Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 May 1966, p. 1

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$8,906' Bequeathed To Library ORONO WEEKLY -OLUME 28, NUMBER 118 There is no grass growing un- <r the feet of the, Orono Rink Çmiteand the band of work- - s wbo are now preparing for tecomning winter season . -. and ýe baven't eveLn had sumimer yet! The construction of the north I'art of the rink is now well un- 1derway. This construction is a ,_omplete revamping of this sec- dion of tbe rink and wili establish two floors. The bleachiers have b-een eliminated from the north --art of the rink and this lumiiber "'aS been utilized in the new con- 'ructiori. The upper floor wili house the ~r~frshmntbooth and give a good [eaed area for those who at- wn he winteir events being heldi nthe rink. The front wvill be -lassed enabling a god view of Iiae ice surface. It is the intention Splacing one row of seats along the front facing the ice. the ieasurements of the upstairs siom are 27 x 50 feet. There will be- two staircaseS jeadng to the upstairs room. At the present time the two ,oors have been laid and work is 'iderway in constructing the --ont of the rooms. The lower room will also be ý lassed' in givîng a good view of ~teiesurf aceý This area can also ~ie heated as can the upper romn. The present refresbiment booth is ct be left intack and used as a .,peciaI room. The ýticket office wilbe enlarged and placed more ýýonvenient for selling tickets.ý The washt-looms are to be enlarg- -cd and furtber equipment in- stalled. The work for the enlarg- mig of the washrooms lias been let mdf is to be ready for the an- -Inul faîl fair in September. Work parties are at the rink Every evening and on Saturdays. There is no doubt that further assistance would be welcomed by ,he group so that the undertaking ran be, completed as soon as TU IES ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1966 ~mproving Facilitiaes For Spectotors At Oronio ink R 1lias heen estinated at-h total cost of the project will a- mount to some $600.00. To date, with work well on its 'way, a sumi of $300.00 has been spent. It is the intention of the group to at least have the upper floor completed this year se that it may be heated this ceming winter. It is aise feit that there will be no loss of seating accommodation due to the change. The renova- tiens will provide much greater comfort for those who attend the rink this coming winter. If yeu have a few spare even- ings take your hiammer and saw to the rink. Three, Iujured lu Eniterprise Accident Three peérsons were injured la two-car collision on Highway' ASl eariy Monday xnorning. Mr. Leopoldus DeSmit, 51 of RH. 2, Orono, and bis wife, Mrs. Fedora DeSmit, suffered serlous facial lacerations, chest injuries and a possible, skuil fracture wheni their car was involved in an accident, soutb of the inter- section of highway 35 and 115 a- bout 7:15 a.ml. as Mr. DeSmit was on bis way te work at the Depart- -mient of Lands and Forests, Oreno. Mir. DeSmit was admitted te Bowmanyîlle Memorial Hospital -with chest injuries and facial lac- erations. Mrs. DeSmit was admit- ted te Oshawa General Hospital with bad facial injuries and -a possible skull fracture, said a hospitai officiai. Botb are re- ported in f air condition. Driver of, the 'other car, Ed- mund Menezes of 1757 Viéteria Park Ave., Scarboreugh, was ad- mitted te Toronto Generai Hos- pital with possible abdominal in- juries and facial cuts. Ne ether details of ent were released, at Bowmanvilie OPP are ing. the accid- the time., îIivestigat- Justice From The Skiles Higbway 115 could pie$ert some surprises for motorists wbo disregard the speed limît as post- ed. Additiouai eyes can be foc- used aioug the asphaît strip te nip, speed motorists. The necessary markings for patrolhng the llighway and tim- ing car speeds by helicopter bas been cýompleted. This procedure lias been uisedi in other areas of the vne and uow comes te tbe ronto area. Douý's be surpris- ed if you are nullied over te the de f or speeding with ob)servai- tion of' the infraction beiug rmade from above. The Directeýîos of 'the. Orono Camer f Comimerce gave ap- prý-,ïorNOIcïv-eening te the tour witinu the area. Iu connectieni with the Apple Blossomy tour arrangements have been macle for a tour of the Tree Nursery in Orono. The visit and tour of the Tree Nursery will in- clude a showing of sldes outlin- ing the interesting points at the Nursery. Fellowing the slides a tour wilI be heid within the Nur- sery. SECdes will be shown ýat 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. Also included in the tour wili be routing- of cars nertb to Les- kard and along the scenic route te Mospert. The Chamber are en- dleavouring to make arrange- mnents s0 that motorists may drive around, the race track on which the world's best cempete. Following the Mospert visit the route wîli then be mapped out througb the scenic Ganaraska Ferests, Tower Hill, the Dell and finaily to Kendal. Tbe Orono Chamber of Com- merce are to carry advertise- ments in the district papers and will sîgn tbe route wbich will start from N o. 2 Hîghway at Lamb's Road, oue mile east of Bowmanvilie. There' will be epportunities te picnic at the Oreno Park and ai- se in the Ganaraska Forests. More detal&s will he furnished next week. The Orono Public Library has receiyed a most generous be- queatb from -the late Miss, Lena Renwick who at one time was a resident of the Orono area. The sum of the bequeath will at least be, $18,906.00.. The former Miss Renwick lived during ber cbildbood at the Ren- wick farm, latter to become the Dean farm, at tbe corner of 35 Highway and the fourth conces- sion of Clarke Township. Miss Renwick late of Rediands, Califfornia, became keenly inter- ested in the Orono Library follow- ing its reorganization to a Pub- lic Library. Until her deatb she kept, in touch with the Library and its activities. She bas sup- ported tbe Libr ary with financial a"istance. books and her mem- oirs whicb have been bound and placed in tbe Library. -Further .particii!ars wi lished next week. DispyAtq Gas Co. Spending $45,OOO In Orono! Orono this fali will obtain nat- ural gas service and a new taz- paying industry as The Consum- ers' Gas Co. continues to expand its sevice area in Ontario, and te assist stili more communities la their efforts to obtain more indu- try and more employment. About 14,000 feet of steel pipe will go into the basic gas distri- bution system to be laid in Orono, A 2inch transmission line will be built to Orono from Consumn- e-s' p-eent line to Peterborough a¾o'iig Highway 35. Cost of this phase of expansion C~~(o-semers' Gas wiil be about S45,000. iii e pu- ~ homes, business and industry iJni om weil in advance of the _______ I166-67 heating season. Consumers', as it does lu al the communities it serves, will u es pay taxes to Orono-on every foot ofpipe 'laid in the village. The 118-year-old modemn gas h utility, wbîc already serves 147 S W Ontario 4 comfmunities, will use Orono labour, will b uy supplies- loc'a'lyas f ar as possible, aud will r_A. HOLMES TO SPEAK AT DISCUSSION GROUP Mr. C.-A. Hoimes, Public Secbool Inspector for this district wvill adidress the Or- ono Men's Dscussion Group tn-igýht. Thiuisday, at 7:30 p.m The subject for dis- r1"10on IS te be education especi q', 'tthe Public The Orono gro-li have no- onee their dis- cus eno Population ex- plosion. The -purpose of the gopis to gaininomtn anid knowledge on particu- lar subi ects antd to enter in- top generi1 discussion of these sbei at their mon- tbly -meetinIgs. AnYone is welcome to at- tend ,anid teke part in the disusios/The meetings arue helf! l1ý the Frien dship room of th i, OrooUnited Chur-îch. ers. Poultry.y Club The second meeting of Durham County Poultry Club, washeld on May 10 at the home of Gary Jeff- rey, club leader. The meeting opened, with roll cali. The club i udged a class of puliets then proceeded into the bouse' to give reasons toGary Jeffrey. While this- was, going on the second work sheet was taken up by Mr. Clifford Mattbews, Assis- tant Agricultu-ral Representative aa.Pr ! s ï4it Vesley L-Laie. Thenc wýe had a shýort quiz with,: answers given, by members. Mr. Gary Jet- frey gave a very informative talk on inbreeding, outbreeding and cross breeding of chickens. The meeting -was adjourned by President Wesley Lane. Brian Knox, Press Reporter. Ce lebrate Twenty-fifth Anniversary Fîreworks, 'ay 23 This Mouday evenîng, May g3rd týhe Oronio Chambier of Comtmerce is sponisoring a i Fireworks dis- play at the Orono Fair Grounds., A full scale display of fir eworks -will be ignited by the Orono Fire- -fighters wbo are assisting ýwth the program. .Au admission charge will be muade for- those attendiug the event. 1Activities at the Fair grounds will, include a new feature this year lu the form of a Kite Flying centest. This contest, open te cildren, will get under way at 6.30 p.m. providing, of course, the wînd is sufficient te seud a kite aloft. .Prîze money for this event bas been provided by Mr,. C. Arm- strong lu the amounts of $10.00 for first prize, foliowed by prizes of $5.00, $300 and $200. Bring your own kite-and string., It can be either made or purcbased. Be sure, te be ou baud Monday evening when the cbildren try their skill at kite flying as wel as enjoying tbe fireworks. Mr.,- and Mrs. A. Jakeman on Saturday celebrated their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary. Friends and relatives gathered in the' Town Hall and a surprise party was arranged in their hon- our. As the bride and groom of tweuty-five- years ago, entered the ball the orchestra played "Here Comes the Bride" and tbey were usbered to their seats of boueur by Mr. and Mrs. Victor McFarland Marie Andrews presented a cor- sage te Mrs. Jakeman and Blain Moffat a boutonniere te Mr. Jake- man. Mr, Everett Couvier read the address and a presentation of a,,Sunbuýrst Clock, Ikora Sandwich tray and two bon bon dishes was made. The gifts were preseuted by Ian, Moffat, Janice 'W ood, Wayne Couvier, Fred Andrews, Jr. and Douglas Moffat. .Mr. and Mrs. James Hutton were in charge of the guest book. After the presentation Mr. Jack Moffat asked the honoured coup- le, te lead off the dancing te the .nîiversary Waltz.' Tbe remrain- Aer of the eveuing was sýpent lu danmcing te the orchestra of Mr. James Lowery, Bob Sissens, Dave Masters and Harold RansbcrrY calling off for th3 square dances. Mr. and Mrs. S. J., Norton of Tudor House Antiques, Orono bad the great pleasure of'taking their antiques and sbowing tbem at the Norwood Antique Show and Sale, on Mav l3tb and l4th. The show was sponsored by the United Church at Norwood, and the organization was in the very capable hands of Mr.- Dominie Unitt of Barrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Unitt,' Peterborough. Mrs. Unitt is the author of a very charming littie book entitled "Colleci in the Kawarthas." This was Mr. and Mrs. Norton's first ex>preince in sbowing *and theyý were both v eryv heartened, )y the com'ments cof thèr ~hb itors anff the public upon the articles tbey took to' display and. sel. Výarieus Units of the United Church Women of Norwood con- tributed Minon small measure by serving liit refreshments in the dîsplay hall and aise dinner for the exhibitors, in-the cburcb hall. G-iive 'GoAhea' Fr Blossornl To-ur, MN/ay 29

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