tender - Juicy SH'JORT- RIBJ RO ASTS LB. 63e Ideal for Meat Pies or Stews - Lean,, Hoseess LEAN STEWJNG BEEF IL 69c, Boarjs - Mild CeSs-oned - Vac Pack SKINLESS WIENERS lb. 59c Burna--Fansou for Flavour- Mild Cured- 5-eet Piekie -Cryac COTTAGE ROLLS lb. 69c B. - WeIrelc I-lb. V-c Pack RIN DLESS BACON llb. 99e Burns- Fresh Slied - T.sty IS-oz. Vasity Park LUNCHEON MEATS lb. 79c BEST B111!- Save 10û! FEATURE! - Save 6e! I Ai MON 59e PEAS, ,3 -for 59e Salad Dressng ... 32-oz. Jgr Brght's > 48-0%Tin M'RACLE WHIP 59< APPLE JUICE 2! for 65e SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE PLTM.P - JUICY - NO. 1 - RED F3111,ROIL TENDERý - NUTRITIOUS - NO. 1 -lb. l'oly Bag PARSNIPS 23c' T ARJO -1N., ON ~IO- ]O.1 - GAREN GOOüDNLTSS S%,:EEPSTAKE VJ:NNE-RS 1 LOCAýL WINNEIS Jim Thomnas, Ilood Mixe; Larry Spasg, Eietrie Frypan; Donna Brown, La~dies Gruen Watrls; Evelysi Machesney, E]etrir l7syi)an. "OVER 1,000 MAJOR WINNERS! - RED & WHITE SWEEPSTrAKES" Philoo Colour Television L. Morris, Chippawa; J. A. Richardson, St. Marys; Mrs. R. J. Cutting, GrimsbY. Philco Stereo Sets Mes . rene Smith, Bothwell'; Mrs. R. Graham, Durhlam;Mr. N. Wilson, Mount Albert; Velosa Bari ido;Ms H. Erieger, Fort Erie; Yes, B. L -""One, Mount Forest; m'S. E. Sternal1, Wallserton; Mes. Frankwright, Oshawa e.S Fracchioni, leamasville; Mrs. L. Johnson, Whtney. Pli*:îo Record Players Stanley Mezger, Heidelberg,; L. Sansen-etier, Poekland; Mrs. 'V. MePhersosi, Cornwall; Mrs. Prosero, Toronto; Mrs. L. Lockse, Colliozcood; J. W. Davidson. Clarkson; Mariel Albertson, Port Credit; M 's. N. Van Elsaker. Port Burwll; Mrs. J. Schmidt, Mildoiay; Mrs. W. F. Csusninghaos, Bais; Mes. C. Shannon, Harriston, John S. Lord. Weqton. Gruen Watches Mary Hrbrh Mount Forest; A. Houle, Conriston; I. Uhrig, West Hil; Mary Howden, Port Dover, ClJarence Corm.ier, Corunna ' Mes. M, Munro, Etobicolse. ed as, a Development Road,. This ýwill conmet lighway 401 with the new Scugog Roaci, 'running north trom Bowmanville. CARPENTE IC REPAIRS AND REMODELLING -Free Estimates- F. (Sam). Bruton Phone 452M RED FINEST OUAL - Save 8c! ;7 60 to Pkg. BEST 1111V! SAVE 9c CLARK, rS STEWS iet or I[rish - 15-Oz.1 2 for 6, 'BEST »UY! SAVJ! VANITY TISSUE, 2c OFF TIN PFACl FROZEN FOODS FEATURE! - 1110H LINERZ OCEAN PERCH FILLETS SUPREME FRENCH FRIES HEALTH& BEAUTY AI 'REG. 69e! CREST TOOTH FASTE HEAD & SHOIJLDERS 99C REG. $1.39! - DEODORÂNT 5-O.-osize SECRET SPRAY $1.19 V ' ~K'Red und White', Orono. Tins 9le 39C V1DS Giant Tube ' 59e I - I ýj . ---------- 'W 11110 ý i l Il,," , w ......... Mill 2-1b. b. Bag m