Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Aug 1966, p. 6

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CI . ~ __________________ ~1tONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUSAY UUi 8l,1G Qrolc)}U~ enlc Port Hope Local 4115 Midgets ýare playug Orono Juniors au ex- hibition series to keep in. shape. On Sunday lu the opener lu Oono, the home sîde squeezed out a close .3-2 victory in. a well played bail game. Cameron Perrault, pitched the first four innings for Orono and gave up one run on five hits, whiie walking five an.d getting five on strikes including the side ih the first innilng. Paul Jones took over in the fifth and gave up one tally on onfly two hits and four walks plus a bit batter the rest of the route. He struck out four. Bob Foster did the catching. 1Catcher Garth Jiggin's pitched the first three stanzas for Port Hope and t ook the f irst nine men to face him in a row. He walked one but Dennis O'Brien threw the runner out trying to steal. Jiggins struck out four. Trouble ,arose in the fourth and David Bemma ascended the bill to finish up.1 Orono notched threeî ruris on'a lotal of seven bingles and three à, When you turn 21 you're no, longercov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, you must take out indi- vidual membership withiri 30 days. Get *your 'application forn at a bank, a hospital, or from the 'Commis- sion. rhe,'family' Hospital k'surance premium mnust now be paid to ecaver husband and wife. ,Notify your 'Igroup' without de- *Jay OR, if you-both pay premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission. 'To keep in sured foi low the instructions on the îïospital Insurance .Certificate of Payment 'FTorm 104' that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. O 1ontaroHsi ý Lý7 Tornto , Ontario -A ( No. 5011 1 col, ~150 ue « cS 95 McKm tt ttý oie SifingPrefty Pot"ope 32 The ninth race at Morrow Park i in Peterborough. on Saturday be-i free tickets with Il striking out, came an Orono feature with local Iincluding the side in the fourth. horses taking the first three pos- Both teams were good defens- itions at the finish wire with the i vely, Port Hope having a, brace Invitation trot being won in a or errors and Orono ouly one. time of .,'13.2. Gerald Robinson, PortHop too th lea inthedriving bis own horse Vital Vie' ort o okt he legasRy yo ad inthetory, crossed the wire il' first po- fis iun a a Smu wl-sition to add to its earnings this........... ed as the leadoff batter and scor- vear of $3555.00. Jack Reid was a x~,f~ ed on a long single by Mike Rob- coescn ihRdelGl ifl5of. and Keith West third witb the ý1 _. Orono vent abead in the furth West-Sharp entry, Siskiyou Song. on bits by Steve West, John i Redo Oro travelled a Mather and B. Foster plus freelong mile ini the same event wiib tickets to Ted Stark and Chuek Parmer Paul placing sixth. Redgood for two runs. Wbat j Keith West enhanced bis driv-~'% proved to be the winner came in ing record ai Peterborough with 1_â -he botteom of the eigbth wben B. two wins. He drove Spe edway Patl 1 Foster l ed off witb a two-hase ta victory in the tenth and Keen's swat, Stark was safe on. a fielder's Dan to a similar finish in 2.142 choi-ce and Fraser Wallace singled in~ the seventh event. Junior West p atng B Foser.placed fourth in the tenth race witb Lady Dean. Junior placeýd . 'ifr! The 4115 locals tried bard in eighth witb botb Kitty Witty and ~ the top of the ninih to square Rosedale Cal. With Grattanl Port- matters but fell one mun short. age he sccured a third lu the fifth Syrnons grounded. out to flist, race Bob Burley singled but Richard Morning Cali owned by Ehrlick Cressey forced hlm at second, and Hooey and driven by S.: Sitting pretty in the above pic- 19th. Laura la the granddaughter Robînson's drive was bohbled at Brown, placed fiftb in tbe fiftb. ture is Laura Angela Wiersma, of Mr. and, Mrs. I. Wiersma, O>Sh- short and Cressey scored but 0'- Gerry Robinson with Simcoe Boy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry awa, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Sie'ts- Brien bounced out ta the pitcher was also well out of the money lu Wiersna of Oxono, who will cele- ma, Toronto, and the game was over. the same race, braie ber first birthday on Augusi ForOroo, . ostr dublýd Kendal Brook, owned by L. ForOroo, . Fste dobedDowues of Kendal, placed erý,bth and singled and also,strollcd plus in the second event of the even- scoring the winner. Ted Stark ing Cie-î3 Interest lan Peterboro ligh singled and walked, while Wal- OnStdyiBelvleM.J lace had two one-base raps. Onlias atuday inBelleinle Mr.oJ For Port Hope, Bu-iey singled, the elimination races with Bud ~S o ' was bit and walked. Art Marvin Gist. Mr. Wi1i;atn was view* g picked up three free tickets es the top hono'î s in a colt stakè. did Kelly aud Jiggins singled and Bud Gist was eliminated from en- The Iloisteîn show at Peterer- lish, Hastings the rarznerup drew a free ticket. tering the final stake race but ough Exhibition on August 111h, wbile Stewart Nelson took the did win the consolation event. tvhch includied the Black and Premier Exhibitor awý,axc i th ______Wbite Day of the Peterboro Hol- Earl Doris the runner-np. stein Club, attracted the largest Earl Nelson's Grand Chamnpion WOULD HAVE TO SEE beginnîug of a guard rail fence. sinl many years. There was fernale- was the wiriniug aged cow, The einorcng ourby oura good qualîty exhibit of 101 Kloshoim Citation Dawn with the TO BELIEVEhe h.rinforcingour yby four head sown by 19 exhibitors be- Reserve Senior and' Reserve TOtEheV wbihs diaonallytetedoe fore judge Roy Ommiston. Grand Championsbip going ta the ofthe fr otwo posîs etmed one Premier Breeder honours were second prize winner in this clas A couple of weeks a -go an acci-othfurrnteahsps- won by Il1oneydehýl Stock Farm, PeekA-Boo R.A. Sovereiga SSsly dent ou Highway 115ý resulted lu ed through t he batterv and the Dartford with Br Doris, Peter. owned by Donald Budd, of Port a bizarre outcome even though it dash to-,just graze the driver's horo asrne -p The Premier Hope. The Granid Champon is an came close to being fatal for the I bead. The reifomcing post passed Exhibitor tvas Stewart Nelson, animal of, exceptional dairy char- driver of, a lai e model car. tbrough the very centre of the Keene with T Ead Nelson,ýCamp. acter displayîing excellent balance wh1 headlight with the one end hein g belîford lu the munner-Up position, of udder while the Reserve Grand The driver, h appamently flush with the light fol lowîug the Both competitions were close, Champion is a large, capacious had vertken lin oftrafic acidet. with Honeydell edging Eami Dom- individual, strong on top. She was and was lu the' act of passing, It would have been difficuitlis for Premier Breeder by just Grand Champion at this show a found it necessari? ta take to the to even place the, post in snucb a 'u on:Seilawrswr eraoadbsya lcds opposite ditch on account of ou- position but by a, freak of cir- fomae for t.ýpemboaro Contyex- oud lu adth ltered e secl- dicmn rfl.O aigt the cumstauce r ho unhtheieveable was îîibitors, the Premier Breeder be- der class wh*ch was won by au itch..h carcrahedintothei aco pishd.ing Rami Doris with Gordon Eng. Ayrshimu Pllk yours Up flOW WHJLE OFFICIAL DISCUN PRICES55APPLY at your neighbourhood chartercd bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure your family sees Expo 67 -April 28 to Oct, 27 at Montreal. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVINC bOU AND» YOUR COMMUNITY ûefe.aî-

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