ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER zoth, 1966 __ Ce ten jal Corner R. :rnothe thîrd race Jacele 70 R gse ____________________________________________Hal owned an driven by R. Pow- ell of Newcastle placed third. I -Te c1ark Centennial Commit- race with Bill Hooey in colmn ls osvnyytgby in xemlbers present. Mrs. Fair. ýat 2.19 over the heavy track. Junior West also drov Lady ýfrom Orono and district have re- teeme onTusda nghtwith hewinin tie as egsteedDean to a fifth Place fiish. gistered to play hockey in the bater as chairman, welcomed 10l. rono rink thi s winter season. thE new Area Representatives, Junior 'West also posted a winJ The nrograîn is urder the soon. M-, H. Lovekin and -Mr. El. ar on Saturday night with K Inty . ' -' Vnth.race Gerald Ro- Isorship of the Orono Amateiri D)uvall. T~hissgives representation Witty, oslwe yDad~ bîinson finîslxed second with AI- Ahei soito g tya horseowe Gratt.anndil KethWethlcAscain on the Commînttee toail parts alf Fraser of Norwood. The time was -. rtanwie et Ws the ownhipandthememers2.181. erad. obison piaed inished sixth with Bud Gist, a ThVe boys have registerýed in the the ownhip nd he embes,218.. Geald Robnson plaeil owned by J. N. Guest, Bow- Atom PlnWee. Bartam and Mid- ýnrm ready to assist any persan or;third in thle saine race with Jerry manville. '2et gro(Ups. ergaizaionin lannng ce- Hat, owýned by R. Cochrane and 1+enniai projeot or celebration. In A. Ken". T.sconinection forms were dist-I The Athletiýc row plan to hold ri~td o hemebes howilKendal Brook, owned by L. t1beir annual Benefft Banquet in rý;,tdt h ebr h i Downes of. Kendal finished 8th Tlreh,iar- of 1làý'7. ronsil'-ation i,. turn place these with their Miss Jennifer Hiai, owned bY in the eighth race while Fred' is also being given to hold a iaiorganizations. These forms B. and F. Post of Orono finishedLvcett's1 Roval Dlikp cro-ele the --'to s;:-ipor-fth firl~ il h wheýn completed will provide a second in the first levent Of the finish wire in sixth position 11 Inlafionq in providing sports for record o f the proposed Centen- night. The horse was driven by the ninth race of the night. - this,area. nidal ativiti'es frein which a Cal.1 ~endar of Centennfial events will %e prepared. The deadine for .eempletion. of' fhest formis is -December 19. A recommendation te' Councîl to add Mr. L. Perraul't te the Ceommttee 'was passed. _Mrs. C. Buirley was welcomed as, a visitor and she gave a sum- ü-iary, of ber work on the history of.south' east Clarke. She liae been working on this project for ten years and weý will be hearing more in the future of her valu- abïe work, The various committees report- uion their work to date and a- anog the projects and ideas dis- t-ed1 were bclfires on New ~ear's Eve, watch night services mn churches, Winter festivals, a t entennial bail using period cos- turnes. and an historical art show. The historical, committee would àke to crect signs at historical sites in the Township. Mr.- Stone rornmented on Centennial 'signs for communities in the Township and is, to investigate this further, Let's make 1967 a Special Year iii Clarke! JimmyG Unko A Winner Jimîmy G. Unko, puretiased .(ast year by B. and C. Armnstrong ,of Orono won, its first race for tihese owners ast Saturday nï9ht ip. Peterboreugh on a mud laden crack. TJIi win came in the sixth PART.TIME RADIO TV REPAIRS - HI-FI - Stereo - Record Players - Aitennas - rowers - PA System for'rent Ail parts and labour'guaranteed RAREY WIERSMA Phone 1737l Oronc, SAE lOc!-Mr-s, Luke's Strawberryý or Raspberry JK S 24-oz~_ars 3< SAVE'O!Un Carbide Pkg. of 10 SAVE S 6-ed&white Fkg. of 60 TEABAGS59 FEATURE!-Libby's - Vaite DEEP BUTTEBEDi 14-0z. Tilt VEGETABLES2fo41 SHOP EARLY FO HALLOWE'EN GOODIES! FEATURE!-Cmutjss Baby Ruth or Bfutterfingers CHOCOLATE BARS 20 for 37e FPEATTJRE!-Planters ,1Celle Bais SPANISH PEANUTS 25 for 45e SVE 2»et 4:-ItdE ht.z.Jar INSTANT COFFEE $ 71G BARS 2-lb. Li~. 55e Specially SlcedVleCheck'4 Fresh Picaje Style- Shoulder Cnt PQRK- ROASTS 43 FOR FRYING - Leana, Tender BUTRT PORK CHOPS Alwaya Tender - Holiday Far.. STEAKETTES' BOSTON STYLE - Extra Leana WeU Trimmed PORK BUTT ROASTS Shopsy's Fanous Cryovac Rolle COIINED BEEF -ROCK CORNISH HENS - w b.69e b.79e each 89e YGU CAN BUY 3-Piece Scttir.g of 717 '1)0W FLO;E 5117. î~W RERe,-. $3.OO Value!- ONLY $1.! MA-%JOR PRIZES - RED & WHITE SWEEPSTAKES PhloColour Telecision Mr. J. A.. Richardson., 169 Widder Street W.. St. Marys Mrs. R. J. Cutting. 17 Lynwood Avenue, Grimsby Pl,;, ,Stereo Sets Mc.FranIkwright, 99 Mill Street. Oshawa M-a. June 13oston, 57 Oak Park Crese. SauitSe Marie Mra. S. Fracehioni, Aberdeen Rd.. Beaniavilie Mfr. L. Gosselin, 72 Ridgei Rond, Deep River Mca,-. Leslie Johnson, Whitney. phil-o Record Players job,, S Lord, 54 Lainf on nr;ve, Westoo John Evans, 011 Sprir'-- phjas 'Duguay , e<~eTusQe Mra. Vera Mr' ' n.1,2reei ec.Crwl Mcc. Prospero, 2 itoUt Sreet, Tor'on*o Vr. ili.n Lock,2 5 Niagara Stree-. .Collin ,-o4 BEST BUVY! - Save 9e!- KELLOGO'S FRESH BAKED! Weston 0or suabeani BAR VEST SPICE GUEST CAKE each45 10-0z. Pkgs. RED ROSE Coff-see 79C BEST BUY! - Save 18e! .- I12c OFF PACK, F L EE CY FaJbric Softener69 BEST BUY.! - Save Ile!1 - WHITE or COLOURED PUREXTiueRols55 BEST BUY! - Save 6ec NEW 20-0z. Bottie GAY Uqiuîd Detergent-43 BEST BUY! -Save 12- UVIOMAT12 Oz. Ti BURNS' SPORK 53~ FR EE!!1 ~,fI~flwith the p ofch4seet 4 a JSU flfl ElectrieP= BL a regular price LIBBY'SbeFAMOUS FROZEN FOODSS! Save 'e! --Sweet 12mOz, ks GREEN PEAS2 for 45c For Stews and Seup$... 2-Lb. Bag VEGETABLE Fixins 49c FEATIJRE! - Deliclous Sliced 15-0z, pkig. STRAWBERRIES 47c FEATURE! - Gray Dunn Chocolate Caramel WAFERS SeoZ-. pk. 39c F Sunshîne Fresh Produco T fleielOus - Nutritious - CHIQUITA Banana '2~25 Finest Grown - No. i i'.E.I. TABLE POTATOES Deiieately Flav-ýouiired BRUSSEL SPROUTS J. W.1Pavideon. 1651 Laeshore Rd., larkson Garden Fresli i-n, Corrnier, Box 97, Corunna L r.. hrig. 9 Cultra Square. West Hll. Ph' mudd of winners of Steam Irons, Toaýsta.Mixers. R S C V K WUCUMBERS 25-1b. Bos 79C qt. bskt. 35zc 5 2 for 29c * Red and White, Orono REPAI*RS AND REMODELLING -Free Estimates- Ca il: F. (Samn) Brtiton, Phoýne 45?,M JACK Ry,1 CARD RL-e A 7.TO0R 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE Whenl Buying or Selling mil WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AIREA REPRESENTATIE Phione 1r12 Memnbers of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Boardî d4-0z. Size 51,,