Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 11 Aug 1966, p. 4

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ORONOWEEKLYTlIME, TUURSDAY, AUGUST. llthý, 1466 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Pubhgied every Thrdy at the alicq ad pubUioaîie Main FStrýEet, Pline 109, Orono, Ontario ~tal4aedin 1938 by R. A. Forrester RyC. Forrester - Ed'tor and Manager WIIAT OTHERS A Too Many Classroomns Are the classrooms being added ta sehools ail over Ontarïo and the new schools being buiît actually super- fluous before they're even opened? Canada's birth rate is the lowest it lias been ic 1939. Ontario's lias dropped to the 1960 figure, shattering ail the population explosion predictions to smithereens and it's still going down. The drop la the birth rate is expected to be reflected in elementary ÈchooI' enrolments by 1970 and in another ten to tifteen years will be feit la the secondary schools and uniVersities. in the meantime new public schools have just opened or are about to open la Camden, North Frederickburgh and Ba'ih ind pac District Secondary School is adding a 1wo mlin olrwing, Ma0~ ile tus~es ho recently turnd downa an ad- dît'_' eSrotoPu lcShocol a-e on the right ~ak l'osi y oigs nciwork htcif the ,,e luseûo mmk La(i cewh is ventoied pîi ad beecu p-ntrg trnhf a,'eth eucatonal authorities imb theis con- f enc' anc sst oe'warn them what wam comiag, ir not ,onirg it Wmns out, 'rom Napane- DoetcSin ooFj Now is thse lime to check tise Domèstie Science dept. and de- cide isow many entries you can De bake and exhibit. Il' will be just four weeks trom today, Septem- bd 8tis that'tie cooking will be Suddenly on August lti, Rch- judged,. ' ard Benjami 'in. Scisolz, beloved et $500 for lst; $3.00 for 2nd and Linda Scilz, Port Hope, and $%00 for 3rd pnize for chocoînte daling grandson of Mr. and Mrs. cake, orange cake, white layer Sde uh ,Ooo cake, Birthday cake and Thank&. givîng cakes. AisG $5.00 cdi for Grand ChampoIicn and Resce ernuu K D r Champion cakes and $500 foi Grand Champion Pie andi $3.00 1 mentioned tise old Frencis for Resserve Champion Pie. Fortness of Louîsisourg, in my last Wren we attend tise local csurcis report among places to 'visit dur- suppers we ail agrec, we eat pnize ing Centennial Year. cak<es and nies aad that there- are no licter cooks anywhere than in the County of Durham. It will rcally give you a thnill te, see a reci or hlue ticket on yourexhib- il- I forgot to tell you there are $400 prizes for a loaf of bread with $3.00 for 2nd and $2.00 for 3rdprîze. For information or a prize list pisoneme 2228 ior secretary of thse Fair, Newcastle 987-4744. Mrs. MlIeu Tamblyn. Requested Thse T. S. A. of Clarke requires by SePtember lst, 1966, part-time caretakers for the following sehools: Q1) No. 5 Brown's (2) No. 7 Crooked Creek (3) No. 13 Kendal Persons interested in any or al of these positions apply lu, writ- ing, with envelope cleanly marked as to contents and stating salary expecteci, not later than 6 P.M. August 22, 1966. Furtiser particu lars may be obtained from the undersigned. The lowesî or any tender not necessarily accepted. Hforace R. Best", CARETLYI Phsone Oshawa '12.3-0782 'No Obligation Built by tise Frenchs, at a cost of, ten million dollars durlng tise neiga of Louis XV, tise Fortresýs o f Louisbourg on Cape Breton Island passed back and forth be- tween French, and Britishs hands, underwent two sieges and finally was blown up by Britisis demol- ilion Inoops in 1760. Eýevelopments ini tise 8tis cen- tury which, in tise long run, ne- sulted la Canada eventually be- coming one country, have con- neetions withs Louisbourg. Tise federal government, therefore, Ilirougi tise Department of Non- tisera Affairs and National Re- sources, is ncstoring a large partý ot the fortress, now a national1 historie park. At lise Cenlennial Conunission we tisink efthtie restoiration as a Cen1hanial projeet altisougis per- haps we can't argue il is sucis'on tise basis et 'techicaities be- cause it was st4rted in 1961 aad will continue until the early 1970s at a cost over tise years of at least $12,000,000. Tise old ciîy and a large part of tise battle ground outiscie tise ruined walls, were set aside by tise government as a national his-ý toric site in 1928. During 1935-36 a museum was built facing lise site of tise citadel andi it contains memeatoos presenteci by citizens ani mrelies which have been un- adne' in tise muii of Uh-e fort- h-. Jleit sn da nalPna the, main fealumes of fortifications, tise Chalteau St-Louis, a repre- sentatîve selectioýn of smaller buildings, homes andi harbor woarks. Some outlying featunes sucis as siege works ailso are. b be restored. Tise Louisbourg projeet is just one efthtie many which, during Centen.nial Y'ear, will draw tise attetio ofCand ins, andl of fniends abroad, c te or intcrcstingc Imanagement Day IsleDua and Distrct Fanm Maniagemrenit Day for the Pot Hope -District was iseld on Mon- day, July 25, 1966. Mr.' A. O. Dal- rymple efthtie Bowmanville office of tise Ontario Departmnent of Ag-1 riculture and Food, was in charge ot tise procccdings whicis began with registration, and a tour of tise Roy McHolmn fanm, Welcome, Ontario. After the tour -Mr. Char- les MacGregor, Farm Manage- ment Specialist fromntise Brighit- on Office spoke te tise group on the planning of a farmi Budget. 'Mn. MacG.egor discussed how a partial budget could be uscd to, give an estimate of increases 1te farmn incomne, assuming various changes in'tise business. A discus- sion of Ilirce such alternatives was taken up, usîng tise M*Holm farm as a base for changes. Following Mr. C. MacGregora jfew statements on lise farm Sae ty program were made by M BlrÙuce Eagleson .,Presîdeni, f e Ontario Farm Sfy&gnzto 1f 'roticr)îOgc asud CAh P TERNif REPAIRS AND REMODELLING -Free Estimales - CaIll F. (Sam), Bruton Phone 4,11M JACK )9 King st., E. BOWMANVILLE Wisn uying or selling cal] VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE Phn r1z Members of Oshawaà and Dis- trict Real Estate Board Moderation and Repair Need tu add a roem le your home? 'Or maybe fancy np oeeoe the preseul rooms? ITew's tise paint, and roof? This is tise season wiscn plans ýarc made fer 'home modernization and repair. If you're goiag te fix up your home . . . wisclher as a do- il youslt proýject or on a cona t 3is ,.-here's somr a<u i OL cou e. A il l cr are ne hiduen cas 1es xetras. WC'l slptain ior needs le ,our budget.,- Den't delay . . . starl plan- ning t1oday. Sec yeur Credit Uonfor tise cash yen need OrraDi strict CREDIT UNION Angus Loucg j hn P '40 0, true people then proceeded to the farm of Mr. Bey Gray. Bev spoke Garden H-i Conservation area Ifor a short time on the f an lay- where a picnic lunenh was enjoyed. out, enterprises1 and then turned After lunch Mr. Robert Marsh- the program over to Mr. Robýert ail, Professer of Marketing at O. Bell, Fanm Management Special- A.C. made a feW comments on the ist from Ottawa. Comparîsons of marketing forecasts for various the Gray Farm enterprises te the farm products, Professor Marshallj 1965 Provincial, Averages was predicted good prices for the done, on a cost basis. Crop yields Dairy and Liveistock Industries 1weré also compared, and alterna- over the next few years. Re end-1 tive farming opportunities were cd the speech by implying that a1 considcred. bnighter future lay ahead f'or the The meeting, was sponsored, Ontario farmer. After the discus- through the co-operation of- the sion 'on the marketing situation, Durham County Farm Manage- MWr. Alex Carruthers M.PP. made ment Association, and the Ontar- a f ew brief remarks. io Departinent of Agriculture and The program was moved te the Food, Bowmanville Office. .à- - - ONTARIO LEGISI ATIlE ASMBLY Appointed by the Legisiature on Motion ef the Honôur- able John P. Robarts, Q.C., Prime Minister, te study thse cireumstances efthtie aged and censider ail relevant sub- jects in thse Province of Ontario. Members ef the Select Cemmittee on Aging wifl make a VISIT TO THE UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTJIUM- BERLAND AND D)URHAM, AUGUST 16 - 18, 1966, hold meetings in convenient centres and see varions facili- tics fer the benefit ef eider residents of the area. Ail persens interested ln these matters are invited te meet with thse Committee, partieularly elderly men and women themselves regarding their achilevements and problems. Ifyen' would llke detailed ternis of. reference, an account of the Cemmittee's work te date our 2»d Interini Re- port was -issued June, 1966), and, limes of meetings, please :write lise, Consultant, Mr., Lawrence Crawford, Roou 3527, Parliameat Buildings, Toronto 5, Ontario. î Alex Carruthers, MP.P. Chairman f Seleetions "Uookmaster" Aluminum Fry Pan only $1.63 Crystal Radio Kit, an ideal educational toy, prýiced at .................... $5.95 Sturdy Blackboard Easel, just ....... $1.79, llandy Battery Operated Massager Set $2,39 Marbelizeil Sturdy T.V. Tables, onl y .. $1.95 Plastic Floral Place Mats' ............ .59 Children's lland, Puppets, priced .... ... .89 Foam Coolers, jusi .. ..$2.67 Plaid L--unch Boxes, ideal fo-r pieýýnjcs $2.25 "Alpne" iene Jugs, only...- $1.99 SuperSofI ~î"~ tes, itfrntccolor y.1 "Where The Shift Is 'To Thrift" Phone 122W> Oro

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