Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jun 1966, p. 4

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- w -~ - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1966 T2aken from a sermon preached by Rev. N. T. Homes of Harmony U.~nited Church, Oshawa,, and Chairman of Oshawa Presbytçry, at service uniting the Orono and Leskard Congregations. Scripture Lesson- Hebrews 13: 1.6 1 think of the church in our tîme as a centre of worshîp, a place of work and a place where we find the Presence of God, Our Yaith. We cali this building a churcli nt the saine time we caîl the people who are members of the con gregation, a church. "Which, vve may ask "is the church?" In a sense it is easy to a nswer if we compare the church to a house -which is both a building and a, home for a family _when people lake up their residence within that place. A club may be de- fined in a similar manner. Rt is mýade up of members and a place for meeting. The church. is bofli, but it is more. The building is not really a church without a worshipping congregation. Nor do the people of the congregation in themselves constitute a church or' a church congregation unless they meet for a specific purpose and in a certain plan to share, one vwith another. Many in our time are seeking to close the church'sý doors by their indifference; by staying a- way!from it Sundayafe Sunday, W- by choosing to use. it only ýfor Wh en you turn 21 you're no longer cov-- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, you must take out indi- vidual membership wîthin 30 days. Get your application) formr at a bank, a hospital, or fromr the Commis- TSionl. The 'family' Hospital Insu rance premiumi mnust now be paid ta, cover husband and wife. Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you bath pay premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission. N rEW' To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital Insu rance Certif icate of Payment 'Forff 104' that your present employer is required ta give you on leaving. Your Ontario Hoi)nta uwrvict otimmssio. Tel ,Oni" special occasions. Some ask, "Do we really need t)." church lu this twentieth century?" For several generations there have been those folk who have said that the church is of use to them only for the purpose of baptisms, or weddings andl sometimes for funeral servi c- es. Yet we see i';,fln ar.'I again in both city ami. country that' getting away from the church gets people, both young -and old into more trouble somehow than there used to be.ý The church in our time then is both a pice and its people, a place especiallY set apart forý them because Christ is there. One1 of the early church fathers said,I "Where there is Jesus Christ there is the Catholic Church." Sucli a definition transcends ge-I ography or any particular build- ing :ý,-d would lead us to seek God 1 here we are with receptive hearts. The church is also where men Edward Yourgman flfIj.,iAiil 1 Uit 2 met Tliîap,,x, T,,aa '7th, UIT t ÇTfl 1 l V visuiu4 ntlAusay, oarnL.un .J1,tt ml. 1, tU.. UR~ ~~UUU I at the home of Mrs. Etta Irwin, The' fnerl srvie ws hldwith 10 members and 2 visitors Unit 1 held their meeting on M da,,June 2th at 2:30 p.m. present. Mrs. Duvaîl opened the June 7th in -the Main Hall. Otir M ay Nrhet n mihFn meeting with a. reading, TI will leader Elsie Fisk, opened with a ea tHoeortcutand it fun- give thee the Treasures of Dark- ry.Th eoinlwatkn era Hoe, owmnvileforEd-ness.' Minutes were read and the pae.Tedvtoa a ae ward F. P. Youngman, who died ro 1cle.Orfrthm by Aileen Bairstow. Our attention suddenly June l8th at hiîs resi- "Take Time to be Hol y'. Mrs. was drawn to "The beauty of "he dence, 72 Brown St., Bowmanville. month of June with flowers and Interment was in Bowmanville Werry read the Bible lesson, 8th the fruit blossoms and their frag-' Ceeer.Psa'm. Mrs. Hilda Woodl gave the rance. Cemeery.devotional, a very interesting talk on tîme, closing with prayer. We Mr. Youngrnan, who was in his were oleased to have as our guest Hymu 15 "For the Beauty iî- 72nd year, came to Canada from Mrs. Priestley (Carolyn) who gave the Earth" was sung then Aileen London. Eng]and, in 1904. lie liv- a vocal solo. Visits to hospital read a poem by Helen Stiner Rice, ed on a farm in Simcoe County were 18, to shut-ins 32. "Legend of the Raindrops" until 1912 when he moved to Tôr- tellirr,, us that everything Gcai onto. ever muade is resurrected, nothng The Study Book, God and ls God ever made is lost. Psalm 24 During the First World Wa'r Purpose, was given by Miss H. - Teeat sth ods1n h he enlisted in the Canadian Army. WalJde]l on Faith. Everyone en-,fullness thereof", was read anà Following his discharge he farm- joyed her talk and a discussion the Lord's Prayer reneated in rwr- ed in Manvers township, where he follow'ed. VWe were favoured with ison. servcd on the township council. another solo by Carolyn and the offering was reccived. The business opened with An employee of the, depart- minutes read and approvedl. 'rie ment of lands and forests for 18, rol caîl, naming a book read c- years, prior to his retirement inu It was moved anid seconded that cently, was answered by 10 mern-, Marc,5, h e ioihi ed' the de- ' we have a July meeting to be in iv, P-- 11. ,-ý - anjoe okweemn apatment iii 1964. Hie was foreman tepr o uc tIpm made, The offering was receise àwom;,i meet with, other people, in charge of the Durham County Anucmn a aeo andth Spri ofChistledin Fres ad te esttrct f he Thursday, June 16th Rev. Ram- GereraI, Meeting, June 16 w and upliftmng them. iGanaraska,,Construction Authortjet fCno ilb us ev ajttegetseie Foet7eor ereied peaker at the general meeting and our Unir to serve the refr, The churcli is a feliowship of Whnlejie h eatnn t8Pm ments. people who co-operate iu expand- h1le became responsible for th in teinleneofGd' ovreforestation programn in the auth- committee was appointed to The next, meeting wilI be Sept, afellowship that lgissa basic pur- 1 rt h omte ncag posein omin toethe, wichority forest. By 1949 the combined !ook after the bake sale to be13 itth comtein hag and indtheDurham and Ganaraska I forest, held by unit 2 at this meeting. Ianucd is to seek adfn h presence prpperties had grown too large of lm,iighty God. for one foreman. The area was i Our Bible Study, Chapt. 4 of themn divided1 a!o ig the H-ope- The meeting came to a close "Jesus Christ and the Christh sýà In. a far distant time, a certain Cîaikebou ndlavy, erwi he unMhzpah Be edio ya Life" wpa.ý taken by AileenBar- prophet, seeking the Lord foundte whc luhwa sredb stow with Kay Chapman rea,î i f hat he was: not ln the great wind, Mr. Youn,ý, ýmn, who wais a tiue hostess. Everyone thanked the seripture pes'.aining to 1,~ cor was hie in the great earth- muember of the Ganaraska Advîs- Etta for hier hospitality, Baptism of Jesus and his tempta quake, nor in the fire. 11e was not ory Board before the authority 'tions in the wilderness. The de. in the great -calamities particular- ýwas formed, was vitâlly couceru- The To nhi of Clarke Coun- iny of man hung on that confU,' ly, but in a still, small, almost ed with reforestation and conser- cil revers ed a portion of a former and Jesus' victory over Satan. unheard voice and this small vation for- more than 20 years, decision when at1 their recent voice strangely warmed the heartUne his supervision - thousands meeting 'they gave their approval Hiymn 380 "Where Cross tJ.b. of the prophet and hie went on oface of wasteland were restor- for the sale by tender of the, Oak Crowded Ways of- Life" was suug hisw~a reoicng.Thi istheex-eçito rodctie lnd.Public Sehool. A former resolu- and the meeting closed with the perience of God's people who Thdeése tion of Concil requested that the Benediction. realize that they -have coine, not I hMecae rote a weekly Public Sehool Board remove lth just to a building,, not just to bel ouufrTeCnda tts Lakeshore, Antioeh- and Oak Thanks to ail present for a sc wit peple bu tocom ino te Iman at Bowmianville in which hiýs 1huse eof ttvn od an find eenitret1 onevtina sehool rather fthan put these struc- cessfuî lmeeting.was extended b ,boseof heliingGo an fndhis fellow men was reflected. In tures up for sale, the Unit 'lader. t1hemselves in His very presen ce. ______________________________ Simnorts Medicare Ontario Hydro award as "Ontario Country Correspondent". àa"prl&&u , A member of the 100F Lodge Russell C. Honey, M1.P., Du.r- No. 436 for more than 40 years, ham, told ithe House of Commons Ihe was also a member of the last Tuesday, June l4th, that he Heather Rebeknah Lodge, also of does not subscribe to the agree- Orono. In 1965 Mr. Youngman ment that the introduction of a was appointed grand marshal at national mnedicare program must the annual conv\ention of the await a state of Utopia in medical Grand Lodge 100F in Toronto. personnel and facilities. Mr. Youngmani is sur7v ived by Mr. Honey was speaking in s3up- his wife,. the former Winnifred port of legisiation t'o establish a D. Sparks; two daughters Mrs. D Ilealth Resources Fund of $500, 1. Thomprlson (H1elen) of Courtice 000,000. to train miedical person- and Mirs. K. Sparks, (Myrtie) of iiel and supply training f aciit---i-on-----a- fvesos ie -urged the passage of the le,--! Arthur of Tyrone,1 Fred of ýPonty- isiai on as the initial step in thle pool, Gordon of Calgary, Ernest implementation ofa national myed- oif 1ethanyo and Robert of Kendal. icare prOgram.I Report From Ottawa Russell C. Honey, M.P. - Durhanr sible so that we will make a start The Health Resources Plan on preparing ourselves for the in- and the Canadla Assistance Plan troduction of the national Medi- are two important items of legis- care program next year. lation introduced in -the House of Comnmons this week. ,1 ýý 1Tho ( C,,ln . i Iwas a1so introduced in the Housé The Health Resources Fund is o mo ns bi egsation il1 prel iminary to the national Medi- provide a basis. for co-ordinating care programn which Prime Min- public assistance programs in ister Pearson has stated will be in Canada, and makes provision for operation by July lst, 1967. The improving .mo' h1er's allowances, Fund is designed to create a pro- child and youth welfare services, fessional climate which will at- health care cpsts 'for welfare re- tract increasing numbers of able cipients and improvement of the people to the study and practice level of benefits now be .ing paid of medicine and related profes- to the aged, blind and disabled. Isions. The legisiation wil estab- liih a fund of $500,000,000 ob available over the next 15 years. The new legisiation will pro- vide for the payment of additional The establishment of the Fund assistance on the basis of need. ýWill encourage the training of The needs test considers the, ac- people, to provide medical care tual requirements of individuals services hy making capital grauts and families, as well as their re- J for construction, renovation and sources, i determining, the* am- basic equipment for research es- ount of assistance to be provided. ,tablishments, tea-,chýing hospItals, This is in contrast to the ureans schools of dentistry, sehools ofý test which relates assistance' to nursing and training facilitieýs for income and asseý--ts only. ln other other health personnel. lwords, the- test will be hased on ,what 'the individual neceds to live 1 spoke in the Hlealth iieolùrces deenty nd ïu dignity, and i Fiiad debate t, support the lgi-ne elated only te his incomne Iatiùïn and to urge the governmlent and assets as is the case with tLheý, to ame ah«ad es quickly old in*eas test. i Second Annuel Tyrone CAfB N IV AL! FRIDAY, JUNE 24th, 1966 TYRONE COMMUNITY -PARK GAMES, RIDES, MONSTER BINGO i FROM 7P.M. ON POST IME 2 PM. WAGERING PRIVILEGES Sponsorec& by the Oshawa% Hanxess Horse Drîvin% Club 'The Church' In Our Time' U.W. Unit News

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