VOLUME 2, UMBR ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGusT lStb, 1966 G.MPr'opose Lay-off 0f 26010 E-i-iployees General Motors of Canada Ltd., wîll lay off 2.600 workers. the com-pa-ny announce4d in a prepared statemi-ent released last Friday. Thie men to be laid off, said a CGM spokesman, would bcecut on e seniority basis. Those that will loetheir jobs will be those with twou years and less time with the company. in ifs statement the company blames "a slight decline in the new car market" for the layoff plus the company's responsibility to fuif iii its part of the Canada- Ujnited States Aufomofive Trade Agreement. The GM staf oent in its en- tirety follows: "'General Motors of 'Canada aRu zacunces a re-aiîgumïent of its Pro- duction schedules made necessary by the slighit decline iu the new car market as well as fulfilling Its responsibilities under the Cannaa-United States Automofive Trade Agreernent.ý ".This will resuitý in employ- ment. at a somewhat Iower level at the starf of the 196711 model year. in the plants here. At the saine time, employmcnt will be increased at fheic nw GM of Can- ada assembly facility lu Ste. Ther- ese, Quebec. Ad-ditionally, em- ployment is up lun two other GM ,operations lu Canada, Frigidaire Proýdjues of. Canada Limifed, S-carb-ýorougli, Ontario and General- !Motofcrs Diesel, Limited, 'London, -Thrýough:oiut Caniada, GM cm- esiat 2,0,oncc e enew model prduction is rolling. Tfhis emplomentwill be only sightly ,xlow fic same period a year age e7vs, on4h Terry Myles Tery Myles, son of Mn. and 1ts.How ard Myles of Orono, ne- ccn,,tly won a trip f0 England for hîniseif and one other when lie s-ecured a pize winning bofîle cap off a Coca Cola soft drink, botîle. Terry beavestfils evoning, Thursday, on bis al-oxpense paid tni rïPto England. Ho will be- ac- companied by ils mother and his brother, Bian. The Coca-Cola Company is pro- viding Tenry and lis mother witli a free seven-day trip f0 England. with accommodation liv Air Can- ada. i\'rs. Mylos and lier fwo sons --e exten, xing fIe visit te England ha tuwo7eok peiod and intend te' take f dl advartag of fhrs op- Lae ren îo ena î ina when emi-ployment was 33,900. The difference is that the employee population will be distributed over a larger geographie area. lncluadedl in' this redistribution are two new GM facilities opened during 1965, the Ste. Therese plant and the new Windsor, On- tario, trim plant. '«As recently as 1964, GM em- ployment in Canada averaged 28,000 before the 19Ç5 models wcnt into production. IlWith the initial production of the 1967 models, the Company an- ticipates that employment at Osh- awa will total 15,800 as compared to the average employment of 18,400 for thec first haîf of 1966. At, Ste. Therese cmployment will be increased this fal f 1,750 as compared with 930 currently on the roll. "While the 'experience of re- cent months indicates the auto- motive mnarket in Canada is at a high level, it nevertheiess has lost some of the strength if en- joyed last year when ail-time sales and employment records were establisheil. The company sees this slight decline as tempor- ary and says the long-range out- look for the Canadian automobile industry remains very good. "This long-range. outlook is based on a number of economie factors. These include: Canadian population is expected to increase; personal income ln Canada Is ex- pecteil to show a large per-centage inc~as; adas Canadfian in- cornes rise, more peoýple will libe-, corne car owncrs and more car owners will become two-car fam- (Continued page 4), Mr. Hecnry ~Cantrell, Oropo and lis brother Joe of Campbellcroft recontly were united with their sister, Mary, of England whom tiiey had not, seen for fifty-one yo-ars. The reunion marked the 1irst, 1ime Joe and Hlenry Cantrol hîad scen thoir sister Mary since tliey left Essex lu March, 1915, during the First World War. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs., George Canfrell were victims of the war. Joe, who was only 12 then, des- enies how lie and Henry, who was only sovdn, set ouf alone on a Scandinavian boat for Canada. "We had *no place to go to, and nothing wait ing for us when we roachod Canada," said Jomý In recalling the experience of thie 10-day boat trip, Joe sliudders, If was a rough ttip," The boys whcn thcy dockcd lu Canada, took fie old Grand Trunk train whicli rau tlrough Durham County thon. "'We didn't know where we were gOing when we got off flic train," Joe recounts. "Iwas lucky, I started on a job on flie farrn of the laIe Mr. and Mrs.' Robenrt Wrighî,ý just 3 miles norîli of Campbelcroft. Joe explaincd that mauy Canad- ian farms at that timo wero taking ou Young boys. "Fartners used, to ask for boys for 'Canada," ho said. 'I was fortunate enougli to gel on a good farm." Hlis brother, Hlenry, being quite a few years. younger, was raiscd lu flic Village of Garden 1Hill by Mrs. Annie Widdis who'took boys ln and poarden cliom. Henry was there until he uns 17, Henry began work in a store in Camplielîcroft following school and thon xvont mto rofore t'ry in Orono. For abou ie 2 1 ar lchas be xx~ xo~ -ri 031< Oh,' Thefia game of fthe smi-final senies 'belwoen flic Onono and Newcastlo Girls' Soffblal teams will lie held is Onono toniglit, Tiursday in flic local park. Gamne time 6:30 pm. The 4eries 10 date is lied wifl one gm apiece and a tic gamne. Newcastle wonflic opening9 gamne lu a full seven innings of play, by 'a 10-9 score. The second game eiided lu a higi scoring lie of 21-21. The third gaine played in New-' casîlo last Monday evening was a doýcided victony for the Onono girls 23-6, The, local girls beld control of flic gaine Ilrougloul wifl Nowcasfle scoing one, run iu oaci of the firsl, second and fourfi innings and tîrce in fie thi'ýd f rame. Onono scorqd 5, 6, 7, 3 and 2,in fie five innings. Carol, Anu Caldwell and Nancy Nixon bolh it ut l wo home runs. Car- olyn Johinson, Carol Anu Cald- well and Nancy Forrostor al scored four rus for the Orono enfry. Nancy Forrestrt pif cied tic enfire gamne for fie local team. A. Chard was on flic mound for Newcastle, The winner of flic gamne toniglif will nmccl flic iuucr of flic New- tonv'ile-Wl-corne senies for tle beague Cýhar , on pandloeu wich flihe roo fam lolds fnom >Neither brother ever expeots to roturn to thé I"old country" again. As Henry puIs if, "I don't have any yen to go back." Joc corltends simply that since he was only 12 at the lime he left, lie doesn't remember much about the old country and nowrýý, doesn't have the money te go on fhecttip if lie wanted to. The sister, Mary, wlio f lew Air Cani-ada from England f0 Torontoý this iwoek with her husband Ron- aid Stephenson, resides lu Mid- dlesborough, Yorkshire. Mn1-. Stephenson, is a. carpenter with the Mîddlesborough Corpor- ation Mary, who was only five when she last saw lier two brofliers in Essex, says liat a third older brother and sister in the family anc now ueceased,. "'We corresponded ail 'hs limie," said Mrs. Stelienson. Today ail flirce mombers of fthc Cautreil clan ecdi las a farnx ily of two children. Joo has a boy, Gerald,*rnaried, and working in Peterborougli at Canadian Gen- oral Electric,, a married daughten;- Mrs. William Farrow of Newton- ville, Henry lias two girls: one marnied, Mrs. William Werry and Susa n at home. Mrs. Stephenson lias a son, John and a girl, Sheila. bothinluEngland. Mrs. Stoplienson says sic cor- rcsponds wiÊri the two brothers, two or thrýe limes a yoar. "If is only reety ela- rebeon on the tlpoe, Y sald. Tliey do - hone often. Mn. Sfo'l"'î"'.o~plan~whv "il £osts a ra nxuto ophono," if for me i i - .~d Mn Seh ieroats s~~~ -dn o wosi Caae Douglas Hamm - 82% Bruce Allun- 75.5%/' Grade 13 resuits were releascd across the Province on Monday and students were overjoyed with the resu1tfs. This area ap- pears to bec<Po diff rrent than else- where lu the Province. Mr. Douglas Hamm, son of Mn- and Mrs. Donald Hamm, Orono, receives an Ontanio Scholanship of $40000 -having-otie an3 percenf average. Ibis rpeet the ý'op mark of the Clarke High! School. Douglas recoived six first class honour marks a1ong with one 'Second class papen. Mn, Hamm is planning to attend Queen's Un- iversity, Kingston', whore he will take Medicine. Miss Marleno Pelletier, daugli- ber of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pelle- tier, R.R. 2, Orono, who plans to Eve ryone Nelpeci Marlene Pelletier - 77.6% Li-ý'nda niý,,ght - 75.4% take Social' Scienc<e at Trent Uni,. versity, gained a 77.6 percent aV- orage. She had 1four firsl class pa'oers and two second class pa- pers., wPtotroe is conds oarncd Brcoln Be is fli Brceson of gndý is planning Q ueen'ls Unjvorsily.- capapers 75.5 pe-rcent. Mn. and Mrs 2, NewcastIe1 Modicine t A third prospect for Quee's University from .Clarke Higli School is Linda Wright, daugliter of James R. Wright of Newcasle, who obtainod 75.4 percent wit.h four finsts and tbree seconds Miýss Wright plans lionour Chenristr'y ut Queen's University, Kingston, 'veryôre 1oped at the pouring of the cernent floor at thc Orono ink, Au;usmt lOh ad lunch was plenfifulfo the fifty who donated thiý-r labou.r. Above Mrs- Bruce Ter- nant and Mns, Matt Snelderiareserving Mr. Bruce Myle- witli coffee and no less a donul, GereOrl otorsmLay-off mTee with hîmrten ofb'r rerl onMondayeening pas-,- cd a rosonutiondpnotosting leproý- ped ay off ioprstig 5e0pmon-a GoeonaoMelofnsomen Omen; a A Gettnrlof rofe s h a osenAt 1qter fderomý, to ef 1ae Mn. Russol embof -P op sr. gRunsselic Os ie a'Lo noinll Chemo' mAnihoug Cuxmbr ~U Alon a arixsosafrfi bera-,' lo i a go la îness community of tic are,And this, they feit should concu the Cliamber. The motion was prLesen- ted by Messrs. S. B. Rut lierflord and Mrn P. M. Lunni. T x prpseo fise molson cnd lotor nsi lot the zgoverxro u -ti nti ii ausing the ext e'~ ~agc4) ig Re-uniffted Alter 51 Years stuc lents At Clarlee, TIMESý 70ý7 L