Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Aug 1966, p. 5

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ORONO WEKLV TMES, THURSDAY, AUGUSi 4th, 1966 Behind The Oraný-ge Curiai Librarians at Kingston Duriug thc last weck of July, R. C. Honev Mrs. Bruce Mercer and Mrs. Gor- don Simpson atteuded a_ short R ~ e t N course for librarians. Rooms were K pr e sen sP pros ided lu the New Women's Residence at Queen's University; Durham M.P. Russell C. Honey, meals were served at Bau Rsgh Chaiimasi of the Governmeut Cau- Hall; classes were held at Calvin eus, waas guest of honour of tise Park Library. Jamaican Canadian Association iu 58 librarians attended tise Toronto the evening of July 29th, ecrrse conductcd by Mrs. June 1966. The dinuer marked the 4th Msinro of the Provincial Library Aniversary of Jamaican Inde- Servicc, Mrs. June Thexton of pendence. thTe Lake Ontario Regional Lîb-,I îary Co-operative and Mrs. IMe-1 Mr. Honey represcuted Prime Douough , Supervisor of Child- Minister Pearson who was unable re-n's Library Service. ito attend. Uc conveyed the greet- These instructors lecturcd ou îings of the Prime Minister and sucl topies as: library objectives- the Canadian Government and re- library service; publicity and dis- ferred bricfly to récent political plays; book sélection; service ta évents in Jamaica whidh cnabled aduits; circulation and work rou- î h omsCunCln ogi tînes; référence service; catalqg- internai self goverument lu 1959 iug. and classification; manage- and full independence in 1962. muent, finance and the librarv when it withdrcw from the West bo ard. Iludies Fédération- Mr. Roeddc addressed the group Uuderliniug thé importance of couccrning the St. John Report roigtaebwenC adad and thelgsltc n h e the Caribbeau arca Mr. Honey Public Library Act. -rcferred to thc receutly completed During the évaluation sesinComnelh-aben af- It was agreed that if légisio aaComonwéeealh-CarinO-awa. demandu more ccrtificated librar-aalConfere mneh ed lu ttaa rans more courses for non-profes-caiethsm t.Ucotdht .under tise CommonweaiVth-Carib- sionals must be offered, espedi- beuassac1pormeaot ally for. the benefit of small cen- cd at tsistCneprucaeaad wil ts.provide financial assistance for Vôluniteers Many thanks from the librari- ans to the ladies Who assiste d wth shelving, filing and dlean-up chores - from Mardli until June. These helpers were: Mrs. Keni Adams, Mrs. Doug Allen, Mrs. Wayne Bailey, Mrs. Carl Billings, Mvrs. Bill Carman, Mrs. Bob Hazel- den, Mrs. Albert Mitchell, Mrs, Glenn, Tennant and Mrs. Dean West. -My own personal- thanks go to Mrs. K. Adams and Mrs. D. Allen Who kindly assistcd me when the librarians were in Kingston. Campers fishingtrailer scwagc, electrîcal conectonsuervsor -A very dèetailed guide with the addcd'help Jof a "Iremarks columu" that spot- lilt pcal f eatures. NEW BOOKS Non Fiction The First Book of 1iking C. W. Harrison. Make Thé Team in Basebail - C. Anderson. William Shakespeare- J. Mess- ner. Food Glorious Food - E. Watley To Catch an Angel,- R. Russell Strauge Lives of Famîliar In- A he1pfuI bookiet from the sects E Teale., Dept. of Tourism and Informionn Better Phyýsical Fitness, for is at the Orono Library. it is Girls - H. Jacobs. "Ontario Campsites 1966." This -The New People - E. iglauer. handbook provides a listing of al Fiction Aduit parks in the Province that have An Acre of Grass - J. 1. M. facilities for overnïiglit camiping s teWart. in either tents or trailers. A eta' ltl-Aah Tihe information in chart form Christie. Includes the highway route; namne Stranger from Tonto- Zane Grey of nearby lake or rivers; number Juvenile Fiction of acres; total number of camp- Two on an Island B. Bradbury sites; availability of drinking- Mrs. Mopple's Washing Line - water, flush tolets,, fireplaces, Broomfeld. firewood, picnîc tables, boats for Paul Bunyan - Kumin., hïre, laundli ramps, swimming,,, Dorothy Robinson ROYA L owmanville In For the rest of the week. 0 STITMM IE AT ù 1i o . I tthe f g gifl G Wnner of 8 Academy -Awards' f 0 Ï YEiP ERý LEHLOA ' A.5'ES IÀIi FPNJAÏONR, MEDg[RPJ,ý [OFWF O~J~ ~N ER JACK 1~~iG~fJI~ù ILIU~ILQ-SUPER PNSU7 RM~RE1BQ. One Shiow Nightly at 7:36 f Local News (,ompete !ri Mrs. Clff Dunliop of Perthb Ont. spent a f ew days with Mr. and Kingston St dke Mrs. Perey Morgan, Somerville Drive. Two horses trainedJ at 0Onol1 Mrs. Gordlon Simpson aid Mrs. were entered in the Hirrnîi al I Bruce Mercer attended a Librari- ker Stake at Kingston on Monday. a1n s Course at Queen's Univers- Jack Williams drove Bud Gist in, ity, Kingston last week. [the fis st elimination to a fifth Mrs. R. Black and Mrs. A. Mc-'place finish which Geraid, Robin-1 Gi of the Bank of Comimerce, 'son finished fourth with A1ger' are on ho]idays. Mac Grattan lu the second elimir- Mr. and Mrs. Bud Burnett and ation heat. This qualified both1 daugliter Patty of Hawkesbury hlorses for the final heat of the spent several days with Mr. and stake with ten horses starting. Mrs. Ed Graham and Terry. lun the final heat neither horse Mrs. C. A. Cumming, Toronto vas any threat with both fiuishing spent the weekend with Mr. and well back at the wire. Mrs. Carl Billings.1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ewîng and -AT PETERBOROUGH daugliter, Toronto visited with 1 Mrs. C. S. McLaren on the week- Jack Reid driving Riddell Gold, end. which he has been training for A. Mrs. Perey Werry, Gordon, Avery, Milton, paid a' handsome Joyce and John are holidaying in $7,90 last Saturday at Peterboro BVarrie. for a first place showing. This Mrs. Mary Stewart, Mr. and victory will add to its earnings of Mrs. Noble Stewart, Miss on $1798.00 so far this year in 21 Stewart of Hodgeville, Sask.,--orna starts. Jack Willia 'ms finished 7th lin the same race with }lappy's Mary Telfer of Moose Jaw, Sapk.; Mc Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loree, son Mc James and daughter Nancy of Keilli West driving Keen's Dan, Fort Saskatchewan, Alta., visitedplaced second in the second race. recently with Mrs. Mary Morris. a hors:e he trains for Ivan Sharp, ________________________li1e also piaced second with Speed- the development of the Jamaican way Pat, fourth with Boli Bea Ah- fishing industry, projects for rural 1gail and seventh with Jacqueline, water ýstorage and distribution Hal. and a programme to increase the -,Ilvel of skills on the Island bv A Downes ýdrove L. Down 'es' eontributions toward the purchase horse, Kendal Brook to a sixth of techuical ýschool equipment. place finish. Referring to the production, of Agate, a horse owned in shares his own Riding of Durham Mr. by Lawrence Hooey, won its.race Honey said lie was hopeful that at the Greenwood recently aying the recent trade talks would sec 1$9.20. Etching, also a Hooey horse, an increasing use of Canadi an I finished third in a recent race at Fluc-cured tobacco in Jamaica ýthe Greenwood. and other areas of the West Indics. 4eC UNITED CHURCH .'Orono Pastoral * Charge Rev. B. E. Long SERVICES FOR 'AUGUST WILL BE HELD IN ORONO UNITED CHURCH NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCU WILL JOIN WITH ORONO I C 'allyour .licenseld Plumbing & Mechanical Contractor who seils, instails aad iluarantees CARMANý PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 143 Orono T.heyMutB od- 18 DRESSES - Regular $11.50 to $13.95 FOR ..... 7Q 18 DRESSES - Regular $14.50 to $22.50 FOR ....... $9.00 Cthildren s 50 GIRL'S DRESSES - Sizes 2 toy 3x yrs, 4 to 6x yrs. and 7 to 12 Regular $4.95- SALE PRICE, EACH $3.79 Regular $3.95- SALIE PRICe, EACIIi $2.95 Regular $2.95- SALE PRICE, EACH $2.19 Y, ~e You'îi JoinD eveù if: -you've been too busy to sigh up. OR -you're, not interested iu saving money. OR -you neyer have to borrow mioney.. You Can't Afford to Pass Up Memhership iu the vCreno Distrîct CR EDI r UNION Treas,.Ma.u * Angus Loucks Phone 4r10, Orono Vn y yMvo re...... ON PREMIUM 1FUEL ,OILga PIIONE NEWCASTLE 9871-4215 Serying Orono, Newcastle and District zoom DRESSES LA'DIED'

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