Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jun 1966, p. 2

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.w~- ~ ORONO WE£ OýRONWL-KLY TIMES tAiffloned ~ SeondCias mal, Pst ffice Departiment, * ulsedve-ry Tliuýrsday at hLie oGfficf ->f ipu blîcati* Main SreetFý, aoe 109, orou.ý no, onario Established in 1W38LbY R. A. Forrester Roy C. ýearrester - 4ïtor a.nd Manager TH-E Y OUNGJER SET' .In today's daily newspapers headlines diaw attentioi to riots in Yorkville. a lessening of morality an,ý o", mis- demeanors in which youth appears to become involved, Why sucli headlines? Mainly, we believe, for reader- ship, whicli is a po licy set for the publishers by the general puh ic. This policy lias been carried on to sucli a degree - that it does overshadow tlie other ide of the coin. It does not represent the majority of youth. This, however, does not make it less of a problem but tliis is not the point on which we wish to write. The quality of youtli is represented i vaious ev- eryday activities and attention could certainly be drawn to the recent Fashion, Show lield at the. Clarke Higli School. Here it was youth that predominated in preparing the wear- mg apparel and in organizing, pomoting and presenfing the show. It was a credit to tliem as well as to their school. Your local papers at this time of the iyear note the accomplishments of area students who have heen suc- cessful in furthering their educatio n at higher levels. These accomplishments are not those of an irresponsible youth. Aithougli we may be somewhat Didrf' ' ohp- lieve that the Mfusic Night this Friday in Orono will further substantiate the fact that even our youneer youtli accept and mreet challenge in a wholesome mariner. Our interest i sucli accomplishments can streng- Qhet, and encourage the positive attitude.of our youngsters. Tu NIN G B LO0W. The restlessness that h as characterized Canadian ~o~cl ie during the past few years became devastating- ly apparent again recently wlien the voters of Quebec .unseated Premier Lesage and his Liberal governiment after six years in office. The flow of vote s to Daniel Jolinson's Union Nation- ale surprised even the most diligent students of political affairs in that province. There are, of course, specific factors which, wili be put forward as reasons for tlie debacle. But this tremen- dous defeat must bie ascribed essentially to the Canadian ,mood, tlie mood of disenchantment that expressed itself in the federal ellections of 1962, '63, '65, and the recent -incon- çiusive voting ini Prince Edward Island. It now seenis likely that in Quebec, as in P.EI., there will be new elections in about a year in order to try to find popular approval for tlie leadeiship of one party or the ther The shock from Quebec will be feitin'Ottawa where Prime Minister Pearson'had establislied- an entente cordiale with Mr- Lesage. And any ambitions entertained by Mr. Lesage for tlie important place in federal politics appear to have been dashed. The disposition of the separatist vote is difficuit to trace; but it must be assumed tliat it swung largely to the Union Nationale- Whle Mr. Jolinson.did not reject separ- atism lie did not go so far as tlie Rassemblement pour l'In- dependence Nationale and the Ralliement Nationale which wereunreserved in their dedication to Quebec statehood. As 'in other recent resdfrustratinandi a tchey canntfind. elections, the Quebec people ex- searcli for acceptable leadership -The Telegramu 'EKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1966j e T nse caîîýd on the secretary for J Jthe minutes whîcli were read and adopted, and the roll caîl. We then joined North Durhiam Corn Club.for tlie taking up of our sýec- câpr- ond work sheet. Hig StffYour best choice The staf f ah the Clarke, Higli S'ehool is now intact for the com- N T O A ing school terni. Six new teachers have been hired witli one being T an additional teaclier over that of this term. Mrs. E. Devoli g will teach the Home Economics in the scliool; Mr. R. Brom-ley, geography; Miss J, Ayerst latin, Ancient and Med- History; Mrs. R~. CarLson, Girls' Physical Education and Typing; j . Mr. L. Carslon, ýBoy's Physical Ed- 1v ucation, Science andi Maths; Mr. - W. *I'cLean,, Art (Part-time). Mrs. R. Carlson was a former teacher at the, Orono Higli Sehool a few y ers ago. Prior to lieér marriage . she was Reta Barr. Potato Club The regular monthly meeting of the Durharn 4-H1 Potato Club was held on Wednesday, May 25th at the Marsh Hall. The president, Fred Taylor, broughtý the meet ing te order and the 4-H pledge was repeated by ail the members. The secretary, Barbara Walker, read the minutes of the last meeting and took -the rol eall. Linda Por- ter moved the minutes and Allan j Trew seconded the motion. Jimi Walker, the vice' president, took up the second work sheet and the president, Fred Taylor, took up thethird worksheet. Mr. Walter Rutherford, Fruit and iVegetable Specialst, gave 'a talk on chemicals. A shot quiz was then hedkwith assistance fromi jmr. Cliff Mthews. Mr. Mathews also told the members the history of the potalto' and the différent parts of a % otato. The members judged a class of table stock po- tatoes of the Sebago'variety. The judging was discussed with Mr. Rutherford. DURHAM CORN CLUB MEET S AT COUNTY PARENTS' NIGHT The Durham Corn Silage Club met at ýGer-ald Brown's farm at 7:45 p.m. for a short business meeting. In the absence of 'the president, at the first of the meet- ing, our vice-president, Murray Yellowlees called the meeting to SAVING$ $ iy the handlest place to, save, your money, but it pays dividends as good, or better, than other places to save. Ask about the 1f e insurance providede without added charge for eligible savers, even If. Orono Distr.*ct CREDiIT UNIDN Treas.- Man., Angus Loucks Phone 4rl0, Orono ? PLU7,lBýNG and HEATING 0 .Salt.5and Service ',24 HJOUÉ BURNER SERVIC15., B-A FINANCING Low lnterest Rates r dPhones: Hampton Co. 3-2288 Tyrone Co. 3-2650 Ti The- boy s then heard Mr. Lo, dýa;I speak on. Plant Nutrition an7 ri nPIduction in Ontario, T'Il girj,,;a Mrs. Bey. Gray demuý,nt j stiýte 'The A-'rt of Cake Decoraf- ýing." Vie later assembled on t,ý.c lawn f0&î lunch of chocolate cak\e and douglinuts. àus. IALER TWINE!l Why Pay More...... AVE ON PREMImm SAVE, QUALITY 1 FUEL OILga PHONE NIEWCASTLE 987-4215 DjX FU'ELDOIL Serving Orono, Newcastle and District This We ek's SPrECI AL iSELECTIONS iToweIlng 4prons, regular $1.19, Special . 88c Linen Tea Towels, Special,59e ea. or 2 for $1.13j !Ladies' Ny1ansý stretc~h tops, 2 pair in pkg. 83~ 8 and 9 inch Colored Paper Plates, . pkg. 23e 6, .8 and 10 inch White Paper'Plates, 2 pkgs 35c jI)uchess Picnic Kit Service for six ....... 29e D ixie Cups for cold drinks, package of six 15e jBallet Serviettes in assorted colors, 2 pkgs 37e 1()00 inch 'Cellose Tape, 1/2 inch wide, g regular price 39e.....Special price 27c 1 'Garden Chair Umbrella, priced ........ $2.8'9 F oldaway Bar-B-Q Grfll....... ....... $1.59 ' Alpine Pienie Jug for H-ot or Cold Drinks $ 1.99 1 Car Wash Brushi, priced...... ....... **98ce ISuper'Soft Sponge, ideal for household and car waghing, priced at............. 79e IFri.g Pack for Hot or Cold.............. 65e IAlýsoj see our Steele Briggs- Seed Dslyand ~ ourtae for Swim Suits and etc, for ail ages P hone 122W, Oronoj

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