Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jan 1966, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27th,, 1966 Letter To Editor "Rbyllon" Brunswick St.,I Hamilton, Bermuda, Jan. 17, 1966éte pirit of His Kingdom. Jesus Doar Roy:- made it very clear. If you love in sucb a day that you are a servant I just thought that you and your tb others, if the purpose of your readors ight like to hoar a littie lifo is to serve, tben you will be- about Bermuda, since I'm down corne great. The test is, bow mucb bore niow and will be for six bave you belped? How rnany peop- mionthis. le bave you belped? Bermiuda - if ever a spot on earth deserved bo be called Utopia, Can we drink lIis cup? Are we tbis1 is it.TImaginle, if you will, a ready to drink Ils cup today? place whiere the temperature nev- Communion can be an insensitive er faîlsbeo 50' and seldorn eating of a piece of bread and rises above 9()', where there are drinklng of a littie grape juico. no taxes, where flowers bloom the year 'round and where deep sea fisbing, swirnming, golf or just resting are ail sports withini equal reacb. Desýpite some common mniscon- ceptinsý, Bermuda is not in the abbais not in the West In- dies atnd is net synonymous witb the, Bahamas. Iu fact Bermuda con!sits of some 365 coral based isad.The main colony is on the ninelage islands arc] has an area of so? 1 square miles. It is situated in the Atlantic Ocean anpoxmatlyhaîf way between Hlalifax and Puerto Rico on the samle latitude as Savannah, Geor- Since 1687, Bermudica bas bad a governor appointed b-7 the Crovih. Uowever, it is not actually a Crown, colony, but a self -ý,,vern- ing part of the Britisb Empire. Next to the British flouse of Commons, Mhe Assembly of Ber- muda is tbe, old est iaw-makng body in the world except for Ice- lard. Bruaor the Somers islands, is di1vided int nine Parishes or Trîbes, which are somewhat com- parable bo the systomn of counties in Great Brîtain and the Assem- bly. bas four elected roprosenta- tives from each Parish. Colours are predominant ever- wbere you -o in Bermuda. Every- where are tho, greens of vegeta- tjon, the bright reds and pinks of Poinsettias" and Hibiscus. flouses are painted fi brigbt pastelsz and aIl have white roofs. The greeniisb c,ýo-ou f the ocean is neyer far away. This 15i truly a perfect place to spendýi a vacation. How fortunate thn oul'd be a person who was askd(o sponld sixnonths in Ber- mud(a. Thlis was myý, ý position when the OnaloDpartment of Edu- c-atioin was askIed 10 blan a teach- er of the deaf to the Government of Beý.rmudaý 1 have been bore now for jnst over a woek and, bosides putting in a full week of teaching, 1 have been ableo b do some sigbt-seeing. Last Saturday was a fine sunny day with a tomperature of a little over 70'. I rontod a motor bike, the transportation used by the i-najority of the population bore, and drove frorn one end of the îslands to the other. 1 hiope -thiat as the next six nonthls pass, l'Il be able '10 e the entire isiand and take plenty of sldes even tbougb tbey will nieyer do Bermuda justice. AU my best wisbes to everyone "1back borne". Yours sincerely, Norman Rickaby. The Cup) 0f J< Continued lfromn page 4 disciples irr itated because the two asked for favoured positions. Jesus explainod that thoy were miaking a mistake and rissing the pjofintof value. In His Kingdom it is not the same as what men seek in the world. The world may as- sess a man's greatness by the num- bier of people whorn he controls or because he bas great intellect, or a great deal of money. The world admires pornp, power and prestige. Jesus said in lis King- dom things were revorsed. "If you want to be great you must bocorne a servant; If you want to be first you must be ready 10 be slave to ail." It is quite easy to be pious and go through any number of religious acts and still fail to ho ex--pressing the Spirit of Jesus or Clarke News F. J. McM;IIan, Wre by JaneF. J. (Flex) McMillan was el- more difficuit and tirne consim- Action has been the spice of e Qcted( Warden of the United ing each year. life at Clarke Tigh. During the Couinties at the inaugural meeting The warden reviewed somne of past week the actionl bas run the! of Countties Council recently. Mr. the problems that the county coun gambit frorn sports to the lasser MeMillan defeated A. U. Wartman cil will have to face in the fut',, e beam. of Percy Townsbip by a vote of as well as some of the proble.nls At'ourschool intermural hock- 30-25. the council bas already had he- ey game last Wednesday the bluies "I believe tbis to be an achieve- fore them in the past year. Hie beat the greens il to 8. The scor- ment for a smnall township sucb as cited the new area jail as a pro- crs for the blues were Jack Chard Alnwick to have the warden in ject that wvill pffect the courity (4), Terry McGll (2), Arnold their commuinity," Mr. McMiilan and help in its growth. Wallace (2),. Domînic Gallello (1) told the council. H1e stated he con- Mr.M. iln aEeogrs- Brian Collins (1), and Gary 1iv- sidered this the true form of Meto eila. andifelnrck ers 1). The scorers for the greens democracy. Townshp tedhateton were Pete Mcdullough (5), Pete Mr. MeMillan praised the work sPhip, t ad oneofatse tow Henderson (2) and Frank Hiendry of last year's warden, Arthur 1bIlla' o hdoeofism Bly hr.1etodcuclta bers on county council elected as (1)lachj arH e f ld con hat warden in over 60 years. 1He stated Or it can be an act of worship in The game on Monday, blue. vs. ~ that the people in the township Lwhicb we feel and know the pres- the grays was won by the grays wudb xrml ap t h ence of Jesu s Christ and feel our- 7-4. The scorers for the grays Thursday, but our Jr. boys lost. outcome of the voting. sevsdeeply committed to the were Terry Walton (3), Ron Good1 Aiso last Thursday evening Miss Mr.M ilawfo ten' Christian life and to the service (2), Glen Farrow (1), John Cun- 1 McCaig took, a bus load of students warden, stated that she was ver- of Hlm who gave His life that we ningham (1). The scorers for the to see several srnalî French skits happy for ber husband as wel] a' migt lve.blus wre ria Colin (2, Dm- y the Jeune Canadiens C'est tres for tbe township of Alnwick. "t ' inic Gallello (1), Gary Rivers (1). interessant, a wonderful feeling for a tov Do not corne to Communion be- When we played Bowrnanville The B ell Telephone Co. sent! ship as smiall as ours to bave o y cas o elyuaego n ihlast Friday at Bowmanville Mrmilemnn1 representative elected as warder- caseyo ee yuar1gode-rlibdown M. SileMonday moringshe stated. ough,.corne because you feel you Arena, we lost 6-4. The scorers for who gave us ail an informative our team were Pete McCullough talk on the lasser beam. H1e told Mr. Wartman, the defeated ca, Lwant bc be btter. Corne belioving (2) and Terry Cox (2). The cheer- us of the many different uses of1 didate, statod that be would sup- that Jesus is alive and that H1e will leaders would like to thank the it, and how they are stili finding pr r cilnadhl Lfi the 1f e and the beart of any studonts who came down to cheer more. any way ho could. H1e said that a0- who ome o Hm inlov andhu- or ur tam.thougb he tried bis best lu be- wbo orn toHlmin oveand u- or ur ear. ITbat's ail for now, but don't corne warden he was dofeated and mility seeking to ho fils servant. Our' senior boys basketbali team f orget our Vaientine's Dance on1 would now support the choice of beat the Whitby Senior boys last I February 111h.i the council. pric buys a spaclous 211 cubic feet of cargo space and big wide doors for easy loadiig PC and a reinforced ail welded body with a flat floor and the dollar-saving )ower of a famous Chevy 6! and special Protection against corrosion, What more could at &ny pricel? A GENERAL MVOTORS VALUE Phtone vour Chevrolet dealer about any kind of truck you wvant AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET TRUCK DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE RIOY NICHOLS BE SURE TO SEE BONANZA OVER CHiANNEL ô AT 9 O'CLOCK SUNDAY NIGHT wý-, w mwý cll

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