ORON~O WEEKIJY BehiindTh Orange Curtain "You cani't tell whèther ani the British Intelligence Depart- authoir is alive until hie is dead". mient provided background for bis -Walter Raleigh.i spy stories of World War 1. AltIhough 91-year oldi W. Somfexr- This use of bis expériences and etMý.ugh-an id o eeme elationships with people to fur- 16, 1965,- lis works wilL fPot die Inish material for his work was with lhim. but will live on for the ýthe mark of the truly professional enjoymnent of readers who appre- wvriter. He said of himself, "I i ciate good story-telling. have been interested Lu men iLu EýeneraI not for thçeir nwn sa, ii His mnost successful witinigs1 wýere these novels: "0f Human Bondige",. "The Moon and Six- pence", "Cakes an-d Aie," "The Razor's Edge." Ris short story, "Miss Thompsoni". hecame the stage and movie bit, "Rain". These aýre but a few of bis many wonks w;hieh madle imn a m1,ulti million- aire; hie wrote 25 pinys, M0 novels aLnd 120 short stories; he ended blis writing career witb l is mem- oirs "Looking Backward" Ln 1962. This entertaining story-teller wý,as born in Paris whiere his fatb- eýr was with the Bitishl Embassy. Orpbanied at an early age, bis edu- cation was conip!etedI in England; as a nmediCal slilgada ee internein,ïi a London slumi hos- pîtal. The,(se years of medical training inspiredi his nuitiobiog- raphical novel "0f Hman Býond.- aethe story of a young medical student in love with an uncaring- waitness. Maugbam'7s service witb. hut for the sake of my work."l Maughan B(oks at the Library Up at the Villa - A young widow chooses between duIl secuirity anid exciting1 risk Ln re-mrarriage. The -Makingý of a Saint - ani Ital- hi nobleman's tragic love set a- gainst a backg-round of political itguoppression and bloody Caaln -te cure of a crippled Spaniish ýgirl byý a divine miracle. Ashenden - World War 1 spy stories. The Razor's Edge - a youngAn enican seeks the mneaning of'li'fe ini mystic idia. (This was a Ty- ronie Power film hit). Twvo o f Maughiam's short stories "Lord Mlountdcragýo" and] "The Verger" are found in Costain'sý "Stories to Remember" and "More Stories to Remiem-rber". Dorothy Robinson OefloO.Oeon-oefl.nOeOOe<>ou.o.~.~,a.OOeooeoc,~s.o.~ .t fryour lhealth The first ;întjeet of vour PReg!itere2d Pliarmiacist is te npod your dco' presc riptionis wth professionai l peelsion .. to saýfeguaird your bealth. Shop At STTT'SPamc OJFi,2ONO.ONT. Local News Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zech ai-d fam- ily, Mr. and Mvrs. Ray Burgess,. Bownianville, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bunrgess, Mrs. Viola Smî-ith, Mrs. Aif Saunders spent Christmas atý Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kilpatricks. Mrn Fred Truli1 spent Christmas holidavs with bris daughter Mrs.1 Janes Canning, Mn. Canning nnidi famnily, Oshawa also vîsiting rela-l tives in Mimico anid Toronto. New Years Eve dinner guiestsh with MUr. andi Mrs. Jack Moffatî and family were Mn. Lawrence1 Squair, Salemi, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- manl Andrews and family, Mr. Fred Andrews, Cowanyille; Mr. and Mrs. Ruisseil Menrrili, -Mr. and Mns. AIf Jakeman, Mr. and Mrs. Hlanold MUoffat, Mr. and Mrs. Alec iMoffat and family. Mns. Jean Barr of Kingston, who spen-t Christmias week withMr a-nd MUrs. Alex Watson, returrned to ber hione on Sunday. Mr. aid Mnrs. Roy Fonrester and family lad ýiNew ,Years dinnur with Mr. and Mus. Ký-eith West andi New Years Day guests witb Mr. and Mirs . Carl Billings were Mn. and M-rs. Georgle Cole, Miss Lois Sherry, Port Hope; Miss Auidreyi Billings and Mr. Bill McNî,aul, of Osiaýwa; Mr. and Mrs, Alex Wnat- son, Ms Jean Barr, Mrs. Neil Porter, Mnr. and MUrs. Wayne Bail-' Ty, rs. H1arry Bailey, Mr. Carl Kimmnett and -Miss Lynui Bailey, Word was received this wek of the death of Mrs. J. F. 1,teven- son, a, former nesident of Chuircb StýDreet South, Orono. Mrs. Steven- son paissed away carly Tuiesday mioring in Scarborougl. The fuin- Charge SUNDAY, .IANUARV 9th, '.1966 CHIURICIHSERVICES Orono -- 11:15 a.m. Leskard -- 2 p.mi. Kirby -- 9:45 a.m. SUNDAY SCUQOOL Orono - 10 a. Leskard -10 a.m. Kirby 11il .m. Kirby ".Kirby" Public School, 1914, S. S. 14, - E. Pennl mcGarry, Teacher. Schlool Officers: MnI. Marr, MIr. Powers, Mr. Chapman. Pupils-. Zelîn Brown, Beatha Cochrane, Reta Brown, Thelma Brown, Marion Brown, SÏidney: Bond, Edward Copping, Jimmie Brown, Willie Wannan, Bessie Beacock,~ Velma Greenwood, Mar- Lon McKelvey, Winnie Wannan, Walter Quelch, Jack Hudson, Mil- toni Wannnn, Roy Powers, Maur- ice Poulter. This little booklet is n very precions souvenir. How many of us have stili got it? There are three of us stili living at Kirby. This is fifty years ago andi every year bias brought its change. First one family and then another go and so on1 unil now, the end of 1965, Mr. and. Mrs. Win. Wann)an and Ross have left us. Its not a; happy tboughbt for those wbo re- eral is fromn the M,,acDouigal-Brownvi FuIneral Home, Kingston Rond, Scarborougli at 13 p.m. Thurs- day, Jaiiuary 6th, 1966. rem-ain at Kirby,. For no matter whlere we travel there's no plaý, like Kirby, Our church bas stoodi-, the yTears but the school they sa,, only has a couple of years to cal'- ry on in the heart of Kirby and be 1,nown as S.S. No. 14. "Our Herýitage" Our heritage is a priceless thing~ IGold and riubies cann*>t attain Lt. our forefathers worked so hardi to bring That faith they had, bit by bi, To us, who, they knew would f ollew. They did not tire, but worked their strength to allow Us, to share somne of their won- drous Heritage. They knew there was nothing lu this world 0f so mnuch value, that is mustý not be lost. They buit stone upon stone we are told With strength andi unity was thie cost. This w,,ýonderful faith is our tri keep; So we miust labour too, that others mnay reap Alongý with -us, that priceleFs Hleritage. Th-is is Our Church----- R OYA L Bowmanville 623-51589 THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY - JANUARY 6, 7, 8 How To Stuff A WiîI1d Bikini (COLORý) Anniette Funicelo, Dwayne Hickmnan SUN. - iMON. - TUES. - WED. - .TANUARY 9, 10, 11, 12 None But The Brave (COLOR) Frank Sinatra, Clint Walker, Tommy Sands IAUEYCL,ý:I ANCE SALE PHONE 1JGU L ACCOSB M, '-cter IL. At mne Urne M2. iWheeers 19. Arab and'beat 20. Raice 21, TraelS8 un. Am. 25, Opponent 2 7. Liïqu'i d 281 A ig' residence P4 arn- aimal 35: ot SC Also SS. Kiud co 41. The Gui!, for amc 45. Fo 41, Amrpoout, 115Prpety 4. Self 15. Sc, i tar 6. Dcrtv river xnnuth 1.A b udd'4jy 13. To tak"e supper 15.,DDistress 21. Little cllld LAST WEEKS ANSWER Oileat 'nic -tea I qunntyity by - Lad ies' Dresses 1Regular $22.50 to $29.50 Sale Prîces -- $16.50 "'0 $22.50 Regular values to $21.50 Regular values to $17.95 7 only, Regular to $19,95 Your Choice -$14.95 Your Choice - 12,95 Youir Choice- $7'.95 ,,O..Oe(~OOOOOeOfOOOfOOnOûooosofoQ .o..oeOo.Oo.9fa.o.o~,.o..O Ladies Hiats Any ýof the balance of cor Fai and Winter ilats at one-haif the regular price. La dies' Jackets 2 ~ discount on any of our Ladies' Car ýCoats and