Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jan 1966, p. 9

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 27th, 1966 HALL, PERKiN, MacMILLAN & CO. CharteredAcotas 36!ý, Kinig St. E., Oshawa 725-6539 King Si., Box 245, Newcastle 987-4240 WTilliam,ý C. Hall, B. Commn., CA David G. Perkin, C.A.. J. Graham MaeMililan, C.A. in the Offices of G R. R. WaddelI Q.C., IMAIN ST., ORONO Telephione 13fi OroIo f PROFESTiSIONALENJNER c (civil) Ontlo jLand Surïveyor S11Queen st. Box i659fI Bowmian ville, Ontario Chartered Accocntant 375 Water St9ree PETERBOROUGH phone 7425482 General INSURANCE SFEE FRED LYCETT OFFiICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 le";. 20616] j ACK IREID Orono's licensed Aj',tcionet;r adVla Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Con-suit me for terms and dates phone 5 r 18 Oo TEl) J ACKS-5oNî Auctioneer andVauto Conduets Auction Sales of a,, îies amd at reasonable rates Commnunicate, with hlm at - otFry, Ontario PUMPING OUT W. FRANK REAL ESTATEg g LIMITEDg 21 KING ST. WEl,,ST g g Bomanvlie623-3393 Orvilte Chtterton -Electrical Contracting I c Elrie 1leating and Serie jPRONE 245 OR 10412 Orono, Ontario Oron Elctric PH'ONE 129 CONTRACVTORS F OR FARM1 and HOUSE WIRIN G Free Estimlates APPLIANCE SALES Promkpt and Giiaranteed Repairs to ail kinds of Electrical Equtipmient and Appliances Such at Metors Water Heaters T.V, - PRadi-os Stoves - Irons mammIons g o Insurance j Service Fire Package Policies Fidelity Bond, lality if e First bMovtgage Loana Sadie Hamiltonl Phono 1R-16 Orono Box 133 MO. 835 Stafford Brothers 318 'Dundas st- E. Wbiltby, Ont. Manufaturers of Ce ee .eoin l Donestiic & Foreign Granites and Marbies - InFcriptions Cnit and Cemetery PRepair Work Our quality and service leaves nothlng to ko desired Akthe personwh bouvght from lis, aà nAgeigbur, friend or relaive 73 (On.tavïo Street PORT HOPE iLarge,,t41 -nz'-, i Sotheru JACK A. î L' E REN ORONO 3OOKKEEPING SERVICE Incoïne Tay Returns Prepared Orono, Bowmianville, Oshawa Telephone Orono 3R LYCETT P-lumbing & Heatingg Phono 33RII Orono, Ontario F DUG IN ISON rg P) -taIïIO-IT'PU PLMIGandR H'EAGING F2 1URITURE REVICE -- ' N NIII Baones adBa Hampto~G nd HEATI2288 Saloe CO. Servic WATSON'S Marine and cycle Orono Phone 146 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs te) all maires of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACINERY BUYING oR SELLING REAL ESTATE' tA.J. McGILL REAL ESTATE BROKER Phones: Orono 1,407 1 Oshawa 728-4285 Bilding a H!Ouse? or re-modelling your' present one, thon cortaet Floyd NichoIhoo PHONF 2191 oRONO IN 31EMORIAIM Par'ker, G. E. who dlied Vebru- ar1y 2nd, 1910. Out of this world of sorrow And into a haven of rest; Into God's beautiful garden Because he was one of the best. Sadly remnembered by sons Stanley, Charlie; daughters H1attie, Pearl, Elma and Violet, a-c IN MEMORIAM COX-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Evelyn, Who passed away Januiary 26th, 1965. Sadly missed by huýsband Fred, dauighter Auclrey and son-in-law Laurie. a-p DIED MEPiCER-At Memnorial Hospital, l3owmanvjlle on Tuesday, January 25th, 1966 Helen Christine Mercer of R.R. 1, Kendal, Ontario. Belov- edi wife of Herbert Mercer. Rest- ing at the Barlow Funeral Homie, Park Street, Oronio, Ontarjo for' service on Thuirsdlay, Janutary 27th at 2 p.m. Temnporary entomibment Lang Memorjal Chapel, Oronio. ANNOUNCEMENT KEA'ST-Janec and Marshall wish to annouince the arrivaI of thieir chosen daujghter, Cindy Jo- Ann, on Fridlay, Januiary 2lst, 1966 CARD 0)F TIIANKS 1 wýould like to thank Dr. Mc- Kenzie, H-eather Rebekah Lodge, those who enquired about me and miy hîlarious friends for their cards. a-p Marvin Lulnn COMING EVENT The Orono HorrticLtural Society are hioldling1 their Annual Meeting and Pot Luck, Supper on Thursday January 27th at 6 p.m. in the lower United Chi-trcb.Auiditonrm Admission $1.00, which entitles you to your M«966 mcmbership. COMING EVENT The Orono Horticultural Society are holding their Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Supper on Thursday, January 27th at 6 pan. ini the lower United Church Auditoriumn. Admission $1.00, which entitles you ta your 9066 memibersi.. b-e NOTICE TO FAME SHAREHOLDERS A mass meeting of FAMÉShae_ holders will be held in Stratford, ýWednesday, February 2nd at 1:00 p.M. Any Durham County Share- hoîders desiring transportation nm"tco'ctWmn. Allin, New- castle or Allan McCamus, Cavan, not later than Saturday, January 29th. a-c <NOTICE Meat eut and wrapped for freez- ers. Caîl C. E. Miller, Orono 2233. WANTED flouse or apartment to ren"t bY February lst, 19466. Apply Box '500, OronO VWely T'imes. t-f NURSING HOME Oronio Nursing Homne has ac- commaodation for bed or uýp pa- ýtients Reasonable rates. Phone Orono 371. 51-c 1r12 Oronio Re-presetiin.e cjack Ricard REA LTOR I King St. E, Bomýanivlifl 6232ý503 Memiber Oshawa aind District Real E5st'i1,c Bard WANTED Girls figutre skates, size 7. Rug, for children's basemer playroomn. Please phone 1409, Orono. (Mr' K.)1 Dini Schoenmaker. F LOST Yoting. Border Colle, face hiall ýwhite and haif black. Please phone 22316. R. Rienstra, Orono. a-p ANNUAL MEETING Directors and Members Durhami Central Ag-riculturai Society Town Hall, Orono Saturday, January 29th - Presentation of finiancial state- ment, 195 Election of 1966 D)irec- tors. Ail members cordially inivit- ed to attend. FIREFIGUTERS WANTEI} by the Orono Fire Departmoilt lApp'ly in vwrîting, stating agle, tiD Fire Chief Ross M.\ercer, OrOiàO, Ontario. 8-C PIANO IVANTED Pi1ano wantect Wn good meehan- ic condtion White or contact the Orono Weekly Times, Orono, FOR TZîr yo S c0 o! NEXT COLLECTION DATE Sat., Feb. Sth PaPers are to Ibp tied and p1acetl at the cuirb by 9:00 a.m. for pick. Up. Fathers lire asked to assist wlth, the pick-up. PART-TIIWE RADIO TV REPAIRS -HI-FI - Stereo -Record Players -Antenxnas - Towers -PA System fo-r ýren AIl parts and, labour gýuaranteed H1AREY W1ERSMA Phono 17.1 Oronio lcscd lyur Ii Mlechanical Canirractor hoeNinstalls au nd gua cr anatees I CýARMA N PLUMBING -V4PG PlaONE 141

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