Tax iii I1ncreases By 20 Percent Traxpayers in the Town~ship of Cla!ýrke mnay now brace themiselvos 1ra considorable increase ln tiertax bil which they will be î-cýeivingc in the rear future. The average home assessed at $2500-00J &vAl note an increase in taxes of ~he$37.00 over that of ast y*lr. The increase is almost tnty percent ovor the 1965 The largest buILk of the in- t ase is through the District Wgh JiSchool rate with the County ;o, J Clarke Township Public 4hool Board following. The fligh i3thoo>l rate lias incroased by 8-25- 75 milîis whilo the County i- creaso amounts to 3,442 mailis and the local Sehool Area rate by 3.026 milîs. The Clarke Township rate increases by a slight .1212 milîs. Tbo combined municipal andi education rates for farmn and res- idential assessment amouints to 95.2348 milîs compared to a total rate last 'yoar of 80.387. The com- m--rcial and indlustrial rate a- molunts to) 105-0434 mils for 1966 comparod to 92.520 milîs la 1965. Thë Clarke Township rate for those in the Township (excluding Orono) amnounts to 24.6199 mils ORONO WEEKLY ý'0OLSME 2, NUMBLER 1 OltOND WEEKLY TIMES, TIl Realth unit Coiducting of which 17,057 is for public ORONO RATES AREUEP Those in the Village of Orono will also be faiced with edlucation- ai and mnunicipal rate increasýes along with costs assoiated with the installation of Municipal Water. The ed1cational and mun- icipal rate Lacreases amotints to 16.7847 milîs or btter than twenty percent. This increase on a $2500.00 residlential assessment LISDAY, APRIL2lt 16 Grass fires S0%e uve nOrlmo aipg Ille Northumberland- Durhamu ý'iealth Unit are prcsently con- ucnga survey in the iddle Mthe VIlflage la connection with, ,twage disposal. t is understood Ihat thie survey was rcquested by f'Ille Orono Police Truistees. The Trustees will receive a re- jort on the survey with possible vecomnmendations. Mr, E. R. Woodyard, chirmnan Mthe $oard, has pointed ont that ;the Ontario Governmeat will now ý,,rstruct a sowage disposal plant insd main sewage Unes at no cost fthe mnunicipality. The Govern- m11ent 1', howcver, Ichargefs ia use rate onl a gallonage basis to re- coveurfthe cost of the main lines ai d iSposaI 1plan t. Under this schIem-e !the muaicipality must construct the arterial main which would join with the mi line of the systemn. The Counties Road Commission also met with Mlr. Woodyvard on Tuesdlay when cnsderatioa01 was given on paviug, the main streot from curb, 10 curb and also tho installation of storm sewers alougý the CoWuty Road in the centre of the Village: Towushîp Roud, EqpIoyees Pettîbn - Çuncil For Woge Increase Employees of the Township of îlarke Road department en mass inet with lte Council on Monday tv eaing lan negotiation of their hounly rate of pay. Couincil at a yprevions meeting, anti on recom- anyendation of the Road and .ridge Comnaittee made their of- ,ter btiste employees which thse -employeos have turned down. Tise request by tise employees ,nti also by Mr. H. DeWitb, road ferk, was again referred to the Road and Bridge Commlitteo te recport back te Concil. At provions meetings Counicil bjas passed the necessary lrýws ,settfag the yearly salary for thse ,"lerk-Treasutrer, Mr. H. E. Mill- son at $6500.00 anti the Road Sap- triatendent, Mnt. M. L. Ross t $7000.00. At the Council iieetîng on Monday evening last week the Township Counil received six hids for a ½'-ton truck. Thomas Motor Sales of Cobourg was the successftil bidder. Fred Nelson & Son Ltd. wvere awarded the Township contràct for hauflin g and Ioading- gravel and also crushýing. The necessary by-law ln con- nection with a franchise for Con- sumners Gas Company wýas given tWo readings. CLARKE A WEEK LATE? lime Chanlge-- It is again that time of year when clocks are mnoved ahead One hour with the comning of Daylight Saving Time. Munici- paitiýes wthin this district will (Contnuedpage 6) The sgasof spring i-nclude the annual delugýe of gIrass fires anýd this yoar is no exception. Since latFliday the local fire dopart- menPt has had a total of six cails, ail (osling fromi grass fires.. Thecse fires have been widely spread houhu the township. The first cali was to Newton- ville, on the soth sido of High- way 2, lasfl Fridlay This minor' fire was a p)relude to the Satur- day'ýs agenda. Three calîs were regýistered1 on Saturdlay starting- at 10:00 a.m. The call was to the Vanderloop property noar the Shilohi Church. At about one o'clock the second eaul summionecl the firefighters to the north bounadar$y of the Town- shiip. The Ofir, taring èast of Timi's Inn, spread over some four~ hunidred acres south of the' bound- ary road to the next concession road south. Many Christmas trees, some owned by Mr. Wmi. Arm- strong of Orono, werc host in this fire, At 4:00 p.m. the Department was again callcd to the wcst end of Newtonville to extinguish a grass tire. On Monday the local firefight- ors fought a grass fire north of the Coach & Four which at one limec threatoned to enter the bush. The firemen foughit the fire for twvo hours. The cause of the fire baffled the local firomen as it started ini the middle of a field. On Tuef-sday the alarm. was souinded by persons belicvîng a grass fîre was out of coatrol on the property of G. Rekker on M1ilison Hill Drive. The local fire- men gave assistance in keeping the blaze under control. wilI amount to $41-96. With tho cost of water on a 60 -foot lot 'the total increase in 1966; wilh amount to $74.16. Like the propories ini the Town- ship the largost increase is with the High School rate. Those in the Village, however, have an ad- ditional increase in the Township rate of 1.4298 milis along with a slight Police Trusteerate incroase of .24 milis. Included in the Town- Ship rate as applied to the Police Village is an amnount to cover tho road exponditures within the Vil- lage for 1966. The total residential rate in Orono amounts to 98.01625 niills lu 1966 as comparod to 81.2778 iin 1965. The commercial and indust- rial rate lu 1966 amounits to 107 - 8711 milis as compared with 90.- 3571 milîs in 1965. This is one of thie mo!n ubsan tiai rate increases ever to) exist lu thîis nicîtpality other than thoseý which occurredl in 19635 through the amalgamation of individual school sections 111t a sngeunit. Bond Expenditures Total Over $1000 At a meeting on Monday evetý ingc of the Senior Orono Býand, it wa,ý decided tliat the Senior Band hold a weekly half-hour practice fromi 8:30 to 9:00 p.m.Il 9r. A. Darch is. to conduet the Senior Band in tilese practice ss ,in- which will commence this comning Monday. IDuring the meeting Mr. C. Co- nish, treasurer of the Band, prc- sented a fînancial report for te past five mnonths. Prior to starting the Junior Pand thle bank balance amounted-i to over $1400.00, Expenses resit- ing fromi repairs to instrumen.ts, purchase of six clarinets, Junior and musîc and instructions, heas amutdto $1,046.96., Recelita -rmJunior Band members have arnounted to $319.00. Itwa pointed out that the charges for lessons was,, more than' meeting thie cost of instructions. Two-day Trip To' Ottawa Curtain soon to rise As durtain timne d raws n e -ir with ail its hectic lasI,--ihute ex- citement, a few brief remnarks a- bout Bowmaniville Dranin Work- sýhor's production 'Separate Tab- les' seeins in order. .Firsat of a] bsnta. op- edy, tlWugh i, does 1bave its light- er 'momens. There ar#e twio) ada whidh appear on the surface like unrelated stories. But the setting is the sanie, an English seaside hotel, and most of, the cbhartders are the same, with a few interest- inge changes. In bis ehoice of characters Terence Rattigon, the author, has selected a cross-sec- lion of humanity with the strengths and weaknesses com- mon to us ail. The play takes us fromn comedy to pathos, and from tenderness to violence, yet there are no villians and no angeis; they are al real people just like you and 1, and every role, even the smallest, calîs for sincerety and sensitivity. Underlying the whole play, barely senîsed at tîimes, runs the theme of loneliness, which strang- ely binds all in a commion need, and there is a serlous plea for understanding of and compassion for our fellow mien. Thoe11-C members met oin Sunday April 10 at 8:30 at tIhe homoe of Mr. anti Mrs. Broo.ks in order 10 have a shor t disecuss,-,io. about our trip t Ottawa.Ale the mieeting Mrs. Brooks serve&( uis tea. Vie lbt Orono at 7:00O Monda,ý mnorniag (April 11') and proýeo-d- edti Newcastle to pick up our invited guosts fromn there. W.i then began our long jouraey tu Ottawa. Wheu ve reached Ottawa we ceeked in 'to the Lord Elgin Mot- el an~d fre shene4 up~. Al ter w had dur lunch we went on câr first tour of the National Gallery of Canada. Alter thîs we wero scheiuled b go on a tour of out lovcly Capital City. Thse rest of the day was ours for shoppng, miovies etc. We were aIl up bright andi early on Tuesday mnorning (8:00 to be exact- and aller our break- fast went to the bus reacly for thse tours planned tisat day whih were the Mint, the Parlimoat Buildings, the Mutseumn and caine back tb the hiotel for our supper. We thon hadi more time for shop- ping until 7:00 whon wo were te leave Ottawa to return teO )rono. Tise trip proved to be very i4- teresting and educational as wel as f n for everyone. Don't forget about our next Hi-C meeting of Aprîl 24, andi feel free bo attend. Pine Ridge Tourist Council Progress Outlined Last Tisunsday morning, April -4, an exciteti cnowd of Orono boys anti girls aloag vwith a group of adulîs boarded a bus aI Onono fChuncis, headed for Toronto. The dlay was boatiful anti ad- ded to the exciteti spirils of the chiltirea, it prom-ised tobc 9 aveny rewardiag day. Our fil st sop la tisebg city w;as at tise A-lel Gardons, anti ,iore the crowd couflt witness al e bau-ty and randeur of flow- ors at tiseir veny colourful best. Next stop, tise now City Hall, with its towering walls, anti mod- erna architecture. Tise boys and grspariticularly thinlledti 1the elevat(ors tisat travel -up or dowa ait 800 fot per minute.i Here the cafeteria pnoved tobeb a popular place for tise huagry travehbers- The view fromn atop the City Hall is breatis-taki-ng and gives some idea of the size of Ontanio's capital city. Aller lunch, On le tise Parhia- montBuligwhr we enjoyeti a conducteti tour (courteSy of Our Member nI Parliamnt I Mr. Car- nuIsons). About 1 hour was speat la tise goverament ciambers dis- cussîng ,haw our great province is manageti. ith stili lots of exct+emaent and onorgy lefI b buira, our last stop was at tise ever popular Riverdale Zoo. This, of course, proved b o the climax of a very ec-Ciling anipoitbeda'y for both olt iiandyoung., Ail Junior Club Membens aire urged to remember nexr Thurs- day, April '28, 6:30 p.m. is meet- ing and ahl club members wvill receivo their frc sceets anti litenatunie. New members are always el- come, McUmbcersbip foc 50c a ycar. 1u all 53 people enjoyed our trip and loo)k fonward te it next yoar. Tho progness of the Great Pino Ritclge1 Tourist Council was out- linet]Io10a.)ppnoximately ,20 of ils mmesrecontly at the Cobourg Golf anti Cu-Lrling Club. E. R. Haynes, retiring presi- dent, bold the gathening at the an- nal meingiiý and dinner tisattise organîizaliotn has madie great pro- gress lise iý past four ycars. Ho said Ihat only four years ago the membenship la tile association was less than 35 and now vtise numben exceetis 325. Mn. llaynes bas been presitient of the tourist council since its beginning four yoans ago. Wil- liam -Woods has been f inst vice- president during this penioti. Mn. Haynes outlinedth ie a- chievements of the past four years anti ho bld thse gronp that theyv coulti feel prouid that they belongei b osncb a progressive Mn. }aynes, said there was na doubt that the number one La- chlievemient ovor the Past year was recc-ipt of the -major awiaýd. (Cotinued on Page -, ) Juni ,rband topl3ay it was decideti on Monclay ev- ening that a baud concert will be iselt ilatise Onono Town H-all on, Friday, June lOtis. The con- cert wilh feature the Onono JTun- ior Baud whicb by concert lime wilhave been in operation for a perioti of six moaths. Tise Junior Bandi memrbers, numberiug ovon tbirty, have been practiciugl weekly under the cap- able leadership of Mr. A. Darch, and it is expecleti that tise baud will be able 10 providoe at least a o ne-houn pnogram. Presently tise memibers are bc- ing coaductoti througb marches, bace numbers, waltz anti popuhar selec.tions sncb as "Somewbere Over the Rainbow" anti "Lygia.? t isý understocti that Iurtber aum- bers suitablo for the June ltit concert will bc preparoti. The Junior Bandi has ropreson- talion in maost of thse brass i- ýtrjnmenjts including corneû, trum- pet, trombiones, alto honus, basa and baritone. A new, addition as f as Orono is concerued is a reed section of oven ton chainiets. Augmenting bbce prograni or Jume 101h wi1l be the Junior choir of the Onono United Churcis. This choir is under tise headership of Mrs. . D. Morton anti Mns. E. Brown. Exciting Tnïp To Toronto.