ORONO WEEKLV TI-MES ,'URSDAY, OCTOBER 2th, 19~66 notalwys hosýe vhich tews r"comendbut o ten to3 v ,uccmet the peculiar wautïs. the na-turaI thirst of his mmid andthcoe awaken interest and iveý,t thoug lt. - Cha'ining Wbat isý, it thiat "awakens inter- Et" lu. a book? Chances are thagt contoverialissues or tml topr , lead you to cead boks ce lated to, such newsworthy sýub ects. Let's chat about some aeas of intecest that could hav Dl fiuenced youy readig mtra latei. The Truscott Case- There is uno doui tat tiure c- cent Supreme Court haigof evidence peti Into the Trus- cott trial hnas made IE1sabel L- Bourdais "Tbe Trial of Steven Truscott" a mucb sought after book.,i-er impassioned cry of 'injustice' that aroused onie of the most cebatable issues of the year bas iilustrated >what a powerful instrument the printed] word eau be. The Trapp Family- The Julie Anidrews-Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Couper of - indsor spent thc wveehkenci with M1Vr. o. Cooper and visited with su ba fyou have%- enjo cd Mcs. Ken j iGaýýmsby spe-nt thei Mrs. Cooper who is a patient in either the stage or movie version, ipastwekn in Coîborne withithe Oshawa General Hospital. ~ouals wll e ntetanedbyher sýister1 Mrs. Clifford Parker. *Mr. and Mrs. E. Dent and Miss' the book frorn which the sho)ws Weeý-iren guests with Mr. and Aima Cutteil attended the funer-! ., e-la.tped E'lina Ferbeïýs'Mrs. Ed Grahamn were Mr. and ai of Mrs. May Dent in Toronto Srdg o te ivr wa- Mrs. Dick- Gibbls, Michelle and on Saturday, October lSth. -31rige Ce È-fýr wai- Dean, of Barrie and Mrs. Oliver' Mc. and Mrs. Roy Forreste1^1 Wee ouaon temillions Gibbs of Dunbarton. visited on Sunday with Mr. and o f vtwr h ace he out- The füuerai of Mr. P. C. Lawrie Mrs. Wm. Found and, famiiy, Ag- sia'diïg aard iunng ovie of Detroit, Mich., will1 be held 'incourt. "Brdg ontn RierKxxi"w.hen from the Lang Chapel at the _________ Vtw, tlvsda hr ieao Orono Cemetery at 21o'elock on MILLBROOK COUNCIL F XVORSý Tnemove s ntabeas asthe Thursday, October 2th. Mcs Pierre Boulie boo(lk of th saine Lawrie is the former Nonie !MILL & POND PURCHASE name, for itf;ecelecharact- Hooper. erization of th-e Biihofficeý, r n,,,-1 rz,.npru1 olnx f1Millbrook councilvtdun- wvhose (cpen%±Jant fo)r "g9, ]yb tebok e disatr Most of thesebook able now at the0r Libr'ary - If ever you an interest in a booki TV show, a Inovie or a article, mention this t( carian. Do flot be shy questing the books YOI is Your Library, and i cary does not make an provide thre books tl wants, it is. failing in ives. Speak up;, your and comments are nec( 'welcome. rdgstrict- are avail- ar e ledto throuigli a n-ewspapier ýo the Lib- Iabout re- )U want; it, if the Lib- in effort to the public 1its objeet- rsuaggetion- essary and Musi" is bouud to pique the Dorothy Robin# moviegoer's curiosity conccrning the mcmarkable Trapp Family. This inquisitivencss eau be satis- led by their autobiogmaphy "The S tru a c Stomy of thre Tapp Family." ion. Hans Stiyi- phsiiaathres dd ets $18 5.00: ressed the ope-iing, sesision of the The Strlyng dc, Ur,!cirsty f seondsponsored in support of the Or- international teachl-minvhich ex-'ono Artificiai Ice Fund, raised plored China's past, present and asum of $185.00 sor the fund. The future. 11cr best-seller "Aý Mauy-idance was hèld in the O1ronoi Splendouned Thing" is a, love Trown Hall with music being sup- story set against the background pîied by two local groüps of mu- of a revolutionary-changing China sicians. "The Crippled Tree" is a combin-A Weill over two hundred teen- ation of history, biography and'agers and aduits were in attend- autobiography. Both books are ance at the dance. The crowd was well-writteni, interesting and in- one of the, livelicst to dance lu formative, the hall fur somne time and cvcry- Showbot- one- reports a mos.t enjoyable The ong-opuar poducionevcning. The two groups of 'danc- of "Showboat" bias becu staged at c rs mixcd well and dancing was theg O'Kecfe Centre for the past on the move throughout the cil- two weeks. With some of Jerom-e tire eveuing, Kern's best known music,' this Dancing started at eight o'- show business classic, pOrtrays cdock with the modern sounds of life on Cap'n Andy's MIjssissippi the Ekos providing the dance BUS LUNES %pLIMITED P1ASSE3,:NGER SERVICES BETWEEN ORONO - HAMPTON - OrSHA'LWA and Oshiawa Shopping Centre By Way of Taunton Road and Returu TIME TABLE THURSDAY ONLY SATURDAY, Read down Points on Bus Route Read up 9ý.40 a.m. Orono 4.45 p.m. 9.ý50 a.mn. Tyrone Corners I4.30 p.m., 9'55 a.11. Hampton 4.25 p.m. 10.001) r. itchell's Corner 4.20 p.m. 105am. Tauuton 4.16 p.m. 10.08 a.m, Oshawa City Limits 4.13 p.m. 10.20 a.m. Oshawa Bus Depot 4.04 p.m, 10.25 aa. Shopping Centre 4.00 pa. Conmection at Oshawa BUS Depot c an be made with Colonial Coach or Gray Coach to Points Throughout Canada Fotr Any, Trasportation Need skYonr Friendly Trentway Driver Winnieg wee recnt viitr mously Tuesday to co-opert wit Mr. Mry orrs. lsore-with the Otonabee Region on cent ~ ~ ~ rs viiosw~h m 4 M1'-i servation Authority in the pur- wce Mc. and (1Mcs. Wrn. Staplleton ichase of the miii and miii pond of ewtnvilcand Mr. 'and Mrs.'from which the village got its L, Vas ecy, Port McNicol. nae The authority is intecested lu rhytms. aterin te acouserving the watcr to preserve dcance baud of eiocalvennd'the watec table. There rwill be Toronto mutsicians provided the slibstantial grants f romn the pro- music of the old stand-by, along ivincial govern ment' aiso auxious with a nuimber of recent' tunes, about.water conservation. We wish to correct an error lu Approval fo-, the purchase of iast w-eek's paper when we omit- the damn and miii1 bas now been ted to mention Mr. Dick Morton passed,' as wcll as by council, by playing« trombone. the finance committce and the Arrangements are being made lands' use comm.ttec, of ORSA. to holdl another Satumday dance Thc final approval t'cquimcd is lu the Town Hlall whcn thc Ekos ithat of the authority as a whole. wvill supply the music. Procccds The option to buy the property fromi this dance will also bcli runs out on December 3lst, support of the Artificial Ice Fund. Tbe flour and, gist miii was purchased by the prescut owuers, "Attwooll and Sheppard" lu 1919 fromn the Needier family. The saw & UINITED CHURCH miii was addcd lu 1921, The mili is the only one luth C rono Pastoral township stîli to use watcr powcm: Eventually it is hopcd to- use Charge the land as a park, and that tours. of the old miii will be an added Minister attraction. Bey. B. E. Long SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd,- 19661 Orono-. Sunday School at 10:00 Morning'Service at 11:15 Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 L eskard- Sunday Sceool at 9:45 Leskard Family Feliowship Service Sunday, October 23, 1966 Special Speaker - The Rev. Win- nifred Bridges, Kedron United 1Church Fellowsbip hour following the Service 7:30 p.m. BýABIES' PIRAM SUITS Two-picce Pmam ,Suits of soft Orlon'Pile with draw-cord hood and zipper closlng on jacket. Pants have adjustabie suspenders and elasticized back waist. Quiltcdl rayon llning. Mittens, bootees and pants are" flaunelette lined. Washable. Pik or aqua -with White trim. Sizes 18' and 24 months. Priced per Suit.... ........... $1.00 NYLON PRAM'SUITS N4ylon Prami Suits with Orlon Pile trim, quilted rayon lining, twin side zippers. Bootees and Mitts detach. Machine washable, Pink and bine. Sizes 18 and 24 months. Priced each ...................... $9.95 -ORLON'i PILE JACKETS, WOOL H Luxurions, wuter-warmn, feather-Iight A good Jackets with Ilood attached, qullted rayon Bats suital lining. Machine wash and dry with low chîldrxeu. ln( temperatuire. lWhite, beige and bine. Sizes ques, Headi 2, 3 and 3X years. attractive dt Priced each.. ...... $11-95 by Bonnets. CHLDREN'S SNOWSUITS Warm Snow Suits, 2-pi ece styles in MITTS ai quilted Nylon or Orlon Pile. Bine, red and Warm yellow with navy ýor blâck ipants. Szes 3 famuily, Wooi to 6x Years. iety of styleï Priced from $1l.95 to $16.95 Priced FUEL Mhe Creit Union is Piot on- Iy the hanidiest place to saveî y our moaey, but it pays IV*,(-., Cs ar good, or better. e he tir flaces %oSave 'hkilit 'the 111e inSurù1K ý provided, without addedj charge for eligible savers, > even if. Orono. District CREDIT UNION Treas.-Mafl., Angus Loucks Phone 4rlO, Orono Callyour licensed P1umbingq & Mechanical Contracter wvho seils, instalis qpd 8uarantees CARMIAN, PLUMBING AND HEATINýG Phone 143 Orono ON PREMIUM QUALITY OIL - PHOGNE NEWCASTLE 987-4215 DX FUL QI 0L, Serving Orono, Newcastle an,ýd District. [ATS - BONNETS assortment of Wool and Orlon blei for týenage-rs and smal iceluded are Jockey Caps, Tor bauds and Stocking Caps, in designs. Several styles in ba. frOm . $1.00 to $4.00 and GLOYES Mlitts and Glyoves for ail the Ml, Orlon and Plastie. A var- es und colours. from .... 79ec W $2,98 Why'Pay- More....... ARMSTRONG'S -W,"W dwvji, ......... . ....... ... . . ..... ....