Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Feb 1966, p. 1

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Millbrooksudn speaking wnne A grade sevenMibro Pub- cScboolstdnt onna Thex- Io,Lbas been chose:n the best of ten finalists in the public speak- Irng contest in Durbham County. Miss Thexton, gaincd this honour o&n Tuesday, evening, wheýn the fin- .l> contest fer Durhami was bcld im the Orono United Church with a good attendance present. The winner, speaking on AI- bert Switzer, was presented with -'lie coveted Dur-ham County Club ~fToronto Sbieid. Second place wvent te Kathy oliGic fMai Grove school. Miss McGirckel spolke on 'Stars Ilnaimted' ad waspresented wit th BwrnnvilcLions Club Miss Caroline Jbn o <I te Oronro Public School, sp)eak;ingý on ~faaeCurie won tird place Y the final cnet AIl11ten contestantrs reeiedl- uhiMes wcre pcscntcdï by the Porýt Hp ndv a nvi lLons Clubs. Other contestantIs werc: Ellen Truc, ],lizachil;Don- ald McCamuLs, Cavan'lý; susan Wai- ton, Newcastle-, Doreon Gcswcll, tJoepb's Schooi,Bomnil C-indy,, Sibiocf, Courtice; Helenl .Avery and Marlene Gibson both oif Bowxnanville. The judges in subitting, their 'e-pert statcd they wcre im~pres- edwitb the dclivery of aIl the speeches . and the research that -a one intoecach subject. Im- prevement, they felt, could bave bî-een made in enunciatien, slur- -ingj of werds and ini emphasis. The Orono Public Scbool Gie -lub provided a numnber ef sel- ctnsduring the evening. VOUE28, NUMB ER 5 Nihtsiin atKirby LaIst ededa uvening a first for- thie OsAwa Ski Club at Kirby took place. It was the op- ening of night skiing at the club. Nigbt skiing bas been made possible due te the installation of lights on the cast property. It is on this propcrty that the snew- mak-ing cquipmcnt is installcd a- long witb the T-Bar and one rope tow. Although deision te h old night skiing was net made until late Wedniesday afternoon, 'a good numbýer were eut te, test the bill after sundown. Conditions were idleal and fast. Th:e fil value of nigbt skiing is expected toý corne this spring amd cxtend the skiing period by a number of wccks. Night skiing will be, earried on, it is hoped, nVen daytimc weathel- conditions wiil net permit day skiing, There is aise skiing Wedneiday and. Fridav afternoons commenc- ing at 11:00 a.m. Skiing carnies on as ual both Saturdays and Sundays. TIIOUGI*T FOR THE WEEK! Parents-Your child is a mirrer reflccting a picture of yeu. Is it as ,obd as yot.iwo;uld like it te be? Boy injored on way f0 school Danny Aildread, 8, son of Mr, andv Mrs. Charles Aldread R.R. 1, Nwcatieis a patient inthieý Sick hildrn's ospital, Toronto suit of n accident on Hig-hway with a fractured skuil as the re- 2eatof Nwate last Thurs- D)anny was treated at the Bow- nnvlleneorial Hospital, fol- iewlvng the accident, by Dr. L. S. Miklons of Newcastie and was later transferred to Toronto by amnbulance. The Oronio Police Trustees at a- special meeting Monday eveni- Ing voiced ceneerni over the re- port that eonly $3500.00 is being .alowed for village roads under the Township Road Budget. This compares with a sum of $7,000.00 i.n the regular Road Budget for 19P65. Chairman E. R. Woodyard re- ~otdthat Mlr. M. Ross, Towni- sbhip Road Superintendfent, had iiformied him that $3500.00 is al the, money which is aiiowable under thie Towniship Ro)ad Budget. Further amouints, stated Mr. Woodyard, must be raised by a suplcentrybvl-!a,,ý and there was no gaatefPswudbc 'Passed. Tt wssae htte$3500-00 would cjcover oniaintenance 2osts in theVae during the As a resuIt of the report a res- olution wvas passed by thec Truis- tLees asig Council of the Towný-ship of Clarlke for an ex- planation of this matter. A umbe)fr of other resolutions weepaseed I t 11w .sppcip a ýct- -1ng seecki'g pntidt by the Clarke Township Counicil and aise in- formning Council of ceýrtain actionis oein- taken b, the Truistees3. An officiai of the Bowmanville detachment of the OPP' said Danny anid his couisin, Michael Aýlidread, 11, son of MVr. and Mrs. William Alldread, Newcastle, were riding a bicycle on their way to Brown's scbool in Carke Township when they were struck by an auto driven by Robert Vannespe, RR, Port Hope. Mi'chael was treated at the Bowmanviile Hospital for lacer- ations of the lower lip and was discharged. KLY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUlAR'Y >. 1966 M ORONO WEER Dance tlests for local figure skaters New Officer1 For Yèar M196 Skating tests are periodically ,being held for members of the Orono Figure Skating Club this year. On successfuliy passing the tests badges are being presente.d to the skaters whose total enrol- ment in the club numbers one hundred and eighteen., The tests are, a new feature for the Orono SaigClub,, and are ra'rIed eutioceeverýy tvweeks. 'Ibis, coming Tuesdav evering, ý'Ta-ch J it a groun of fouirteen girls who' hie bee takingin i- structior~s in the dance st p \sill be tested. Tests for this g':-oup -ill be held in the Dutch Waltz, Swing Dance, Canasta Daý, cead Fiesta Dance,Tl'ose svi' - to observe the tes,,ts and C-, ability of the skatcrs aýre weIcomye to do so. Planning Carnival The annual Orono Figure Skat- ing Club Carnîval will be held at the Orono Arena on Friday antd Saturday, March 25 and 26. One dead four overcoe An autopsy was performed to determine the cause of death of an 18-year-oid Pentypool youth. Edward Strengand four other teenagers were found in a car early Saturday morning, on a Ma-ivers Towniship sidteroad, a- bout one quarter mile south of Highway 115. Ontarîo Provincial. Police be- lieve the yoiith died of' carbon mooiepoisning l-while- parkeýd in the car with is cq ompanions. Thieicdetwas reported to police at 41:10ar. but there was no indication hIow long the teen- agers had been in the car. Taken to Civic Hospital, Peter- boro by Central Ambulance were Laura Brown, 17, of Millbrook, ber 16-year-old sister Margaret, Charles Colvin and Richard. Strong both 17, and both from Pontypool., Ail were reported in fair condition. Richard Strong is a cousin of the dead youth. r F r B d etCut 1The Trustees deeming it neces- sary te have a paid secretary and as the Municipal Act dees not previde for such an appoinitment, the Truistees passed a resolutien informing Ceunicil that they in- tended to hire a secretary on a temperary basis until a ruling, couid be obtalned. In this cennection Mrs. Merle Gilbart w,,as ap)pointed secretary Othier applications were received from M\,r. R. Miller and Mrs. Wiersma. Agree To Supply Water The Truýstees by reselutien, are te notify theiý Couincil of the Town- ship of Clarke that the Police Village is agrecabie te supply water for a proposed sub-division by'Mr. Jan Ocbanski on bis prop- erty w'st of Orono. A properiy approve\ apictin must first howeve, be received from Mr. Ocbanski. T'he Trustees state that if the Twn hbas no objection thaipt negotiationis be commcnced for the establishing ef an agree- ment for suippiing such water service. Seek Plaic tiW Thie 7Tru.stees also by resolutien are asingthe Council of the TownbipFIi of Clarke te pass the ne cessary by-law or appç such speciai act te estat Public Utilities Commissi( administr«4ion and manaý of hydre, garbage and we the Police Village of Orei Trus tees are aise asking Ceuncil pass a reselutien the Trustees autberity to eut administration and n ment ef watcr service uni time as a proper Commisý f ormed. Use 0f Municipal Building A resolution was passed by the T'-ustces stating that ne unsuper- vised persons under the age of 21 years shail be allowed te use the Orono Municipal Building.. Ask Report On Sewage Due to requests frorn the bus- mness area for a sewage disposai scbeme the Trustees are te re- quest the Medical Offîcer of Healtb te have proper persennetl of the De-partmcnt make survey in this connectien. The Trusteýes have also asked for a written re- port of ftheir findings. The Trustee Board is te meet again, this com-ing MTonday ev7en- inig atIl7 o'cieck. Officers for 1966-67 Past President, Mrs. Wm. Irwin Pre-sident, Mrs. 0. Chatterton, Vice President, Mrs. O. Chal- lice Recording Sec., Mrs. E. Couvier Press and Publicity, Mrs. E. Couvier Co)rr. Sec., Mrs. G. Carson T-,purer, Mrs. A McGili Chi)-isýtianj Citizenship and Social A iMrs. 'R. Poy 1er Cfrn-vu-it' Fvendsbip and vis- ('oonea~i-'in Chrisfîan and i-,oayEducation, Mrs. C. Finan)ce. Mr-. C. McLaren Flwr.Mrs, E. Tyrreil MemersipM'-s. F. Lycett ,iteraqture a1-1 Communica- tions, M-rs. C. Billings Nominations. Mrs. E. Rainey Program, Mrs. A.. Drummond Social E--unctions, Mr&. O. Chbai- lire Stewardship and Recruitîng, Mrs. A. Drummon d Supply and Social Assistance, Mrs. A. Mitchell M. & M Representatives, Mrs. M. Staples, Mrs. O. Chatierton. '"ne first meeting was held on Februiary l7th in the main audi- toriuim with 32 members and 3 guests present. We were pleased to hv Mr. Gray brini, bis mnother and son along with bis wife. Ris son later entertained us at the piano. Our new preffident, Mvrs. O. Chatterton welcomed everyone and opened hier meeting by read- ing a p)assag-e for Lent, "I Gave iUp" fiowdbyskn us to join in sinrgingc a hyvimn. Mrs. Sherwin of Unit 3 conducted the devotion,, al period for the evening. Mrs. Sherwýýin introduced Mrs. Dup mfond who expiained the functîitn .ôf thie progaram committee which she heýadis. She explained f-tatit washoe that ail secretaries of thie various groups be given Éime in which to e.xpiain their separate departmnents -and func- tion. 'Where My Master Needs Me' wasý beautifullyrendered by MNrs. Logan. Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Quinton and Mrs. R. Chapman. At this point Mrs. Drummond expiained Christian Stewardship and had her points brought out bv ýreadings from the' Bible - airs. Logan reau 110111 saim Z4, 1 and 2; Mrs. White from Psaim 50, 10 te 12 and Mrs. V. Robinson from Deuterenemy 8, verse 11. Mrs. Drummond rcmindcd us that ail we are and ail we have are gifts from- God - are in rcality His. Our time, our ability, 'char- acter and persenality are ours te' ii1y for use but neyer the less they are Lblish- a reaily God's. To compliment this on for point Mrs. Sherwin read "I met gement God in the Morning", saying we 7ater in shouid ail begin our day with a no. The littt1e tirne for medItaeion and tg that prayer. igiving "You must seek Him in the carry morning manage- tii sucb If you want Him through the ssion is day." Mrs. Drummond aise led us te understandi that it is quite pos- sible to giv- without Ioving but impo~ib'~Io love without giv- ir g. She said1 we must have love f-i- (G'o' first and then our fellow men becauise love covers ail. Mrs, Gray and her son David n7avedtwo carrming piano duets. Mr.Sherw.in thanked them M.- D'u~rondled the choir <~ç ~a~es ii,7sing the very 'ra~tfu 'onesomne Valley', e' ï~ hewho!e world in Ris hands' and 'S ýing your way home.' The filmn ri 'Carpet of God' wasi sho n by Mlrs. Drummond an(" Mr.Tvrrell and portrayed the eed f aMîssionary and Maitennce(M.M.)committeç inevr ch-urch. Mrs. M. Staples .1wd Mrs. O. hatterton will rep- reýetth .CW in this man- nroouM&. group along MTrs. Chl-atterton held a brief mniorium and prayer for' Mrs. Tennnt, rs.Porter, Mrs. Mal- leyr and Mrý-cs. Cantreil. We wil long rememtiber them and their Duigthe reading of minutes and reports a dîiscusion of busý- in.ess ,vas dulv recorded and we wer rmined of the Hydro, Show timne cooking school to be heldi in the church auditoriumi on March 1 and the next GeTneral Mýeeting to be held April 21. Your recordingl secretary gaveý a report fromi the Oshawa Pres.ý- byteria1 1held on Fehruary 15 îq St. Adeschurch. Mms. B. Lon9Ms.C. B3illings, AMrs. O. Chatterton and Mrs. A. MitchelL alsoatedd .Mrs. Chatterton thanked ail lhose wý,ho attendled and those w13o helped with the program and theni brought the mieeting- to a close with the repeating- of, the Mizpah Bndcto;after which a dielightful Valentinie lunch was served amiidst heart and cupid decorations kindly left for us by the C.G.I.T. To maike Reeve Stone of 'the Township of Clarke. is reported in the Pe- terborough Examiner as saying that a statement wîll be imade in connection. with caling for ap-. plications for clerk-treasurer for Clarke Township at the regular Council meeting on 'March lst. He also confirmied that Clerk H. E, M4ilîson had only been verbally told that his position as clerk- tre-,asurer was being advertised. At a rýe-enit meeting of coundil counîlr'lors declined to'pass a by- law to rene'w Mr. Millson's con- tract. Applications close February 28th, 1966. Community college suport ierii With a recent resolution pass- ed by the Durham County Dist- rict Higb School Board the coun- ty tbrough its representatives in variousq fields becomes a bouse divided in siupport for a Com- mnunity College. The I-igb Schoi Board by a vote of 8-3 with a number of ab- sýtentionsý-, is te support the re- qucst for a Comminunity ,Coliecge in or near the city of Oshawa. A gupfromr Oshawa hiave madle a subm--ission for. a college in thiis ariea vichl is now being support- cd by the localHghS chbooi1 Representatlives fromi Durham County a CountyCouincil have previously given their sutpport for a Cnmnt College in, the TretonBelevilearea. Fur-ther te tis Mr. A. Carruthers in a îttert ti paper, last week, notýes that he bas gvehis sup- port for a Cemmun-iiity ,CoIllage ini tlle Port HlopeDitc. Anyone wisinig te give their suipport fteDanothier Comnit Ceilege may (!d o se asPeterbore, is making a blýd for such aninrt Orono U.C.W. Elect

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