TABLE-RITE CANADA'S FINEST RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF Sýhoejrt -Rib Roast lb 59C TABLE-RITE CANADA'S FINEST RED or' BLUE BRAND BEEF CRUJSS CUT RIB or' * BONELESS SHOULERlb 65c 2 dBIG WEEK IGA IGA FANCY 2 ounce tins IGACHOCE2 ounce tins IGA CHOICE, 2 ounce tins IGA DOG HOUS E 16 ounce tins DO' Food 12 for $ CAT ' TABLE-RITE SLICE'D 4 VARIETIES Cooked Meats SWIFT'S PREMIUM bausage Brown and Serve 2 Pl SWIFT'S PREMIUM acï.onet tes 6oz25c' 18 oz. pkgs kgs$1 2pkg9s$ Prices Effective March 9, 10, Il and 12 We reserve the riglit to limit quantities MORE IGA BARGAINS Liquid Wax 'GREEN GIANT FANCY FROZEN 2b. poly bag PE~orNIBLET 2for 99C Produce of U.s.A., Can. No. 1 Grade, ICEBURB LETTUCE, Size 24, each for -----------------25e Produce of U.S.A., Can. Fancy Grade IDANJOU PEARS------------------------------5 for 39c Produce of Mexico, Can. No. 1 Grade CHERRY TOMATOES, pint for -- -- ------------------ 25e FLO)RIDAWIEMRHEEDLESS IRASPBERtRYor STRAWBERRY IGA COLOURED IGA MIDCOLOURED 32ounce tins 24 oz. jar 49c 1 Pound pg. 2149C 12 ounce wedge n Bill 1 .. . .......... . .. . . . ...... . .. Kendal M'r. and Mrs. Allen Foster are travelling by motor to Virginia and Tennesee where his brother lJiv (ý Mrs. M. E. Foqter ard Mrs-. 1 Marlotte are ç±aving with their granddaughter Miss Jane Foster while.her narents are a,ý,av. On Sunday morning Miss Ann iFoster was at the n'-ar -11o, the choir saniz "God Will Take Care of You". 11ev. R. C. White spoke on Saul fthe Persecutor who bc- ceame Paul the Great Heart. iSeveral ladies from Kendal at- tended open house in the Orono Publie Sehool on Wednesday ev- ening. Miss C. W. Stewart spent the weekend with ber sister Mrs. George Lofthouse, in Oshawa. Mrs. A. Low received word that her mother had injured her ~- 1 - ~ a tfi ~ ~ , o ff a b u s . Things te think of when filing your income tax: We've neer had it so good nor taken away from us so fast., HOPE TOWNSHIP 'COMPLAINS ABOUT COST 0F EDUCATION Ho-A Townshiv council learn- ed Friday its share of secondary school cosis this year would be about 30,000, more- than it paid- in 1965. The Durham district bigli school board has' asked the eight municipalities for $1,227,937 * HoPe, is asked to provide. $109,- 888.08 as the townships share in the costs. Salaries Blamed .On the matter of the $33,922 1efici t of the board at the endr of 1965, a board spokesman saMd j that this could enly be reflected in the increased teachers' sal- aries. nie warned that 'the teachers would probably ask for another Increase this year. l'he hign schbol board spent $l,062,857.27 on teachers' salar- ies in 19b5. The accounted for more t-han haîf the expenditures of thie five high schools. jOne itemý in the 1966 budget wvhich ralsed the anger of the eýýouncillors was thie allotment of $33000 forthie operation of high school cafeterias. This was an in- icrease of $l11,000 from 1965. The board spokesman explalned that this was, necessary to pro- vide the students with a whole- somé meal for 50 cents. Mr. Bannister indicated that lie wasn't blaming the board for the budget. Hie laid the blame on the teachers and their salary de- mands, "They stili have the softest job there is,"' he said. "At the rate we're going," le said, "we're going to raise a na- tion of educated paupers. There are some students who can't ab- sorb book learning. The product of our schools is flot as good as it used to be." COBOURG BIDS FOR CLAY-TERRELL FIGHT The Cobourg Arena was offer- ed by Mayor J. A. Heenan for the Cassius Cay-Ernie Terreil fight Mardi 29. Followng_ the announcement last Friday that Verdun, Que., city counil had turned down the fight, the mayor and Jack Me- Curdy of the arena board made phone' cals to the Ontario Ath- letic Commission asking if the heavyweight bxing championship could be held in Cobourg. Cobourg Was about third in line to offer to host the figlit. Sorel, Que., and Edmonton, Alta., had extended invitations to the figlit promoters before Cobourg threw its at into the ing. The fight i5 110w to be held ini Toronto.