Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jan 1966, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSI)AY, Economy Dependent On Improved Educatiori Education has been cited by sources ir tn-e Economic Couincil of Canada 4Sý the mnost important feature ln Dr. Dcil maýýintainîng the growth of the goverame]i tLanadian economy and to create for educat l ig,her standard of living. does nots sibility be The counicil said iu its second the provin annual revjew that one step need- ngimmeit ateto is rapid,, The coi !usantial expansion of education general ne afe ight school so that no quai- up to date edstudient faces any financial qualificatic brirto higher educatiion. bour force -iih cholsand profes Atthe same time, hihseol and-c teaching should be improved "We rg rmm,îieîiately to the point where alCaînadians will have the chance terceive a secondary education. After taiga hard look at edu- cation in Canada and the Unrited Sttsas a fact1or in the economry, te review concluides that Cana- jias et consideýrabl1y less formaI dtio than Americans and 'irefst fligfarther behind. This seemned to be, an important ïeason1 for lower liigstandards and lowver produjctUiiy. Hiuman resources are the most ",mportant factor lu, a naqtîon's productivity. MKost flundamental of -1l in investing in humnan resour- --es is education. The review says attention must ,te focused on five main areas to dvneeducational levels: Gaps in high school facilities xeed to be closed wheer they are ~'srioslyinadequate' for some parts of the population and in ý,ome parts of the country. High school drop-outs must be 7reduced. More students must be ,,ept ln hili sehool to raise ,the -ate of high sehool graduation. Tremendous expansion ln uni- 1ýrsity and post-secondary techni- aisehool enrolment. Fatrdevelopmnent of post-gra- dutie faéifities at thle univjýersitY lee "heve ve at whih e have mnade least progressý to dlate ln th Canadian Educwationi system" - is needed for a shIarplyv-incrýeasing fl1ow of profeIssional andhihl zkilledi m-anjpower. Vigorous effo(rts are necessary to imiprove the quality and me- thocs of education. Intensified efforts in these cri- týical areas of education will re- qiuire a g«ret enlargement of re- MOgrQ7w,/eTE l i# mNe ' ieT Need A Loan? f so, first contact the rono-Dstr-ict Credit Union and learii of the mnany ad- vantages of üobta1inn Mon- ey from the local organiza- tion. CREDIT UNION Treas.-Mani., Angus Loucks Phione Ir10, Orono '1 utsch said it's up to the ýt wi th responsibility tion to act. The council suggest that this respon-, eshifted to Ottawa from Iclîal governiments. Lacil says also there is a led to upgrade and bring le the education and skill ions of the existing la- e, including management ssiorial work ers. recommend that the ad- vancemnent of edwuaiora at il I levels be given a very hidgh place in public pollcy, and that invest- ment ineducation be acvorded1 the higher rank in the seaue of prior- ities" Besides urging immnediate1 at- tention to expandling and improv- ing university and high sehool ed- ucation, the couincil cails for: 1.Vigorous efforts to up-grade teacher qualifications to imPprove the quality and mlethods of educa- tion. 2. loser co-operation among business, labour and the educa- tional system plus improved Lcounselling for students on future manpower needs and the most ef- fective ways of meeting these iPeeds. It's Value Check'd Lamb Week et Red & White 1 -PlECIALLY SELECTED "CHOICE PLUMP IMPORTED" IDEPAI 2, - - L!NG "Cho-ice Juicy- Thick Cut" r 1V MSL' N OE -Roat -Fry -Stew -lin FOR TASY REA - "ean- Frsh-ad î Sve 312c!rModerne L:arge Boxes Saveý 46! 15e- GISpraàcro instanit Coffee 6o.Jar Save Se! Fancy Quality Hâalves 5o.Tn GoId enPeDùa Ch eS3à,-7 'Ïïc Save 7c! Fa:icy Qualit'y 20-oz. Tins Apple Sauce 2 for 39C FROZEN FOODS 0F QUALTTY Save l2c! Morton's Tastyeef- Chieken, -Turkey 5f $1 Suprem BrandWhole 2-lb.Ba erL,-n e Co-r n 5 Sunshiine 1 Freslh Produce Crisp Red Melntosh Fancy 6 Qt. Basket APPLES Washed Cariy lO-oz. Cello Bag Spinach for39 Nu ritosadLeconomical No. 1 3-lb. Poly Dag Caroseach 2c Ontario Yellow No. 1 3-lb. I'olv Bag 2fàr3 c Save 6e! Fragrant Z-Cup 100 to Pkg. CROWJN Biscuit Features! 5 Varieties Fancy elopkgs. SUPREMEr BISCUITSJBýC Reg. 39c! Weston or Sunbeam CINNAMON SUGAR Loaf SValley View 2l.Sz For Icy Walks ... 5-lb. Sizeý Si,,fto Ice Si 9 BEST B1711 Save 5ec:HMAT AND SERIVE BEST BýJY! Save 29e! l-z ote BEST BUliY! Save 10e! UNT MARY'S 24-oz. Loaves g BEST EW Save 4k:! PRed &Wit1om 6-07, jar SLUED REAmD 5,-41 P EANUT Butter3c ý BES-T BUY! Sv 1r!ProtectI Vour Floors BEST BUY! Save 6!L IQUI 6-z.Plsic UPER WHITF 1-lb. Tin ï7,,ONO Choie APPLE zJUIC"E Large 48 oz. Tis 3dor$ Creamnery Butter l9b !k58 c onily at Cornishs' NOTICE Orono -Ilydro Consuiners In order to make alterations on power lines at Main St. an4 Park St., there will be an interruption of Hydro Service lu the north end of the Village. It will effect allU constumers north of Station St. The time will be 1:15 p.m. to 3:15 pn Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon, January llth or lZth. weather permitting.I We regret this inconvenience and request your co.operation. ORONO 1HYDRO E. DENT, Mgr. Excelsior De,Lutxe Pi 9

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