Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Feb 1966, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 1966 bred buils are being used in the Hoisteins And Gladioli herd, one of them, Gladibrae Leader Stardust, Very Good, hav- ing ten daughters in milk,, -60 G o logether For H. Jose 'Percent of whom are Good Plus and better with one Very Good, What do Hloîstein cows and to agriculture in Israel. At that ail attwo years and milking welI. Gladioli have ln common? Iu the time he had sired over 5,000 The other bull, Gladibrae Royal ýcase of llarry Jose, of Newcastle, daughters and his tested daugh- Prince, is closely related to Glad- they are a joint interest. The ters exceeded the production of ibrae Governor Elsie.. Hoistein -- Friesian Association of their dams by about 2,000 lbs. per To oualifv aq a Master Breed- ,,Caada wared hm aMastr lctaton.er J. H. Jose & Sons, in a herd av- -Canada awaed hi a steron aTatio. prd ba bej.tthe'pçss tian twelve regis- Boreeder shie Ad i eingt onf TeJs hr a ee ttetrations per vear, have bred six ouh, Asatio~ nonual Meeting of shows as well' as in the' prodtue- ~1erv Good ýbus. eleven Very the Aoction on Februal aarylth tion field, and has had a nurmberGood cows. forty-five Good Plus in Trono. arr is lsoa pst f AlI-Canadianý nominations as cows. and fbree Star Brood _ows, I president of the Canadian Gladi- well as honour list records forai th feas mein th olus Socie'y, and his lifelong bob- production. EAll rtequiemaetof11m e rcengt 'by has been growing and exbib- A te reen tmeeto om f r th mendofat. eren itin.c this flower. A h rsn ie w oefrbt nl -dft The Master Breeder Shield was presented on behalf of the Asso- ciation by A. J. Johnson, Elkader, Jowa, President of the Holstein- Friesian Association of America. Thý pr-entation was nmade ii the name of J. H. Jose & -Sons, since so--s Don and Doue1as have been a-sociat ýd with the herd over the years and at the present time iheir brothe r Fancis is actively in charge. Th'is herd was sta-ted in 19501 b-Harry Jose's father, Stephen, a,,d traces entirely back to three fonundation cows purchascd at that time, from S. J. Foster, Boomfield, W. A. Meadows, New- castle, and E. D. George Putnam, On-tario. Stephen Jose was the fjrst président of the Durham ccounty Hostein Club founded in 19ý17. Harry took over the man- aigement of the herd in 1926. To tie the Holstein herd ln with his- love of Gladioli, Harry Fse1ected 'as, a farm naine Gladi- 1f.,ac. Although this has been a relatively smaIl herd over the years, Gladibrae has hecomie well known and many famouïs individ- nais have been bredl there. For instance, this was the first herd in Canada to have three c ows, ea'-h with a prduton abv 200 000 Ibs. of mlkin theirlfe- time. The mnost fam-ous ofths was Mina FaneKo-rdyk, a two star Brood Cow who in fifteen lactations produced 211,323 lbs. of milk containin 'g 7,987 ls fat. She was the seconýd cow in, Can- ada to surpass the 200,000 lb. imark on twc P-a-day miikin Hler ~daughter. Gladihrae Governor Elsie, a three star Brood Cow, is another famous individual with a thirteen lactation total of 243 , - 625 lbs. milk containing 9,466 lbs,. fat. This latter was a Canadian Championship record for if e- lime fat production on twîce-a- day milking xhen completed ear- ly Iast year, but has since been surpassed-. As a thirteen-year-old, Elsie produced in 305 days 21,594 lbs. milk testing 375% fat, whichi was the highcst record in Can- ada by a cow over tweive years, of age when it was completed. As a combinationi dam and daugfh- ter group, Mina and Elsie have completed the hîghest total 1f e- time butterfat figure for ail Can- ada. StÛR another famous mem- ber of this herd was Olive Burke Fayne, the Excellent former Can- adian Champion for four consec- utive 305 day records, who be- came one of the foundation cows for the Browview herd of James T. Brown, Newcastle. Making bis mark in another country was Gladibrae Governor Dandy, a bull exported to Israel in 1947. In 1955 this bull was a- warded the Buff enstein Prize for his outstaniding contribution >REPAIRS AND REMODELLING -Free Estimateq - Cal:' F.« (Sain) B u Phone 1295 Orop.o 0- BEf BIJ I 1'l iups 5l.Bakg F' ES Flour 491 BES PUY! Save ýUc! - 200s or 30's E Tssues 31 49c 3;TBY!Sv 9e' WVhite or Coloured L L BU!Snlc Good Mi ng" 24,-z. Jar CHOICE ONTARIO MILK FED i FRFRL a ea - ays Tender Loin "Two Meals In One" - For Roasting -- For Frying ForShskaob- B SK T I,5c Fer Braising - Meat Pies - Stews - Lean jSTEWfING VEAL lb. 69Cjý Savi 7-REEN and Petatoe. Sauce - Wb3 8-oz. pkg. Sav and Pca 10 oz. likg. Ve 2e! Save 2c! I PEAS ORANGE JUICE s with Cream 6-oz. Tins 2 for 47c 7c Save 5c! PEASc ICE CREAM 1 PEASSunspun or Frontenac ýIl Onons Pint Bricks 2____ 49c BEST 1BU3Y! bave zsc! rarcflment or ni-gu1ar 1-1b. M'ONPARICH BRANDF EEST BU! 64-o. Size 10C OFF ACK -SAVE 20c! FLUCY Fa ric ftne LE 3cE:__ Bakery Features Reg. 29e 3 Varieties 'N Supreme flonlits 2 doz. 49e 4e Off Pack Weston - Sunbeam RAISIN LOAF 35e Supreme zi lot Cross Buns 77 lý 6 for 33e Reg. 49P Weston - Sinbeam Chocolate GUEST CAKE, igs his eek!45e 49c FEATURES! Save 10e! 12-oz. Size Tin Save 10e! Wagstaffe or Z4-oz. Jars Strawberry or Raspberry- With Pectin Save 13e! Dessert Topping 2-0z. Pkgs;. Spea3undled Pack! Straw., as, Orane EenomySize Lus USJeIIy Desserts- .c Save1e K.V.P. Wax Paper 10-tIos Save ie! Evaporatd Tli Tns FRESH PROU D'CE!-ý Flaveurful -Vine-Riponed -No. 1 T' SFlorida CELERY Ontario - No. 1 Yellow ONIONS Jumnbo Size 3lbBag Rreshing - California - "Refreshing" ILEMONS 6, c ýSave 17e! Clear Vitammîzea 48-oz. LU 'S PPLE J CE fo $ Save 11eC.,3/-oz. Jars Heinz Strained Foodls 8Stor 89c Save 6ü! Stuffed Mauzýanilla L.P. 8-oz. Jar CLUHOUSE OLIVES 39c Save Ce ci C Creami St.yle 20-oz. Tins Cu~vïno~seCorn 2for39c NE, W!! 4 to 5 servings in each pkg Jel0o Whip R& Chil 29c SOLD only at Cornishs' e Why Pay More....,.. U UJý - ON PREMIUMi WàQUALITY 1 FUEL OIL gai PIIONE NEWCASTLE 987-421â DX UEL OIL Serving Orono, Newcastle and District

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