Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Oct 1966, p. 3

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Centeni With 1967 f ast approac your larke Centenniial Conr tee is anxious te assist any or 'zation or individual in plan aproject for this Special 'With this in mmnd an inf o get-tcgether has been plai frTuesday night, Nov. 1ilr lobwer auditoriuma of Orono1 Pst Chi.rch. Representatives ý,*ere.sted individuals are1 ý,elIome to corne an*d air1 ideas over a cup of eoffee. Did you know that we ,Bveral Centennial f arms P'larke? These farms have .nder the same family name ,00 years or more. -We are pres- i ently compiling a list of these farms and would be happy to hear of more. Now is the ti-me to begin. work ,(m that 1867 costume for the rCentennial -Ball. if you have a Mother-in-law ap- piroaching 100 years, please lie kind to lier 'at least until New Years Day-w e want lier wth us ýn 196-7. Touirism $"Ps Above Thul0Of Agilur On tario alone benefits by a t>onaniza Of 'One quarter billionl dollars a year from tourist spendj- mng, representing a larger econi- omie factor in thli f e of Ontairlo eesidents' than agriculture, stateel E.R. llaynes, immediate pasit- d1residenit of the Great Pie Ri;dge Tourîst Asociation wheii lie ad- dressed more than 150 dleelgates 10 the Clean i Water Conferen.iceî )ield recenitly in Peterborough. Mr. Haynes went on to sa, 'Tourist money is new mi-oney, which when injected imb fli eco noyof aIn area benefits. every single one' of us." Anthe r strong poLitnt ad-e by Mr. Haynes xas the imporýtanice of a good tourist 'area in attract- ing industries ,whch seek- out ar- eas with attractive living cni tions la the establishing of niew plants throughout the country. Affer introducing his subjeet PART-TIME RADIO TV REPAIRS -HI-FI - Stereo -Record Players -Anteanas - Towers -PA System for rent AU parts and labour guaranteed HARB IERM Phone 17.31 Orone JACK RICARD 99 Kinig St., E. BOWMANVILLE Wheni Buying or sellng cýati, WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE Phe 1 'VI? Mem(bers of Oshawxa and Dis- trict Real,-Estate BoDard SUNSHINE FRESH VEGETABLES - TZBURiNGO No. 1 Large Stalks Faw iPlEs 39e Clean Cury Coventnt16-09,-Poly Bag SPIACH 2 bags 39< MrhNo. i3lb1ol.a I CARROZ-TS 17c' SAV 1c-e's choiCushd r Ti'dbit 20 PINEPPLE4 fo SV 0e Gold Seal Fancy SA'E -,C! - van Camp -VWith Fork 20 BEANS 4 fo TBAINMAN'S SPEÀCIAL!-SAV)E !4%, HEINZ Strained FOODS 8 fc SAVE 7c! - Libby's Fancy i FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 fo SAVE 9C.-1 VPRAE RED & WHITE MILK 5 I SAVE 6e! -VP E Il 71 32-0z. Jar cIA FEATLUE! - CHOICE HANI) PACKED TEAINMAN'S SPECIAL!- SAVE 17c! -MiTelHELL'S AK JUICE 717EAIMA1 - SPECIAL!- SAVE le! - YR -Oz, Tins Codcrs Taitl Tin Cream Corni 6Oz. Tiyieve e -1-.Tn Neltaz Faneyv ir,-99< TOMA -Oz.- Jars Save 1c-i--. Tins F r99e 2 069C -Oz.TinsAyImer or Wagstaffe ir5< JAM )r 'STRAWBERRY or PwASPBFEREY Tati Tins (with pectin) Saerl-2-0. a ) lu 39 e 280z Tîn 2?94 4Oz 'Tins ~I ~I 15 Oz. Tins 79 Best B;uy!- Save 12c, Chieken Noode2 pacb SOUP, 3 for 69cý Ingraham Wntch Mail-!f Off r Save 16!-Bathroom Royale TISSUE, 6 for 89c Feature! - Supreme, 6 Varieties Celo Ba'ýs BISCUITS 3 for 89C Save 2le! - Red & White JELLY POWDERS, il for $1 Save 9e! - Chef Boy-Ar-Dec Meat or Mushroom 153% -Oz. SAUCES' 2 for 59c fFSlH FROZEN FOODS! Feature! "- Birds Eye, OaANGEg DRINK 12-Oz. Tins 'AWAKE' 2 for 75< ]Feaftue!-Bfîrdr, Eye 12-mz. Pkgs. PEAS' 3 for 69< SpECIALS FROM OUR BAKERY D)ErPTMENT! TOKUP OIN 524e VALUE 4-z.Loaves REG. 29e! - SUPiEEME Weston or Sunibeam R EG. 43!-ICED) CINNAMON Aunt MayjBed 5frS Douts z2 do1z.49<, Buns 12 o pkg.3 MA1JOR1 PRIZES - RED& WHITE SWEEPSTAK',ES Philco Colour Teievin L. Morris, Chippawa; Mrs. A. Aubin, Va-Rita; J. A. Richardson, St, Mary's; Mrs. R. J. Cutting. Grimsby. Phileo Stereo Sets M,.. N. Wilson, Mount Albert; Mrs. Beatrice Nowieki, Onaping; Vloa Barie, Windsor: Mr. *E. Sternali, Walker- ton; Hernian St. Pierre, Belle River; .Mrs. Frank Wright, Oshawa ; Mrs. J, Boston, Sauit Ste. Marie; Mrs, S, Frac- chioni, Beamsville; L. Gosselin, Deep River; Mrs. L Johnson, Whitney. Philco Recori Players Mra. N. Van Elsaker. Port Burwel; Mrs. J. Schmidt, Mildmay; Mrs. W. F. Cunningham, Bala; Mrs. C. Shannon, Harriaton; John S. Lord. Weston; Jnhn Evans, Ou Spilngs; Philias Duguay, Thurso, Que.; Mrs. V. MPherson, Corn- wall; Mrs. Prospero. Toronto: Mrs. L.Lck.olis od J. W. Dàavidsop. Clarlison. CruesWateh A. Houle, Coniton; H. Uhrig, West lii; Carence Cormier, Crunna; Mra. M. Munro. Etobicoke, Pius 350 Steam Irons. Eieetric Rond Mixers, Eleciric Toasters, Electtic Fry Pans. Speciaily Select ed-Value Chek'd-Red or Bl-Band ROUN -SIRLOIN -T-BONE Tener, Juicy, W'el-Trisamed - <ou save iwice wicth trias and price> Boneless RolIed RUMP ROASIS Ib. 5 Schneiders f>raasag"fld R]ots" * Selineiders Pamious "Pure Pork" Mjld Seasooed - Skies RCosntry Style - 1-1W. Pia<ter Pack WIENERS lb. SAUSAGE lb. 63c Scbneiders MÀ Match 6-01. V.P. 1 Schneiders Pure Pork Sausage' 16-Oz. LUNCH- MEATS 2 "for 49c MEAT ROLLS 49c' F PLEEZER FILLER SPECIALS GROUND) BEEF ...........5Ibs. $2.49 MEATY PORK ROCKS 3 lips. SIc, GnRND B)EEF.....10 Ibo. $4.89 R IB BOILING BEEF... 3 Iba.$1, 'W Red and White, Or'n ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, OCTOBER 27th, 1966 sunxmerý" M.Hd'ynes said. "Mul- lai orne this by some 100 operators cmitet rmidvdgs m al 9ornin the Riee Lake area and we corporations and governments to coeuncomfortably close to a elinunate the present apathy that * quarter of, a million dollars for'surrounds the subject of water hing lof tourism Mr. Haynes spoke on just a few days of pollution and Pollution. înmi- the relative effects of industrial a d¶rther extenio ofhe f- rgan- i ad domestie wastes particularly ures throughout the LODA region iing within the district of the Great and we are talking in thec multi-1 During the evening program Year. Pine Ridge. H1e pointed ont that million dollar bracket of poten f two of' Mr. H-a3rnes' recommenda- tial loss," the speaker said. tions werts adopted for rsna )rmal most of the tourist communities tion to the Lake Ontario Regional nned could not afford proper sewage Development Committee for fur- ' theidisposaI Plants and as a result, In conclusion Mr. Haynes' re- ther study and action. Thesel Unit- with combined growth of thec sum- omnmended an organized public were, a program of study and1 and (uaint ei neeetr' m mr population conditions in education program which would eduaint ei nlretr their these communities are far fromn begin in elem'enitary sehools in &choos wthsoniesotfana; t1ergood. Ofitarlo to be combined with a tacýhed-symblol-si'mila'r-to moy concerted legislative program:the Bear', and a programi of leg-1 "One Rice Lake tourist opera- which would be strictly enforced.ljislated rulings anrd, regulations have tor reported an estimated loss of which. would be strictly enforced b in at least $2,200 in revenue during been a period of algae and weed infe- In conclusion Mr. Haynes also 'throughout the province. efor taition,2rnd his resort this past urged. personal participation and CARPENTER INC REPAIRS AND REMODE'LLING -Free Estimates Calt: F. (Sain) Bruton Phone 452M mâm %£ là%W Zll

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