Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 11 Aug 1966, p. 5

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OROtNO WIÊIERL'Y MES, THURSDAY, AUGUST Ilth, 1966i Pnotsioma Directery KA. AVLYCETT,:BA la the Offies et IL IL Waddeli Q.C., MAIN, ST., ORONO f Telephone 138 Orono I iERRLLD. BROWN f B.S.A. BA:Sc- :1,-LS: fPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'f o (civil) SOntario Land Surveor 1121 Queen St. Box l659tj I Bo:ma:ville, Ontario Telphne623-7251 0 Càhartered Accoundant 375 Water Street PETERBOROUGH. Phione 742-5482 General 1INU)%jR ANCE SEE FRED- LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 les. 20216 JACKIREID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and, Valuatoi Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuilt me for ternis Sand dates PHONE ORONO 319 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS, VýH7EWASRING STABLES IBert Tonpkns: j Phone 786-2552 JACK' A. FERREN ORONO BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax Returns Orono, Bowmanville, Telephone Orono Prepared Oshiawa 311 M4oiluinents and FaiuilyM m ril Omr qzifly and service Yes nothing to be elred Afk tMe person Who bought-from' us eighbour, flxend or relative heRIfl'1ER GRANITE COMNPANT PORT HOPE "Largest Dkela-,v la Southera O ~LLESTATE Bowmaavile 623-339& QT:ronot 923-9174 98 Walton St. -8544 FREE APPRAISALS Q oExclusive Agent for Q J. OCRONSKI o CONSTRUCTION Q fi3-Bedroom Bungalows Priced from $15,376.00 rooon lots 75X200 Q OooArea Representative R OY FOSTER o fi0 Kenala-Phone 321 A lare seectin ofFarms, Homes, Lots, Retreat Pro- perties in this area Q Orville Chatterton IElectrical Contracting IElectrie Heating and Service PHIONE 245 OR 10412 0Orono, Ontario P rono Electric PHONE 129 CONRACORSFOR FARM and 7LOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Giiaranteed Repairs te ail kinds of Electrical Equipment and Appliances Sueh at Metors - Water Heaters T.V. - Radios - Steves - Irons ~HamiRLonsQ Insurance Service Fire PackagePoies f First Mortgage Loans locSadie a itn fi Phone 1-R-16 Orono Box 133 mo. 8.36521 Stafford -Brothers Limlted 318 Duaidas St. E. Wbitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials Dealerr, la osetc& FrluGranItes and 'WMez Iý r tosCnt GARY BAROJIARD- Interior and Exterjor Painting -Contractor. Phane 9 87-c,324 Newcastle, Ont. d-U3c FOR lENT Upstairs Apartmenit, four rooms and batlh with stove and frig, Phone 333M3, Orono a-p Classes will start at the Orôno POWELL--At Meilorial Hospitl Pool, -Tuesday, August l6th from l$owmianville on Tuesday, August 8 to 9 pm. Swimming instructions 9th 1966, Thomas Edward Powell, will be given by Mrs. Nel Snel- Newcastle, aged 77 years. Husband ders. a-c of the late Alice Parker~, dear father of Refa (Mrs. ClIifford WANTEDFlintoff, Newcastle) Grace (Mrs. WANTEDPaul Shetler,) Oshawa afid Stin- Real Estate representative for ley, Newcastle. Resting at the O0rono area to service our growing~ Morris Funieral Chapel, Bowman- business. Excelent commission. 1 ville. Service in the 'chapel on WANTED TO BUY For confidential interview cail Friday at 2 o'clock. Iriterrnpnt Cylinder Type- Gramophjiones, Peter Gravelle. Days 623-3341. Orono Cemetery. a-e Parts and cylinder records. Evenings 623-7304. J. R. Peel, 9, Caldwell St, PortI CARD 0F TRANKS' Hope, Ontario. b-p P. E. Gravelle* Real Estate _____________________Bowmanville 1 Through the medium of your b-31-c paper I would like to express My HELP WANTED ______________tanks and aPPrecation to my Homnemaker for a business wi- dow in beautiful suburban Toon AUCTION SALE :relatives and friends for the to hme (or Sptemer It.i cards, letters, fruit and flowers tohoe(frSetmbr ls. Saturday,, August 27th 1which were sent1 to mie and also Must be honest, good coo)k, imma1.- Auction Sale of registered! those whoe visited me while a culately. clean, cheerful disposi- Shorthorn Cattle. Large quantity 'patient in Oshawa 'General Ilos- tion. Would consider couple or of modemn Farm Maehinery, most-1 pifai. A special thank you to the would teach anyone willing - O ly International, the property of IDoctors, Nurses.and Staff on floor leamn. Typing an asset. Sandoon Farms, Lot 27, Con 4, AF. a-c Phone CHI 1-8111 Toronto Or Uxbridge Township, 3 miles west,' Mrs. Lillie M. Chapman. write Mrs. Evelyn Byworth, 962 /2 mile south of Uxbridge or 2, _______________ Islington Ave., N.4 Weston. b P miles north of 47 Highway. CARI) 0F THANKS -- 2 Inter. Deisel tractors 606 and 275; 1 Cat. Bulldozer; Scout Int. My sincere thanks to ail my I require lots of aay size pro- Pick-up Truck; Corn blower for- 1friends and neighbours' for cards viding they meet local build- age harvester and wagon; 31 and sent me while in hospital. Thanks ing regulations. I4 furrow ploughs; fl line of to my family for their help andi hayng quimen. omplet iri-vists.Thaksto, Dr. McKenzie 4Write - Ilarry O. Perr)i, ýssem ul ie ffai and nurses of Memnorial Hospital. 46 Rossland Rd. Ei., Oshawa machinery. Annie Hollingsworth. __________________________ arm sold. No reserve. Termis cash. Sale at 1 p.m. ~ John Howden, Clerk; Ross FRSL [JjBailey Auctioneer. Phone 985-7583 TXJtT"T 'T' Port Perry. Q LI~ L I i(Jc 32-c P1umbingo" Heating 0 AUCTION SALE Phn 3GR Farm machinery, 20 cows, 52 Q Phoe 3311 oStockers, baled straw etc., prop- Orono, Ontario erty of E. A. Werry and Sons, ffJConcession 8 Darlington Town- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a t H a y d o n . S e l l i n g w i t h o u t r e - serve on, Saturday, August, 20 at i <Y fli~?t1 .. WAITSJN'S Marin e e scash.' and Cycle Orono Phone 146 MeCULLOCR BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS lepafrs te alimakes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS *AND MACHINERY PAIT-TIME RADIO TV REPAIES - HI-FI - Stereo -Record Players -Antennas - Towers -PA System for rent Ail parts and labour guaranteed RARRY WIERSMA ]Phono 1737 Orone Building a flouse? or remodellng, your present one, then contact Floyd Nicholson PHONE 2191 ORONO QBarnes and Byani fif OPLUMBING am HREATIN fISales anti Service l24 MRUIBURNER $SERVICE B B-A FINANCiNG Low Interest Rates TyoeCO, 3-26.5O Cliff Pethick and Jack Reid, Auctioneers, AUCTION SALE Farm Implements and Stock, the property of Howard F. Brent, Lot 9, Concession 6 Darlington Township, '% mile south of Ty- rone to be solti on September 3rd. at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash, no reserve. Cliff Pethick, Auctioneer.- NOTICE Lyntonhurst Manor Nursing Home hak accommodation for ladies and gentlemen..f Phonie 0ronio 371W. h-36-c One used Natural Gas Stove' in good condition. $50.00. Phone 623-5860, b-p TH-E OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE announces the- opening of the FALL TERM TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 SNINE DAY SCHOOL COURSES FROM WRICH TO CHOOSE 'Job Placement Service-for Graduates College is approved for Stu- dent Loans INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION 29 Vears Experieace in Train- ing Young People Get your copy of "Training For' Responsibilty In Business"y legister Now- Enrolmeat la Limited Phone 725-3375 10 Simcoe St. N Clip and mail for full details- No Obligation. Naine -------- Address -- -Grade - ---------A ge TALET Ail Types For DURHAMCENTRAL AGRICULTUIRAL SOZýCIEFTY ORONO PAIIR AWARI>S $40.00; $30.00; $20.00; $10.00 To Arrange Audition Contact Mr. George Carson, Orono, Ont, Phone 3110 'a li

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