Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Oct 1966, p. 2

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__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 7- - - - -- ý.-~-,-- .- Ou)WEEKLY ITIURDA OCOE1R 27'tii, 19 ?ubiishý,ed every Thirsday at tbâe o tcýiïc fpbia Main Strees, Pnone 109, vrono, nao E3talished in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and -Manager, NotFolloing Po;qlicy A memiorandum of policyr from the Hlon. W. G. Davis, ' inister of Education for Ontario, to the Public School Con- sultative Committees regarding larger units of administra- loin and dated December 28th, 1964, rnakes one wonder hwthe Northurnberland-Durhamn Consultative Comm-ittee îand aise the Department of Education can approve the nuligprogram of the Ciarke Township Area Public $chýIool Board. The miemiorandum makes this statemient, "It is also ti-e poliicy ai' the Departmnent to encourage the cstablish- rý cnt and operation of fully graded sehiools.witb- enrolments of at least 300 pupfils." This is a clear statepmcnt of -policy whîch appears locally to have littie meaining. The local con- sultative Comimittee la given ýtheir approvai to two-room additions to threýe itwo oom schools plus the construction of a new eight-roomn schooi. Thé one tworoom â-addition and' the n-ew v8 room ehol Kirby, are about four miles apart whýich in this day and age is relativeiy close. The, prese nt programi, excluding, any gymn accomnmodation for the cight- -room sehlool in Orono, wil provide four gyms for a student eoletof eight hiundred pupils and excluding Oronio for six hundred pupils. Surely this alone miust be a costly ser- vic:e at an initial capital cost of over $20,000 per gymi or one hundred dollars per student. It was stated at the last board mneetingI that the eight-rooma school in Kirby is being built to replace the present oero schools. This is fine but it does not go, frr enoughl.Thebuildiing" programi should, we believe, be one of a(ccommiodatiîon and aiso one of upIgading our education- al systemn. No plan appears to exist in the latter and this was most obvious when it wasý statedI that presently there appeared no answer- for the Orono situation. This1 is not good enough especially when it involves the education Of our children and also) thousands of dollars in capital con- struction and future maintenance' and busing. Aý plan should exia to cover ail areas 'of education. The Departmnental memo randu-m as states that, ,A sehool system wlth an avecrage daily atteadance of 300 to 1000 makes possible fully-graded elemcintaryv schools. A fcw of the larger systemns mav have senior sehools operatedl on a part-time rotary basis,' and part-fime classes in special subýjets are poissible."ý Clarke Township's daily ttendance must now be at least 750 which brings it close to the top -f the 300 to 1000 bracket. Darlington Township in its program, has constructed a senior public school with new educationial featurés. Peter- borough111 County public schools are offering11 additional eo.çurses ilutdingÏ industrial art and home econlomics. Dr. Andrews, headl of the Division of EduItcati;oni Admiô_nirstration, Ontario Institute for Studi!es ln Education, in a recenit address stated that centralization (larger scliùools) provided better teachers, enabled graded classes aknd eveni suh-divisions Within grade grouping, provided goodsuoperVision, made teacher ia-service edu4lation feas- ible, andi also provided opportunity for special services to piupils such as gifted, retarded etc. Where do we stand in present-day education? There is no doubt that we need more accommodation but let us maoketihe project a two-fold project and add soine economy at the samne timie. otice To Residents of Orono and Clarke Township -Fire Emergency Calis hi. reporting a f ire dial the Fire Emer- gency Nýumber ,as istýed in your Telephone BROIk under 'Oronq Fire Departnient' 9 ~ 53 0 Usethsum r for reporting fires ONLY as t st-f a special alarm,. Place the 15 e nte rn fyu tlpoebo BIRTULe vr Caadia farm no' tha m c hat their chidrea de LOUICS- To Pat(Plyiey) and 25 :es,ago. but farmls have ceieago euai Peter Louck, a sonNoci Scot, at !înC reased îin averag'e sîze from jl-l b. Michaelis HspiaiToronto, 240 acres to 360 acres.ieid ecomnddtewk.r on Tuesda , cober 25th, IlIbs. ment up at the sme time by 25 44H ClUbS and Junior Farmeri 14 ounces. Mother and baby do- per cet lncreased producivity adtebeeiiltraining ru ing fine. acLsmantdthat one farm worker 'ceivc d through '.,them. today'produces food for approx- ISCOUT REGISTRATION at egstatonwill be heid ths Sa-tuxday from 1i untii 2 o'ciockl -tacheOrono AMuiùcipal, Building for. those boys wishi ng to join; the- Orono Boy Scouts. Picase brinig youir $100 registatone.- FOR SALE' One Propanle Gas Cook Stove in excelient condition. Mrs. F. Bowen, phone 'New- castiJe, 987 4572. a-c ROWETOURS Cailiforntia: Tour and H-awaian Cruise Fb r 6 - Mardi 11. Travel d(e lux air-conditioaed mnotorcoacli to Los Angeles thea Via SS Turline to Hawaiian Is- tlands. FLORIDA TOUR Janumary 8-29th - 20 days No night travel. For information to above tours phione or write Rowve Travel Agency, Port Hope 885-227 TORONTO Aayone wishing to, go to Royal 1winter Fair Novemnber 12 and l9th, Anyone wishing to go to Ic Capades Wednesday, November 9th - Friday NImlr1th - Saiturdayý MatIjee, November 12 Tickets available., Any'one wisbing to go to Tor- onto or to Santa Claus. Parade Novemiber l9th. For information ta above trips Pr-honie or write: ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY I 885-2527 Port Hope STOCKER SALE, Tic Durham Farmers Annual Fal Feeder Sjbe, selling without réserve jt DDurham County Sâle's Arna rono on Monday, Nov- ember 7 at l-,30 p.m., Durhain, fHereford and Aýnguts yeas- olds, 2 yeur oids, stock ca v- ès and feeder cows. Incliuded in this sale is a choice consignimenit of 80 Hereford, stecIrs weighiag approximately 700 lbs. ecd.1 1 Ai cattle graded and sold in suitabie' lots by th e pound. Plan to attend this important auction hrebuyer and seller meet each year.I Termas cash, Jack Reid Auction- iWith Nature A. 0 Dairyniple of Bowman- ý ville, Durham County Agricultu r- ai representative defines agricul- ture as "mnan's attempt to over- corne the limitations of nature la. o9rder to raise and harvest a dle- sîred crop." The fight to produce mor--e food will inereiase, he tolda meeting of the Bethaa-y Womea's Institute. 'As we look at tic agricuitural cconomy of Canada and the de- mand that is held for the worid, we know that we will have. to produce more foadd in Canada, not oniy to feed ourselves, but other parts of tic world." POPULATION INCREASE i Mr. Dairymple said t'he agricul-, tural industry lan Canlada, from farming to distributýli, employs about 40 percent of thie ttal labour force. 1 j "It bas been pojnted out th at our opuatin wll oon be doub- led! and that means that we ms m, dobeorfood-pouto.Cn ada s tou ofetas anenes ablyneyr exeed15 per cent. Tee aaqurr of a million iamately ?21 persons. In 'the 1930s '"We m ut re alize the imiport- this production feýd oilly 10 per- anice o giuluea1 h r sons.ltr aidte m "There are many who feýel thiat intfensified production rath- er than opening niew lands is the key to increased production to provîde for the future population Portance of education tfor youngý people.Ira, this -chaniging wý1î. those who are educated certainlýy wîll be 'better prepared to face tic changes. that will take, plac@_ In 15 years, 60 per cent of th-, jobs that people will be doing r probably not even heard of at L 31r. Dairympie commenýted on rsettie the need for education of youngi "At this Thanksgiving time iwe people in frnn."hbo ishouid. be thankfui for the p 1ast girl who will be a success in ag. and the good> things that have riculture (or in any other field) corne our way. At the same time will need as, much education as we have an obligation to train for they can get. It is up, to parents the future." CENTENNIAL ACTION MEETINGI UNITJED CRURCH ORONO LOWER AUDITORIUM REPRESENTATIVES 0F ALL ORGANIGATIONS IN CLARKE TOWNSHIP INVITED Please attend so the Clarke Township Centennial' Co-ordinat. ing Comimittee can compile a list of events for 1967 or givec Assistance Your choice of Halloween Tricks 'N Tieats, Candy Coýstumes, Masks and Decorations, Checki your Flyer for our Big re-hrismasSale OCTOE 27~o OVEMBER 5 'Please look at these Attractions Too! IKing Size T. V. Table Set with Caddy I on wheels, only .........$8.89 ILadies' White, Vinyl& Plastic Go Go I Boots, priced at ...........$2.98 Yorkshire Brush Set with Nylon bristles .79e IHassock, 4 legged, square, assorted colors $4.69 Teflon Electriýe Fry Pan with cord .... $1'7.95 ISehg-ck Hot Lather Shave Cream. for .... $1.0O,0 ICordless Electric Hair Brush ........$2.89 jGeneral Electrie Portable M3ixer,...$14.99 Ruibbermaid Vanity Wastebasket, reg- uilar $ 1.49 for onily..........99e j CobinaionWaff le Iron. andl Sandwich j Toasiýýter, ooîy ...........$11.95 IYI

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