ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, lUNE 23rd, 1966 IT'S SO EASY ... This week you simply get DOUBLE the amount of your cash register tape - complete dollars only wilI be doubled. This gives you additional tapes 1.o use for items from the IGA Gift Catalogue - or for Eaton Merchandise Certif icates. IMPORTANT - For easy counting at the checkouts only complete dol- lars will be doubled . . for example if, your cash register tape totals $18.64 you recs-ive an additional $18.00 in Bonus Tapes FREE! Double Tape Days is just another reason why we say you always get a littie more than you expeet atIG A. TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F DOUBLE TAPE DAYS TO CLAIM GIFTS FASTER' Lean Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast ........ .. . .. .. .Lean Fresh POIRK TT ROAST Lean WellTrimmiied Fr-esh PORK BUTT COPS 47C lb 57c lb 67C 53c Nescaf e Instantl 6 oz. jar COFFEE $1,19 Produce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Grade Can.. 1 Grade New Crop Local LEfT t JC E Iroduce of U.S.A. Can No. 1 Grade PE ACH ES73 New Crop Navel Ou'R A NGE S lled Claver Cohoe SALMON Mitchell's APPLE JUICE 2 iGA Choice TOMATOES 2 Quaker 15¼3/ oz. Pkgs. Jello Instant Reg. Pkgs. MUFFETS 2 69e PUDDINGS 3 49e California New size 18 siz - 100 llospitality CHERRY PIE Tulip Coloured MWARGARINE' Sunkist Frozen LEMONADE 8 ½size tins 49e 48 oz. Tins 65C 28 oz. Tins 59e 19c quart 39ýc doz 59C Family Size, 49e 3 lb. pkgs. 85C 6 oz. Tins ,89e IDOMINION DAY, FRIDAY, JULY, lst ARMSTRONG'S STORE OPEN ICLOSED MONDAY, JUL v 4th BOWLS 'Kendal News 11ev. R.C. White B.A B.D., preac)hed the third in his sertes of sermons on the four, great chapters of Isaiah, chapters .35, 40, 53 and 55. Last Sunday the sermon was an "The Suffering Servant." Chapter 53 verse 7. "H1e is brouglit as a lamib to the slaugh- ter and as a sheep before hier shearers is dumb so hie openeth not lis mouth." Remember-, "There is something bigger thani you and 1", as the song says. Godf has a plan for a better world. 'Oh, that men shall love one an- other. And white shall call blacki man brother. And- greed shal pas ,s from the market place.' On June 12 our choir was a trio, on June 19 our choir of girls was a quartet. They sang "Jesus has promised my Shepherd ta be." After the sermon Mrs. R. C. White sang beautifuily, "It is no Secret What God Can Do." Our- Sunday School Anniverm- ary will be he!d July lOth Several of our village young folk went on a bus trip to Niag- ara Falls hast Sunday. The June meeting of the Kendàl Worn'en's Institute was hell at the home of, Mrs. J. ilenderson with nine mernbers and two visitors present. The Présiclent Mrs., E. Couroux opened the meeting in the usual [way. Minutes were read and ad- opted. Current evenits discussed. Roll caîl, namne a city in Canada you wouhd ike',toý visit. There will be no meetings -ia Juhy or August so plans were made for the September meeting, For our July trýp it was decided to, visit the Adelaide Hoodles.5 Homestead near St. George in Brant County. We1 would have a pîcnic lunchi there. Then go. on to Niagara Falls and see the siglits there. We plan to star over nigjht and see the Falls lit up. Perhaps cross over the border and look around, making a two day trip. Missý Stewart showed pictures wi..lier niece Miss Jean Loft- liouse had taken on lier trip ta Scothand and England. These were very interesting especially to Mrs. Low who is fromn Scotland and Mrs. Turansky £rom England. She also showed pictures she lad taken on lier bus trip through the Maritime Provrinces, making us want ta take the trip some day, Mrs. Turansky told us about thc- places in England that she waq famihiar withi as they were shown. She was the canvena'r for thLq meeting on Education. A tasty lunch was served by aur hostesses Mrs. M. Manders and Mrs. E. Couroux. September meeting will be ïn the Sunday School room wlen we wihh. entertain Maple Grave and Newtonville. A vote of thanks was extended ta our hostesses. I have. a correction ta. make, Some time aga I told yau two new homes were being built on the. Cecil Glass- homestead north of the severth i 'ine. The first one is awned by Mr. Robert Reid whîch is truc. Thie second one is owned by Mr. Carleton, ual Mr. Fisk as 1 thought. Sy mpat.Iy is extended ta Mr. Robet Yunginan and family ari the lass h is father who passed awy uddeýnly cary Saturday mannJune 18. Anubrfrom Kendal attend- eid the Carscadden Picnc in Or- ana 3n Saturday. This famihy set- t1ed-first on the sixth line before