ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 7tb, 19«8 Behind The O1 Sumnmer lime those few short inonths when Canadians corne forth from wiînter's hibernation te enjoy great outdoors! Thi2s week-end the Orono Cubs wifl enjey the great outdoors by bedding down fer two nights at ?resqu'ile Point. -The Young lads and their leadors-, taoe, would ýro- fit frem Ellsworth Jaeger's in- f ormative book "Wildwnod Wis- ýïhis is a detailed book, that -.-vers every aspect -of woedland ir.The irtroductoryr chapter bs 'TýIhe Woodsman of Yesterday," ami after readng this, we rea- jie that the modern camper eî,tuipped Wth al bis parapherna- Iia for refiniing Ilife in the wilds Is a far cry from the adaptable ladians -and rugged frontiersmen who could live off this land with the barest -minimum of gear. Other chapter 'headings are: O0utdoor Clthing;> Packs and Packing; Blanicets -ad Beds; 'Shelters; Fire-mnaking; Use of Ax ami Knif e; Outdoer Sanfitation and Health; Camp Cookery Equip- ment; Camp Coo'kery; Useful An- unalsand B s Edible, Poinson- ýous and Useful Plants andTrees; Bankeraft; Canees; Canoeing 'and rPortaging; Trailcraft; Stalking and Calling Animais; Lost; In- diüan Lore;, Camp Fumnishings; Woods in Winter.' These tapics are discussed in ïencyclopedie detail wth many pages of line drawings and dia- grams. Both the novice woods- -mnan and the experienced out- doorsman would do well to hiave a copy of 'Wildwood Wisdom' tuck- -d in bis knapsack. Itwould be a narvellous gift forthe youngster -who is a budding nature-boy - a c gift that would be a source of arA-viïce for years te corne. AND I QUOTE- Go forthun e te)Pen skY, and li3st te Ntuires teachîngs-- Books From the Chalmers, Estatel Biography- ,1be Flamboyant Canadians Joan Walker. Master of the Girl Pat - Capt. Dod Osborne. AdThat's No Lie- Beatrice and Bill Talbot. Damned Old Crank E. W. Scripps Iby Dor>thy Robnipson Graduation (Continued from page 1) educating the. youth of the com- munity. The home carnies a great responsibility as also doe h church in giving directio.t P-haracter. The schools roll was the teaching of the three 'R's. Presentations of certificates bars, school letters and sports a- wiýards were shared by MVr. Green- ,wood, ]'Vrs. Barlow, Mr. H. Best, 1Rrs. Touchburn, Mrs. Simpson and Mrs.. Staples. A new award was presented this year to be an annual award and to be known, as the Antioch Trophy. The trophy has been pro- vided by Mr. Lycett, a former residents of Antioch and pupil of the Antioch school. Miss Glenda CARPENTERJNG REPAIRS AND REMODELLING -Free Estimates- F(Sam) Bruton Phone 1395 Orone, range Curtain :ose grduafng o o m h r Tennant was presented with the Adams, Sharon Bairstow, Lynda trophy for achieving the highest Barrabail, Steven Black, Suzanne academic achievement during the Bunting, Carol Ann Caldwell, year. Mr. Lycett noted Glenda's Michael Carman,. Doretta Challice achievements in the Dominion Hn.rry de Jonge, Janet DuvalI, tests whieh he said were outstan- John, Duvaîl, Tanya Esterbrooke, ding. Nancy Forrester, Judy Garden, Schol Lttes wee pesetedDonna Gilbank, David Grey, Gor- te holen L entte weereentedhn-don Hooey, Heather Hughes, Car- ton GandMaenatCarom John-oline Johnson, Bryan Ivles, Lin- son nd Mchae Caran. da McLaren,- Julie Neal, Molly Bey. Long congratulated the Newman, Dianne Nicho.lson,, graduating students and pro- Nancy Nixon, Ronnie Prescott, notincd a closing prayer. 1 Ralph Parkinson, Kathy Parkin- Following the banquet the stu-, school where a dance was son Rober t Taylor, Robert Henderson uindçerway.- Other studeiots of thle An Rekker, Joe Eastabrook and school joined in the graduation Marie Yeo. BRANDED- VALUE CHECK'D- Specia1ly Selected BL A You Save Twice with Trîi nd m Price - Tender - Juicy SOTRIB ROAST lb. 53c q'ideal for urgrs on the Barbecue - Fresh Mlnced GRUND CHUCK 1b. 59c Alwys endr -Holiday Farm - Lean BEFSTEA.,,>KETTES lb. 65c Mil Cm ea Ln - No Waste PEAM'ýý'EAL BACON by th-e piece lb. 89C F OZEN1 FOOD F-EATURE! -Brds Eye 6-0z. Tins$ ORANGE JUICE "a 2 for S53'jI SUREME BRAND MIXED VEGETABLES 2-b, bag 49e BEST BUY! - SAVE 6c! - SALAI) DRESSING 16-Oz. Jar, M IRACLE WHiIP 39~ BEST BUY! - SAVE 24e! - ASSORTE 3-Oz. Pkgs. JE u- POWDERS 1lOfor si BEST BUY! - SAVE 6c! 48-0z. Tin Save 8c0 Saico Grapefruit Juice, 48-oz, tin- 39e BEST BUY! - SAVE 14e! - FRUIT DRINK POWDEBS Ready Sweet 5Pkgs. BEST BUY! - SA4VF, 10! - BURGER DOG FOOD 86-oz. Pack BEST BUY!- SAVE 10e!- TWO 24-OZ. AND ONE 12-OZ. ir Liui Deer e for BEST BUV! - SAVE 10e! 128-0z. Size JAVEX Liqu 9 To Be A Musical Sumner The Summer" band classes open-, on saxophones. ed' last Monday evening with an The Orono Junior Band later entirely new groupý of twenty- this year will be providfing that eight potential musicians taking big sound of a big band when the seveén weeks of instructions& they present their first fl orc The age group ranges from wntrcce. eary public school age to early teens and aduit age. 0f the group at least twenty-five-will join the -L c -l w Junior band this. faI promoting its numbers to over fifty, . Mrs.. Everett Brown and daugh- 1 ter Evelene are spending a few Those in the summer class are weeks travelling with Mr. Brown beingz instructed by Mr. Darch in in the Prairie Provinces. the art of playing cornet, alto. Mrs. Coryell- recently 'visited hem, bass, trombone, baritone, with hem father andl mother, Mr. cl-arinet and a new group of five and Mrs. Harry Rowe. FRESH BAKEDI Weston or Sunbeam BUNS, Reg. 39e - 12,to Fkg. SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCEI C A NTEL 0OUPES LUSCIOUS VINE BLFENED No. is -Jimibo Size .. 39Ceacl, Golden Ripe PEACHES Q-Ort o NEW CABBAGE 2Heas 3 Favourite for Flaveur - Calif ornia No. 1 ONIONS 2 for 33e, SAVE ON THESE FEATURES!. SAVE 16e! - BURNS Luncheon Meat SPORK 49 Serve Hot or Cold-12-Oz. Tin ......... SAVE Oc! - Flelsehrnann's CoitOUl MARGARINE 53 Coloured Quarters-1-Lb. Pack SAVE 10e! AssortedFlavours-12-Oz, Jar...... SAVE 8e! - BRIGHT'S PLEP Soc for Fancy Quality-20-Oz. Tins ...... SAVE i c!- PALM GAR4DENý 100 to cello bag .... ... SAVE Se! - RED & WHITE BRAND It lias the Flavour!-5.Oz. Jar......... SCOTIAN GOT ZD 48-0z. Tin 27< M VP KRed a nd White,'Orono ................ . . 'Y lý ý4