Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 Apr 1966, p. 4

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-- - -t-~~~I w~r~r 77 -~ -~ORONO WEEKLY TIHES, THUESDAY, APRIL 21st, 1966 the fact that Jesus goes before rie I!~fuwer In scripture the disciples rie n wer remindd of Jesuis telJiing! faih o th reurrctin.them eiarlier thiat 11e wouild go bc- irte Lèsson Luke 21: 1-35 the fih o h eurcin fore them ki nto Galilee. In refa: Fron a sermon preached by, Death is not a tomb; it is ani ad- tionship to the resurrection and B W A IL R M i3asi Lon. veture hope of life beyond this life, Je.sus is alive! Yýet sometimes r ouglit to always consîder the WORKSHnOPgeP8 wve cio n o 'f really accept the faict ___________________S_____________________P_ in our hat and in our actions. A minister published his Faster ~' ' '~ Presents text in thie newspaper, "He' is here for 11e is risen." Tmmiiediate- ly mmibers of the congregation 0 I TO 5 YLAR GI..1 said hie made a miistake that the fHe is risen." Thn minister pointed Savings Accounts P l .- Bibl sai, "1e isnot ere orui-,î out he wlas gflad they were ac- quainted wth Scripture but nev- j and Conipounded Quarterly Iwwb e ertheless the text said what he t wanted to say. I True Christians do mnot spend O Directed liy Billi Tyas their lives- in tombs where Jesus. Investmnent Funda is not. Jesus was released from- the tomb, made alive by the pow- Estate Planning w a i e er of God and H1e is here because Bow av»Ill Town Hall Rie is risea. If we kaow what Christian fellowship is, thieawe Eeutrirute spend our days ia the grandfl FOUNTAINHEAD@ lowship of people who Iknow that0FSfVC Christ is risen and can say, d fel-! pn ria Ngts and, ail day Saturday A R L 2 - 9 3 here because 1He 1s risen." jT I Some arf# troubled about the CE IN L NT R OT at 8:15 p.m ~ bcase l~y re "' jAdmIssion: Aduits $1.00; Students .50t diferet. heyare not ientical but let us bc people who are not & Savings Uorporttmn denied the presence of týLiv-1 Tickets aVýatiable at Cangàid !rire, 1Bowmanivllie ing Christ lbecause we sturmble 1Noreet'h, f rPoe6338 nature of j ss ' VsurectWpwa Conitact Mr W ayor, Manager Bowmian2lle È dih beyond the reach of reporters who sought to tell about it. Do not be troubled; the details are in- cidentai. MAore important is the evidence of the centuries because this îs fact. One undeniâble evid- u faith of thec Christians. Study the lives of the disciples and yose they are changed by wrom a0anwh1rasawy n o éy n-xa C evle whthappened. Peter is changed u e h v trembles ia the face of difficultyn rok ee wsraytodefry ebe Io igfrC.d rn to a mian whlo becomes truly the Christ afterî the trdtth of the resuirrection dawned upon him; Stephen, the first Christian mnarý tyr was ready to give his life be- cause he knew that Jesus was a- live. Mýen dIo not die for myths. Tt is true some have Àivrn theiri lives for a wrong or lost cauise but, history reveals the error; Hlitler's devotees are an example of that: The Christian movemnent, center- V ïag ia the resurrection of Jesusç = Christ, rather than fading into oblivion, spread itself across theA continents 'and oceans to unfurl P the banner of love and to per- formn works of mercy everywhere. After the resurrection, the ap- postles would not obey the Coun- cil's order to be silent about this new fait. Whea officers were couaselling how to stop thîs here-z sy, Gamaliel interveaed to say, "If this plan is of men it will fail, but if it is of God you will I i aot be abjle to overthrow them."am there was an orgaized effort toen F l S i g N w put this Christian' group out of business. Whea prison could not silence themn, they were put to Have a field dayl Looik over the Clievrolets, Olds- ANYWHERE! What's More, we Cân promlise ON-. deathi. But on they marched, out mobiles, Epics and fine OK used cars - OUR THE-SPOT-.DELIVERY on virtually any model. We otlin g, o0ut-larsoving, out-dyingr SELECTION'S AT ITS GREATEST RIGHT NOW! want to give you Our first-rate follow-up srvice, too. the Empire that sought to stop D~s trade-in allowaflce for your present car- Corne in and make the DEAL 0F YOUR LIFE! We tc.TliisIsî; the evidence of the WE FIRMLY BELIEVE YOU WON'T BETTER IT planned this evenit JUST FOR YOU! resurrecion. Because it is Easter millions find their way to Christ- ian church1es , thirough,51out thle wer'd. Tis i tstimnony to suip- port, the a t he resurrectio',n.j i Standing in awe- before thec epth nd paciousness of theà Grand Canyoni, a visitor remark- ed, "Somehn must have h~p pened here." That was the con- cluson of logoi-: the same logic beiongs b Easter. To see the re su1ritý is 10 -kr ovv there was a caue.Jeusis here and He can be knon hy g and hecal]se He (shre'-isý proises arce true. Det sntteend in a tombL aSen but thie bgnn of life's higher Dla8 oia ea urrection the followersCisI '1ný fo-L'OLDSMOCBAîE

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