- ~- - ~. O NOWEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER F h 1966i 'KendalNews m m , The people of Kendal Unite j ~Chiirch wish to thank ail those who hielped to make our annilver- 4_1 sary a success by their presence, gftbaking etc., particulanly,, Miss' Tena Kozub of Newcastleý, wh.o played lier accordian »o beautifuily at the Thank-offering service. and Mr. Mel McCoy'mwhQ played the Hammond organ oni $.p,..db, 1E 0F1AýA WIOLEAI ONI ýcWednesday night. S"Ppy dpotfor roget-ndep,,dlýMr Wm. Mercer went into ae Toronto liospitalonM da fo ian operation. 'We wish her a complete recovery. jMrs. G. Carpenter of Ganan, oque spent a couple of days, with lier cousins Mr. and Mrs. G. Cath- cart Iast week. She called on other -relatives in the area. When we were chil.dren if the schooi did lot open f111 a quarter to fine we planned to arrive at' that time. Now our Kendal school pupils are delivered by bus at > QULITY8:20 ar..awd must stand out in J AL-IECANADA'S FINEST QUtYhie pouring rain or the bitter RtED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF cold tili tLhe school is unlocked Sirloini, Porterhouse, Wing, Boneless Round ,lotahi orltr si a case. of the, survival -of the fit- test?" -Aer one good soaking some chidren will be. siek for STEAKS or ROASTS a week. Can no solution efu? Th beautiful flowers at. the' OR UMPROATSpulpitof. Kendal Churcli on Sun_ day were in memiory of Mrs, Don AP%9 c Oke (nee Pearil oy) of Califorri- There wîll be no chureh serv- ice or Sunday, Sehool heli j IKendal 'next Sunday. It has. been withdrawn- to enqble the people rehF Gon to attend ceither Newtonville An- u ~ niversary in the mornîng, at 10 "Del CE1l C K lb 6bý3C mA I ruam.or Shiloh Anniversary i h We Reserve the Right to Lijuit Quantities Prices Effective October 26, 27, 28 and 29 SAVE 61. PURITAN BEEEF STEW 24 oz tin 49c IGA OVEN FRESU BLUEBElRRY PIE family size 49c SAVE 10e NABOB COFFEE lb bag 85c .GERBER'S STRAINED 4 3/4 os 15AIBY FOODS 4-jars 49c, IDEAL SHELL.OUTS FOR HALLOWE'EN STJNKIST CALIFORNIA VALENCIA,16M's O ANES 3doz $1'00 CANADA No. 1 GRADE LOCAL GCROWN CAULIFLOWER, en 29c CANA DA FANCY A PPLES GRADE McINTOSH 3 lb 33c PRODUCE OF U.SA, CAN. No. 1 GRADE *BRADFORD GRO WN 3 lb. Celle bag CUCUMBERS 3* for 29c CARROTS 3 for 39c CHERRY HILL FARMERS COLBYCHEESE CRACKER BARREL MEDIUM KRAFT CHEESE 13 oz slize 49c 16 oz wedge 7hc (ottawa Report Russell C. Honeyi, M.P., Durham John James Greene is the firsat federal Minister of Agriculture The nicknamne "Joe" was acquir- ed at pulic school and it stuck with hilm ever since,. Joe Greene was a classmnate of inie at Osgood)(e Hall. I was, cail- ed to thie bar in 1949 andi he gradutud lonle year atr lie first ' cane into i)olitical proinence lui 1958. when lie contested the lead, ership of the, Ontario Liberal Parlty. 1 was at that Convention and recall that Joe Greene ta that point politically unknown alrnost swept to victory on the crest of an emotionailly charg- ed speech delîvered the day be- fore the voting. The total cpst of Joe Gree2ne s 1958 campaigu for the Lil#al 1eadlership was $1.38 for the pur. ehase of green ribbon and straight pins. Strips of the riblion were pinned on the Greene supporters. He saved money by bringing the scissors fromý homie! iAfter higfli scliool Joe was, en.- ployed in tlie mining country of northern Ontario until 1941 wlion he enllsted in, the R.C.A.F, Serv- ing overseas with, the Fighter Commiiand of the R4.CAF. Mr. Greene was mentioned iii dispat.. ches and awarded the DIstinguish.. ed P'1ylng Cross. Joe Greene la a horney type of fellow who exudes a log cabin philosophy. Rielias often been compared witli Abrahiam Lincoln and, indeed, does not discourage sueli comparisons. One of tlie best orators in tlie House of Commons, 11r. Greene laces bis reinarks libera1ly with homnespun humi)-our, As, a Memiber interested in Ag- ricufltuire I have been associated wit Jo Greneand have trav- e1le(l with hIlm n) occasions wliere he lias addre,,ssýed- agricultural gru.lie is fiu'ently bilinIgual and Ibeievezs that Canada's great- ness can only be acliieved if we remnain unilited and strong- 1The record of legilalive ach- ievemients in tlie agricuilture port- folio since Joe Greene took over tlie niistry n;ine months ago lias been very imnpreýssve, 'l doubt that it has ever been equalled by any MIinister of Agriculture in C anada's hito.ry. There are somne who say Joe Greene will be a contender for the leaderslilp of the Liberal Pýarty in Canada when Prime Minister Pearson resigns, At 46 years of agýe Mr. Greene migit like to have a few years more ex- perience, 1 would think, liowever, that when the time rolis around th înser of Agriculte will be in the centre of the action. v PEAS, CORN, PEAS and CARROTS VEr MIXED VEGETABLES VGTABLES, 6 hags $1 IGA CHEESE SUICES ICA CHEESE SPREAD 16 oz pkg 55c